What really irritates you?

by SpannerintheWorks 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Yep, the ones at the store wait until the last minute to get out the credit card or check book, irritate me too. Once in awhile I will see a woman write out everything on the check except the amount until it comes up. Now that is the way to do it. What I find to be even worse, is the woman who waits until the total is announced and she fishes through her purse for bills, then she rumages around for the change. No, the change is not in a change purse. It is randomly distributed in a purse that is packed with everything needed for female survival. I had a new one today at the grocery store. The woman in front of me got her receipt, walked forward about a foot and studied the bill to she if she got all of the sale discount prices, as marked. All I could do is wait, because she did not give me enough room to move my cart in place. I really did want to run my cart over her.

  • DakotaRed

    For those that asked, I'm a guy and do all my grocery shopping myself, and write checks. I rarely carry much cash. However, I prewrite as much as possible before getting to the checkout.

    All the things listed also irritate me, but add;

    Getting flipped off for stopping and letting someone ito traffic (by the very person you let in, no less)

    People who complain their car is a piece of junk, but never maintain it.

    Kids who blast their car stereos at five million decibels late at night and full bass.

    People who forward emails a bazillion times, adding even more arrows to the text and making it almost impossible to read.

    People who never correct their children and let them wander about aimlessly.

    People who complain when someone does try to correct their children.

    Someone who tries to impress me, instead of just being themselves.

    Hearing how wonderful the Watchtower is, when they obviously aren't.

    Lew W

  • Tinkerbell4125

    1. People who hold grudges and aren't compassionate.

    2. People who whine about their situation and never do anything about it.

    3. People who talk about their health/ailments all the time.

    4. People who are inconsiderate and rude.

    5. People who gossip.

    6. Jehover Witnit's and hypocrites

    7. People who don't take care of their children and their pets.

    Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 2 November 2002 16:51:21

  • Preston

    You know those old "philosophy" people? Like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle? They're full of crap. Ohhhhh, sure! They spent puh-lenty of time musing about "the meaning of life, love and our purpose in the universe." However! They were just sitting on their fat toga-draped patooties when it came to answering the most important question of all: "Why are those people so STUPID?"

    Frankly, I don't give a holy handshake about my "purpose." The way I figure it, I'm just here to fawk some shit up! And while that may be noble, it's hard to do when I'm preoccupied with wondering, "Why are those people so STUPID?"

    And you know the people I'm talking about, right? Those idiots in the grocery store who park their big-ass carts in the MIDDLE of the aisle. Or those people driving in front of you at a creeping 10 mph, unable to decide if they should turn on this street or the next one.

    Yeah, it's those kind of people.

  • Bendrr

    Idiot drivers who pay more attention to their cell phone conversation than driving, and sometimes end up going too slow in the left lane.

    Traffic lights that are very close together and out of sync. I have to deal with a group of 5 of them on my way to and from work. They're not on timers, they're all triggered by vehicles on the side streets. That may have been fine 10 or 15 years ago, but traffic on that street is now very heavy and there is a constant flow coming off the side streets. Which means stopping at one light, taking off when it turns green, having to stop at the next one less than 100 feet away, and repeat the process for the other 3 lights.

    People who play the lottery in convenience stores and hold up the line while they read off a list of numbers instead of using the playslips. I usually say something when that happens like "this ain't a casino" or "there's other people in line here".

    When I'm in uniform in a store or restaurant and people start asking me about a problem with their car or worse want me to come outside and look at the car right then and there. I just have to bite my tongue and go along with that one because if I'm in uniform I'm "representing the company" as the brass puts it. Besides, I can get them to come to the shop and spend money so....

    Radio Shack wanting my address and phone number every time I come in the store. But I don't give them out and that really irritates them so I guess we're even.

    Oh don't get me started complaining. It's the weekend and I've even got Monday off so I'm in a good mood. Let's keep it that way!


    Edited by - bendrr on 2 November 2002 16:56:52

  • Iwasyoungonce

    Telemarketers-I don't like them. I do not need what they are selling....

    I don't like them.

    I don't like getting the same call day after day for the same useless blabering about wanting to sell me a load of nothing for about 59.95

    My favorite lines to them are:

    Does your product get bloodstains out of carpet?

    If someone is in your house and you shoot them it's self defense right?

    Do you guys sell this crap to each other.

    I do not take calls on Sunday. When they say it is not Sunday ask them how they know where you are. It might be Sunday somewhere and on Sundays you do not take calls.

    Call back in an hour. Repeat as needed.

    Let my kids talk.

    Ask (If it is AT&T) Do you have that friends and family program. I don't have enough friends. Go on and on about how lonely you are; Ask them if they will be your friend.

    Tell a person that they have been very rude to you and you are very angry and want to talk their supervisor. Then tell the supervisor how wonderful the person is and you can't wait to get "it." Then hang up.

    Ask them what else they are selling today. Repeat this line.

    Tell them to be firm and explain why you NEED this stuff. Coach them to be affermative. Then decline.

  • neyank

    Drivers that drive like crazy to get in front of you and then slow down.

    People that constantly complain but don't do anything to solve the problems.

    People that throw cigarete buts out the windows of cars.
    I guess they don't wany to dirty thier ashtray.

    Spoiled kids. For that matter, spoiled adults too.

    Unapreciative people that think everything should be handed to them.

    People that think they know everything.

    People that put thier trash out days before trash day only to have animals tear the trash apart and get it all over the neighborhood.


  • Shakita

    I agree with iwasyoungonce-TELEMARKETERS!!!!!

    Not getting my check on time!

    And, number one irritation-people who smack their lips and say "Ahhhhhhhh" after taking a drink!

    Mrs. Shakita(who might be back later with more)

  • Tinkerbell4125

    I thought of one more!

    People who *know it all* and control freaks.

  • Shakita

    Oh yea...........PEOPLE WHO HOG THE REMOTE CONTROL!!!!!!

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