Violence, shown to pedophile

by gumby 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • gumby

    Before I begin I want to state that I NEVER would advocate this type of behavior.

    Farkel used a hypothetical situation of a little girl named suzy of which dna evidence of a perpetraitor showed she was molested by a certain man. He got off the hook because there was not two witnesses.

    My question is:
    Has anyone heard of a parent, family, or friend of a victim, losing it, and taking matters in their OWN hands and taking care of this guy THEIR OWN WAY? In other words....beating the crap out of him?
    I can't help but believe this must happen some times. Again....this would be wrong!

    We are all human and sometimes our emotions overide good reasoning.

    Any examples you know of? How do you think YOU would react?

  • ashitaka

    I would murder any man who touched my family. Murder. And hopefully, it would be a painful murder. But, I don't consider that 'cold blood', I just think it's just.

    There actually was a case where a boy was raped by a little leauge coach, and the father killed the bastard at the airport, right on the 5 oclock news. Shot him in the head. You could hear the cops shouting, "NO, (father's name) NO!" as he shot the guy.

    Personally, I'd like to thank that guy for ridding the earth of a real piece of shit.


  • gumby

    Hey ashitkicker,

    I can see the father doing that. I was wondering if there were any DUB experiences. I'm sure there have been. I don't know if I would kill someone butt...................

  • shera

    I would for sure freak and take it into my own hands and report it.I'm not really sure what I'd do and I hope I never have to find out.I know I would feel like killing that person but I would think of my children and how it would effect them if they lost a parent because of my actions.A person is capable of doing much ,when they snap and when you protect your child.

  • RubyTuesday

    I wanted to kill my niece's rapist. One day I saw him in a van and started chasing him. This is in the San Franciso area at 5:00 rush hour. It is really weird but it was like i got some sort of tunnel vision and all i could see was his van. I weaved in and out af traffic like a bat out of hell...I have no Idea how i did'nt cause an accident or get in one.He finally got away near Santa Cruz..about an hour later.I have never been in such a rage in all my life!! I was really going to kill him!

  • TR

    I'm with Ashi and Ruby on this one. I saw the same incident Ashi spoke of on the news.

    Me: In Jail

    perv: Dead or in hospital

    End of story.


    Edited by - TR on 4 November 2002 12:27:55

  • TR

    I do remember a "brother" saying once that while he lived in Arizona, a group of "friends" took a molester out into the remote desert and killed him.

    We were talking about protecting our kids. It was about 10 or eleven years ago. We both agreed to do the same if it ever happened to our own kids.


  • LB

    Had this discussion with several JW's back when I was one. Most said they would take matters into their own hands. I certainly would have.

    I have an interesting story about something similar though. When my wife was a Safeway Checker a man came into her line to make a purchase. He was shadowed by a women that started telling everyone that this man molested her daughter. She had fliers will all the case information which she handed out to everyone in sight. She said she would stalk him until he was back in prison or ran away. He just hung his head low and didn't say a word.

    He left and she followed him outside, got into her car and drove away behind him. Seems she has a new hobby. Non violent and very effective.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    I agree with T.R. and the others on this one. Murder would be too easy though! He should be tortured first!

  • gumby

    Ya know, with all of the cases their are of this within the JW community, it would seem someone who would have posted a newspaper article where a JW went off on a JW perv, who got off scott free.

    I would have expected some stories like from a newspaper article or something which reads "JW attacks a fellow member in Kingdom Hall and charged with assault".

    I'm surprised it doesn't happen often.

    Maybe it does and the stories are on the REAL dub sites.They would jump at a story like this.....but would we of them. (Only we..... have a valid excuse)

    Edited by - Gumby on 4 November 2002 14:17:47

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