Back again!!

by Sweetp0985 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • DarioKehl

    Speaking about my personal situation, I can't blame anything on nostalgia. There's no nostalgia left. Since 2008, look at how much it's all changed in the big rebranding to JW dot bOrg.

    The kingdom songs suck and are creepy as hell. Any of the good ol' familiar classics I used to fall asleep to on cassette as a little kid have been utterly gutted and changed for the worst. Now it's all creepy cults mormony droning that wigs me out and convinces me, "run! get out of here!" every time I return to a big event (memorial/convention).

    They've gutted the only remaining positive happy past time of book studies in private homes (with "goody nights" once month).

    They've dumbed down the literature into flimsy rags.

    The NNWT doesn't sound the same.

    The cartoons are so heavy-handed with the guilt/fear child indoctrination bullshit. I'd rather look at bloody pics in my bible story book than be guilted out of my ice cream money or think a laughing snake will descend from the ceiling if I play with the wrong toy. (Will Caleb and Sophia grow with their toddler/tween fan base like Harry potter, or will they stay the same age like Bart & lisa Simpson? Only reason I ask is, I can't wait until they're teenagers and Caleb gets DF'ed for getting a handy from a worldly girl at school because you KNOW they're gonna have an episode where both those kids get dunked in holy water real soon!)

    The whole JW logo idol worship and brand name

    "Happy" videos

    Science denial

    hugely homophobic rants from the gb

    actually SEEING these GB guys for who they really are (I mean, Lett?!? REALLY??? Come ON!)

  • kaik
    I do not have urges to come back at all. I am out for 21 years, and I do not miss it. In first year, I felt bad for skipping memorial, but I realized that I am not the anointed so, the memorial does not associate with me as I do not partake.
  • berrygerry

    Being in the WTS clutches in like catching herpes (oral or genital).

    It doesn't always surface, but it can never be removed.

    Certain triggers may activate it.

  • Vidiot

    Sweetp0985 - "...that small part of me that never stops thinking 'what if they're right'. Can't erase it out of my head hard as I try."

    This works pretty well for me: the (admittedly unlikely) event that the WTS were given control of a small country, I guarantee you that within a decade, democracy and free speech would be nonexistent, any form of alternative sexual expression would be criminalized, creationism would be mandated in schools, disfellowshipped individuals would be stripped of citizenship and imprisoned or deported, and convicted "apostates" would be sentenced to death with no possibility of appeal or reprieve.

    Now picture a post-Apocalyptic regime like that encompassing the entire planet... forever.


    "If they're right", l'll take destruction at Armageddon with my family.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    I tried attending about 15-20 years ago but what I found it was the same tired old message, the end is very short brothers and sisters, these are urgent times. The same BS i heard 40 years ago. The last time I attended was about 5 or 10 years ago because my elderly mother needed a ride to the memorial. Well sometimes you do things for loved ones you don't like.
  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    They've gutted the only remaining positive happy past time of book studies in private homes (with "goody nights" once month).

    I remember when the District and Circuit conventions were fun because of the food service and volunteering for the food service. It actually broke up the monotonous talks. Now you don't even have that to look forward to, just 4 to 5 hours of boring talks a day that everyone is falling asleep to.

  • Sweetp0985

    You guys are all so right. I remember the lil cartoon about the girl and her ice cream money. I was saying lil girl go get your ice cream. And seems like they keep going back and changing their own books. Esp when they changed the bible I was surprised. And yes the few songs that had a tiny bit of umph are now gone.

    But since posting this I've listened/read some very interesting things on YouTube that was a eye opener. "Johnny" the bethellite was one. Basically using these believers for free labor. $90 a month c'mon!!!

    Had a non-JW family member get married recently and JW fam was there. I couldn't help but feel some hatred for how they've ruined my life as far as relationship with my JW mom and now df dad. But that's all a post for another day.

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