Amazing Vegemite Facts

by Mackin 19 Replies latest social humour

  • Mackin

    For the benefit and edification of all the non-Australasian readers of this board I submit the following:

    Edited by - Mackin on 1 November 2002 15:48:10

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Thanks for all that information Mackin....and did you know it is now american owned?? LOL

    Just ask Dick Smith the electronics geezer, he kicked up a stink about it...and now he has his own line of products. I don't think they are taking off that well, consumers tend to stick to what they know regardless of who owns it.


  • Satanus

    It strongly resists water and provides superior protection against rust and corrosion.

    Maybe it would be good for the health of my truck. It tends to rust.


  • Matty

    I love Vegemite, I really don't understand people who say it's disgusting, i.e. most of my family!

  • Scully

    I don't care if it's supposed to be "good" for you. I won't touch stuff like that with a barge pole.

    Love, Scully

    PS: What I really wanted to know about Vegemite is what they put in it!

  • ozziepost

    Mrs Ozzie and I wouldn't leave home without it!

    D'ya think you might edit the title of the thread for spelling, Mack?

    Oh, you Kiwis, when will you ever learn????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    I am assuming it is similar in taste to Marmite ?

    My cousin used to work in a factory that processed yeast extract for these food types. He spent his day in huge vats with a wooden paddle scraping brown gunk off the walls and popping it onto trays. This yeast extract was then sold to companies who make such products.

    Now I love the taste, but my cousin told me that it nearly makes him vomit after working at the plant ....

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    I am assuming it is similar in taste to Marmite ?

    My cousin used to work in a factory that processed yeast extract for these food types. He spent his day in huge vats with a wooden paddle scraping brown gunk off the walls and popping it onto trays. This yeast extract was then sold to companies who make such products.

    Now I love the taste, but my cousin told me that it nearly makes him vomit after working at the plant ....

  • Matty

    Dizzy Cat, Marmite is much more concentrated than Vegemite and should be spread much more sparingly. A ustralians often say they don't like Marmite. I wonder if it's because they initially think it's the same and then spread it too thickly. Anyone who does this will get a nasty shock!

  • Mackin

    Hey there Ozzie: I edited the title spelling just for you.


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