Would You Like Milk with That Cookie?

by teenyuck 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • amac

    dubla -

    and ill again point out that the child claimed to be forced into breastfeeding

    Actually, it was the babysitter who said this so it is only second hand to the authorities. The mother states that it was of his own free will and the article does not give any reports of the authorities saying otherwise. Below is the clip I refer to:

    his babysitter thought differently and called a child-abuse hotline after Kyle then 5 years old and in the first grade allegedly said he wanted to stop breast-feeding but "Mommy wouldn't let me."
    I'm not really interested in discussing the morals of breast feeding older children. I am interested in a government agency that strips a mother of her child for 6 months. The fact that they returned the child should tell you that someone realized it was a mistake. Court mandated counseling I would agree with, but taking a child away for breastfeeding too long?!?!?! That is ridiculous.
  • dubla


    The mother states that it was of his own free will and the article does not give any reports of the authorities saying otherwise.

    really? you mean the mother didnt come right our and tell the authorities that she forced him into it? wow, what a shock. the fact is, the babysitter reported it, just like your quote shows, and THATS most likely why he was taken into custody, NOT because of the age issue as you keep imagining. now, who knows what happened next. maybe the authorities asked the boy if it was true, and maybe he was too scared to tell the truth once he was seperated from his mother. who knows? its a scared little 8yr old boy......and no one will ever know the real truth. the mother denied it, and thats good enough for you....thats all you had to say.

    The fact that they returned the child should tell you that someone realized it was a mistake.

    and the fact that they released oj and found him innocent of all charges should tell you that someone realized he didnt do it. youre basically saying that since they couldnt prove the mother had bad intentions, and they decided to give the child back, that the mother must certainly be innocent of any wrongdoing.

    Court mandated counseling I would agree with, but taking a child away for breastfeeding too long?!?!?!

    again, as YOUR own quote shows, the child abuse hotline was called (and subsequent actions were taken), because the child told the babysitter that the mother was FORCING him to breastfeed, NOT because he was "breastfeeding too long". obviously you cannot comprehend the difference.


  • Xena

    Course the babysitter could have been a closeminded prude and determined on her own that it was eeewwwwwww and the kid obviously HAD to be forced....confronted him and made him feel uncomfortable and embarressed about it...but that never entered your mind did it? We don't KNOW exactly what happened do we?

    *sigh* some people just don't like anything that goes against what they think is right and normal...sorry I don't think like that...

    How old is to old to breastfeed? I guess that is up to the mom and child....not you and not me...does that answer your question?

  • dubla


    but that never entered your mind did it? We don't KNOW exactly what happened do we?

    sure, that could have happened, and to answer your question yes that entered my mind. its all speculation, admittedly, i was just saying that was most likely WHY the authorities acted. they act on reports, not always on substantiated "proof". have i said the authorities acted correctly in this case? please find one of my statements saying that i was in complete approval of the child being taken from the mother. i havent even given my opinion on that part of it, ive only said WHY the child was taken.....which is most likely because of the reported forced breastfeeding. like i said in my last post, "who knows" what really happened? i guess you felt the need to reiterate my "who knows" question.

    *sigh* some people just don't like anything that goes against what they think is right and normal...sorry I don't think like that...

    i imagine you DO think like that....just with selective issues, depending on the shock factor. to go back to one of my previous posts......you probably dont think having sex with sheep is right and normal, do you? so if you saw a man getting arrested for it, would you simply say "think outside the box people, and dont simply judge by what you think is right and normal!!" your line just doesnt happen to be the same as some of the other posters on the subject, myself included.

    How old is to old to breastfeed? I guess that is up to the mom and child....not you and not me...does that answer your question?

    no, but it gets around it nicely....as did bgs attempted response. my question was about your personal opinion on what would be too old. if youre saying you dont have an opinion, then say that, and i can then assume that you would approve of a 30 yr. old man breastfeeding. if you just dont wish to give your opinion, then say that. but saying its up to the mother has nothing to do with your opinion. i think you knew that when you answered though.


  • Xena

    you speculated...I never said you outright said anything...lol prove I did prove it...

    Sex with sheep? hey if the sheep doesn't mind why should I?

    I can tell you I *probably* would have breast-fed my daughter till about 2 1/2 or 3. (for medical reasons I had to quit at 18 months) Is that what you wanted to hear? BUT I would not form a judgement of anyone else whether they decide not to breastfeed at all or if they decide to breastfeed longer than that.

