4 Minimus

by Pathofthorns 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    It is pretty pathetic for some people that claim they don't like the content/style/quantity of your threads and then to constantly dog you in them. I think it takes a decent measure of talent and thought to consistently post interesting questions that generate good responses and from the number of replies/reads you get per thread, I would say others think similarly.

    Even your critics cannot seem to resist opening and reading what you write. Personally, I think they are jealous and frustrated that simple questions generate more interest here than their long well-researched essays.

    Don't get me wrong and think that I feel these essays don't have their time and place and that they aren't beneficial to people. I just think there also is a certain depth to the more simple things sometimes that some refuse to acknowledge. Simple questions often generate complex responses, but more importantly they get people thinking and talking and expressing their own thoughts on a matter, instead of just high-fiving someone for a well-researched essay.

    From what I have seen, it is not just the lists of endless facts on why the WT is wrong that helps people break free of the grip of this "religion". It is also the constant discussion of what seem to be obvious and commonsense things to us but what represent a real struggle to others. I think well-worded simple questions are extremely effective in getting people to see the obvious flaws and it is important for them not to just read someone else's research but to think and hear themselves admit the obvious.

    You obviously do not seem to be discouraged by the constant cheapshots made against you and your handling of these has been impressive. Hopefully you can keep holding your ground without sinking to the same low level as some of your critics.


    PS... You might want to consider getting a separate email account for this board so people can correspond privately with you. The amount of "hate-mail" generated is pretty minimal and I'm sure there are individuals that are struggling with JW issues that would prefer to contact you for assistance and advice instead of the bitter and angry "intellectual" ones.

  • Prisca

    *high-fives Path* lol....

    Seriously, I think Minimus' questions are interesting and they often prompt a good discussion. With me, they often provoke long-forgotten memories and help me discover things about myself that I might have taken for granted.

    Keep em coming, minimus. I enjoy your threads.

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    Yeah, just keep posting & I'll keep coming.

    A big pooh-pooh to those who say boo !!!!!!

  • larc

    I agree, I really like the questions that Minimus poses. They lead to some very interesting discussions.

  • minimus

    Thank you very much. I appreciate that.

  • Shakita

    Hi Minimus(I am sure you will be reading this)

    I have always enjoyed your threads. It really makes me sad to see how some people on this board will beat up on others. If this is all done in fun, I just don't get it! It doesn't sound funny to me!

    I went on a school trip to Philadelphia this past week with my child's class. Being a chaperone on a school trip is like being a referee in a boxing match with pygmies! No, really, I had a really great time! Saw the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Ben Franklins Museum(place where his house stood), all in all it was a very nice time. But.......you always end up having a kid or two on these trips who just drives you crazy! In the beginng you try to ignore this kid who seems to need some medication of some kind, but after this kid tries to behead the little quiet respectful kid with glasses, you must intervene and pull the bully aside and say "Knock it off. I will not except this kind of behavior."

    My point is.......there will always be bullies who will try to abuse the quiet and respectful kid ......... I suggest you do what every mom does when confronting a bully......"Tell them to "go to hell"..........Opppps.......edit that..........tell them to "Knock it off."

    Just my opinion, of course, for which I will probably be persecuted for......

    Mrs. Shakita

    Edited by - shakita on 8 November 2002 8:33:16

  • Angharad

    I also enjoy minimus's questions which usually lead to an interesting discussion.

    If you dont like the questions no one is forcing you to read the thread!

  • jack2

    I've wondered how minimus keeps coming up with the questions....I think and think and think, and I can't come up with some of the good queries he has posted.

    Pretty amazing for a dancing piece of candy, or whatever that is in his avatar.

  • scumrat

    No dis-respect to minimus.

    His questions are thought provoking. However, I rarely respond because most of his topics brings me back to a place I want to forget.


  • pettygrudger

    Winston Churchill said "Little men use big words, big men use little words"
    Most people's issues regarding the JW's don't revolve around the deep doctrinal issues. They deal with loss of friends, family, independent thinking and other "emotional" based elements.; Minimus' threads give many an avenue to actually post a comment and state their opinion. ; This is therapy for alot of us. Sure most times it doesn't lead to a huge life altering debate, but it does help us take the steps we need to think for ourselves. This is more important to me than all the doctrinal discussion put together
    Ifind doctrinal discussions interesting, but would never dare interject a thought usually. Too scary - they'd be on me like flies on sh*t. But, on threads such as Minimus', I find a type of thread that I can feel comfortable having a say....so keep um up Minimus - you are much appreciated & needed here too.

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