Back again!!

by Sweetp0985 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sweetp0985

    Back again since about 10yrs ago. Last year attended the International Convention in New Orleans and was feeling some type of way afterwards. Went to a couple of meetings and then the thrill was gone. Just went to the convention this past weekend in New Orleans and was ready to go by Friday afternoon. But stayed because of my mom needing me there with her.

    Been contemplating just going back for the hell of it. But after re-reading some of the topics on here im rethinking that. Been visiting other religions over the years but always feel that sense of "comfort" at the KH even tho that same place has been the source of much pain. Anybody else ever went back just for the hell of it or missing "friends/family" from years ago? How was it? Oh forgot to mention I'm df, been out for almost 20yrs. Seems like every couple of years I get this weird urge to go back.

  • C0ntr013r

    Maybe nostalgia? You have nice old memories and you want to relive "that" again. Usually the feeling is short lived, because it is not how we remembered it anymore. We remember all the good parts and miss them. It is the same thing with childhood memories. Nostalgia is one of the big things that bring people back to play World of Warcraft with each expansion, but the feeling is often short lived.

    I don't personally play but it is a example of fascinating psychology.

  • DJS

    Welcome back! To sanity we hope. Possible reasons you continue to be drawn to the Dark Tower:

    • Masochist
    • Brain Dead Zombie
    • Opium (Religion telling you what to do and making you feel good) Addict
    • Ambition-less Drone Lacking Social and Psychological Skills to Compete in Today's World and commiserating with the Dubs feels comfortable and non-threatening
    • A part of you is hedging that they may be right (which is the scariest reason of all) and you fear the Big "A"
    • All of the Above

    Just kidding. Welcome back.

  • LostGeneration

    I miss a few of the people from time to time.

    The content offered though is beyond awful in every way imaginable. A root canal is preferable.

  • CalebInFloroda

    I've never had the urge to go back, and it's been about 20 years for me too.

    For me I have interpreted some of that "comfort" feeling I once had in the Watchtower religion as selfishness on my part. Part of the JW "charm," if you can call it that, is appealing to the ego and making people feel "happy"...or at least teach them to believe that what they are experiencing is happiness.

    I took a long look at myself and saw I was being selfish and self-centered, and that this religion was in reality encouraging me to be this way. It "pats you on the back," so to speak, convincing you that your powers of reason are somehow bright enough or enlightened more so in some way as to have equipped you to make a remarkable discovery: The Truth. How clever I was to know how to identify the one true religion. How smart I was to learn the "Truth" and suddenly be more brilliant than the rest of the world (even scholars), and now I was a member of a select few who will ever enjoy a "truly happy and satisfying" life.

    The literature we used and the introductions we employed in field service appealed to the self-centered: how can you be truly happy? How can you have life that is truly happy and satisfying? How can you be sure that you are in the true religion and how can you ensure that you will find salvation?

    You, you, you! It's all about how "you" can enjoy happiness, find "truth" and make sure you get eternal life. It's about satisfying our needs, serving G-d for a reward, being in the true religion so we survive the doom that is's all self-serving.

    There are no ministries or humanitarian efforts to help society at large. The neutrality issue is an excuse to not put effort to fight for justice on behalf of those who cannot fight for themselves, to seek justice for the marginalized, to ensure justice for the abused. And that religion is a good personal excuse to write others off as unworthy of our care, time, and deep interest.

    It was selfish. It was about saving me, not really saving others. And everybody else who was there was after the same thing: saving nĂºmero uno! If you get in their way they will push you aside. If there's even a chance you are "questionable," you are shunned. They cannot wait for the world and its inhabitants and their children to die and their lifeless bodies to rot. They look forward to that day because it is a selfish religion.

    It made me just as selfish, just as self-centered and self-concerned. It made me believe that the goal of religion was to have a happy life. It gave me an excuse for not contributing to society while demanding that society give me freedoms and right I wanted and believed were owed me. That is the make-up of a bad person. I was this bad person.

    Some of the people in the org may be kind, and we might miss their company and those friendships. But if that is the only or main reason to return and be a part of this destructive religion, then that shows we are being selfish. Even their disfellowshipping arrangement is made to make people think selfishly: I miss the people, I want their company, me, me, me. Serving G-d for me and because I want to be happy is not serving anyone but me.

    I can't say your experience is the same and that I am speaking for any others. But I knew that remaining there or ever returning would keep me the same self-centered person that religion encouraged me to be. I don't miss that person I was, so I never looked back.

  • Sweetp0985

    thanks to all of you for your comments....

    DJS YES!!! that small part of me that never stops thinking "what if they're right". Can't erase it out of my head hard as I try. Even with all the disagreements I have with their propaganda. smh

    I'm sure this nostalgia will end soon. I recently moved and my Uncle(elder) gave KH in new area my address to call on me. So I've been constantly coming home to tracks and invites left on my door because I'm usually at work. Eventually they will stop coming by.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Maybe nostalgia? You have nice old memories and you want to relive "that" again.

    We've gone through that phase. Went back for the Memorial and a few meetings. It's not like what one remembers. Especially now if you're a "weak, inactive, lost sheep".

    A part of you is hedging that they may be right

    But we haven't gone through that phase. There is SO MUCH WRONG with the JWs that they cannot "be right".


  • StrongHaiku

    Sweetp0985, like other posters, I empathize for those familiar feelings. For what is worth, here is what I do:

    I spend all of the time (I would have spent in the Organization) refining my work/craft, learning about the Universe, making friends, being with someone I love, enjoying life, etc.? The one cure to that feeling is to go make new memories

    Lastly, a long time ago, I used to get that feeling of "what if they're right?" (basically Pascal's wager). Here is how I deal with it - I DON"T CARE IF THEY ARE RIGHT. The God of the Bible they represent and their Organization is immoral. I'm better than their God. And, if he is exists, I'm good with the idea of dying knowing I had the moral high-ground.

  • Diogenesister
    There are no ministries or humanitarian efforts to help society at large. The neutrality issue is an excuse to not put effort to fight for justice on behalf of those who cannot fight for themselves, to seek justice for the marginalized, to ensure justice for the abused. ]

    And don't forget the whole 'the universe was created for us humans, animals suffer because we sinned they don't matter we ARE THE WORLD 'ideology behind the whole JW thought process. Its so bloody CONCIETED!!! All the creator of billions of galaxies (maybe even universes) cares about is whether you managed to place a magazine today.Or whether you wear a pair of leggings to go running.


  • LisaRose

    It is sometimes inviting to go back to the comfort of the familiar. Obviously there are good parts of the JW experience, the fellowship (sometimes anyway), the feeling of belonging, etc. Of course there are all kind of negatives too, or you wouldn't have left.

    I have read that people tend to be risk adverse, they fear a negative outcome more than they desire a positive experience. Advertisers use this to their advantage in selling everything from life insurance to security services, the Watchtower uses it too. Our brains are hard wired to that particular thought processes, what if they are right? What if they are right? Better be safe than sorry. But your brain is actually tricking you, seeing the risk as more than it is and minimizing the odds of it being wrong.

    So don't accept your brains first, fear based response. What are the odds they are right? Really, anybody can take the bible and make some correlation to current events, and pretend some insider knowledge, it's not hard. People have been doing that since the bible was written. The question is, what makes the Watchtower any different than any other doomsday cult? It's shaky interpretation, based on a date for the fall of Jerusalem that is not supported by the facts. No bible scholar believes Jerusalem fell when the Watchtower says it did.

    The Watchtower thought the end would be 1897, 1914, 2925, 1975, and now still says the end is soon. Why would anyone think they are right this time? Don't fall for it.

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