    I also had a home birth with a midwife *shrug* some people had "issues" with that.....you can't please everyone can ya?

    Different people have different needs and different ideas of what works for them....try and wrap your mind around that concept before you judge others from your personal perspective.

  • dubla


    you speculated...

    yeah, we both did....thats all any of us can really do considering the "facts" of the case.

    Sex with sheep? hey if the sheep doesn't mind why should I?

    lol.....and you got my point there i take it.

    Is that what you wanted to hear? BUT I would not form a judgement of anyone else whether they decide not to breastfeed at all or if they decide to breastfeed longer than that.

    no, it wasnt what i "wanted" to hear....not how long you would personally breastfeed. i think everyone, you included, realizes what i was asking, and no one wants to back themselves into a corner by giving an honest answer. thats perfectly fine, i think we all get it. i understand that you dont judge someone on whether or not their child of 8 is too old or not to breastfeed. perhaps my judgement of that particular age is too harsh....its just my opinion. youre entitled to yours, and i dont think youre "wrong" because of it, we just dont agree. but.....there IS an age where you WOULD form a judgement on someone else....and you know this is true. if this article were about a 17 yr. old, you cannot honestly sit here and tell me you wouldnt form a judgement, and that its just "different peoples needs", and "what works for them", could you? maybe you could, i dunno. if so, i guess id then realize how pointless discussing any of this with you has been. to me, its not near as deep and problematic of an issue (the fact that some think its gross) as it seems to be with the "supporters". some of us think its disgusting, and others think we are just way to judgmental with that opinion. oh well.......like you said, you cant please everyone.


  • Xena

    tell you what....you find me a 17 year old who is still breastfeeding and I will then give you my opinion of THAT particular case....but if you look at the article I posted you will find that 8 years old is not considered excessive in some cultures and to some people...and at this point we were discussing an 8 year old not a 17 year old....

    lol sorry I can't give you the kudos you appear to require to make it ok to be repulsed by this woman....

    BTW you did ASK and had a cow because no one answered you... so I answered...now don't go getting all pissy with me if you don't like what I have to say and start with the "it's all just pointless" cause we don't agree...I was willing to let it go a LONG time ago dude...

  • Xena

    I'm sorry dubla that last comment was kinda bitchy wasn't it? How about we just agree to disagree on this subject?

    Breastfeeding was a big issue for me because of the grief I got over it from some people so my hackles tend to rise a bit when people eeewwwww at it in any way shape or form....


  • dubla

    oh xena.....youre a nice girl and weve talked many times before. i wasnt trying to get pissy with you, and the only reason i said it would be pointless is if you thought any age was acceptable for breastfeeding (i.e., 17).

    lol sorry I can't give you the kudos you appear to require to make it ok to be repulsed by this woman....

    oh, i dont need any kudos to be repulsed by this woman, and i dont care if you think its okay or not. im not the only one who thinks this woman has some serious issues thinking its okay to breastfeed until the teenage years.....shes got a few screws loose, period, paragraph.

    BTW you did ASK and had a cow because no one answered you... so I answered...

    *sigh*.....round and round we go. i did ask, and i did think it was funny no one answered. you still have yet to answer the specific question, and again, i think you know that. just so you cant claim confusion, here is the question, again (clarified): at what age would you personally consider it disgusting to still be breastfeeding? the question is not, "xena, when would you stop breastfeeding?", and the question is not, "xena, when do you think this mother should stop breastfeeding?" really, in the end all points have been made, and youve made mine for me without ever answering it......and im not really that concerned with your answer at this point. the fact that everyone sidestepped it several times and tried to revert the conversation back to "thinking outside the box" is enough for me.


    Edited by - dubla on 8 November 2002 12:16:5

    Edited by - dubla on 8 November 2002 12:16:57

  • dubla

    that last post was made before i saw your last one, lol.......yeah, agreeing to disagree was what i was trying to say before when i said you werent wrong for your opinion on it. i can see why you get upset by the subject, its understandable. you see, this particular woman, in my mind, has more issues than simply breastfeeding up to 8....the fact that she thinks that the teenage years might be the cutoff is my cue for an "ewww", you know? but again, agreeing to disagree is cool......and friends of course .


    Edited by - dubla on 8 November 2002 12:12:13

    Edited by - dubla on 8 November 2002 12:14:53

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