Creepy True Story

by PopeOfEruke 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    One time I was at a seminar for a "new age subject" in Portland. Well the whole time the instructor was speaking I thought I saw what looked like a silhouette of someone next to them. Although it was not dark, in fact it was more whitish looking then the background. I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me, and then the speaker stepped down and it was still there. I walked up to it during the break and it started moving away and someone walked up to me out of the blue, grabbed my shoulder and said "I see you saw it too", then another lady walked up and said the same thing. I don't know if I would say that was spooky, but since then I tend to be a little less scared of things that go bump in the night. Mainly because when I walked up to this spirit, I got a very friendly loving feeling from it. I have hand many experiences like this since then, and when I look back over my life I remember other events as well.

    "Do I see dead people?"

    I am not in a movie, but I did see something and I can not erase that out of my mind and say it was those "Christian" demons. I would not have thought anything of it, if others that I never met had not described the same thing without me even prompting them for a description. I think there is a lot about the universe that can not be explained away that easy. I am just glad I am open minded enough now to at least think it is possible and not just say it is all "BS"

    My thought


  • Shakita

    Wow, Kenpo:

    You know, I personnally don't like to believe in a separate spirit world filled with mean and angry demons who are bent on trying to disrupt life for us pathetically earth bound human beings. You can see that my JW training has almost dissolved completely.

    But, when I hear stories like yours, I think it would be nice if there WERE spirit creatures out there who are looking out for us. Good ones, of course. Sort of like the ones they have on that TV show, "Touched by an Angel." Always a happy ending there!

    Your story about the silhouette of someone standing there next to the person, and the fact that somebody else actually saw it too, gave me the creeps. My mother used to say that she had a guardian angel (even had a name for it her) that used to watch over my mom. She would swear that this angel was real and helped her out when she needed it. I don't know. But the angel was real to her, and that's all that really matters isn't it.

    Mrs. Shakita(who wishes everyone a "happy ending" like in the movies!)

  • Crazy151drinker

    I have no Idea if they are ghost, demons, spirits or a combo of all 3!!! All I know is that they (whatever they may be) are out there. Some are good, some are bad.

  • DebraDoll

    So glad your wife is ok on the serious note! Now, on the more comical aspect, believe it or not you COULD sell that blasphemous thing on eBay WITH that story attached! "Aroo" The old Haunted Stick sold, why not the Cursed Bommerang?!?!

  • Sentinel


    I definitely think the boomarang has a curse on it. Maybe It was previously owned by an Aborigine JW, who didn't get to travel out of the country much.

    The curse is not a real bad one, but I wouldn't touch it anymore, if I were your wife...(or you)

    It seems to dislike forms of transportation.

    Edited by - Sentinel on 31 October 2002 16:34:35

  • PopeOfEruke

    It worried me somewhat that the aborgines who made the boomerang were imprisoned. They wouldn't be in the best of spririts (sic) making it would they? The boomerangs were meant to be sold, most of which were but these ones did not sell.

    The Uni lecturer gave them to the group of students and said they now belong to the group forever, and can only pass from one member of the group to another. Not to anyone else!

    I know this sounds wierd, but if you have ever met an Australian Aborigine you will know what I mean when I say they are a very strange and I would say powerful race when it comes to the earth and the earth force and spirits.

    So I don't discount anything anymore......we are just driving very carefully today!


  • Know_You


    I'm very sorry to hear that but glad she and the other driver are ok. That sort of thing is a real shock. Sounds like a relax at home with beer and the telly might be just the job tonight. For this once, missing the School and Service Meeting would be justified :-). (although I guess it's Friday where you are ...) As for the boomerang, I'd dump it to be just to be on the safe side....


  • Joyzabel

    "I'd dump it to be just to be on the safe side"

    You_Know, you are slipping!!! You meant to say burn it, didn't you???

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hi Know Yo

    (note: no U)

    I am note sure if something as drastic as missing BOTH meetings is warranted, but I was considering leaving at half-time.....thanks for the reassurance....

    Pope, who doesn't believe in all that mumbo-ju............SCREECHHH! CRASHHHHH!!!!!!

    *fully loaded lorry crashes thru Popes' office wall*

  • Know_You


    Nice name sister and, yes, thanks for the correction. I was distracted somewhat by a group of devilishly dressed diminutives begging for candy. Naturally, this presented a fine opportunity to witness to their witless father who, himself, was coccooned in a garish and Satanic gown. The story of the Witch of Endor and the sorry consequences for that unfaithful renegade Saul came to mind. Instead of candy I handed them a copy of the latest Watchtower and Awake! magazines and will be sure to deposit their contribution into the box at the Hall tonight.

    But to what depths have the apostate scum who sedulously secrete their scat on this board now sunk? - these toadies of Big Business, Big Medicine and its sick spawn, Big Science, spend all year spewing their mindless theories of evolution and the Godless nature of the Universe and, yet, on this vilest of vile nights they are falling all over themselves to pay their respects to their master, the original serpent and the Father of the Lie. Sons and daughters of Satan they prove to be, living the lascivious life of lovers of the flesh and lipids.

    But Trick or Treat will take on a whole new meaning when Jehovah of Armies, the Great Deceiver, Tricks these sorry verminous scum into a Treat that will be unforgetable - at least for the short, but to them seemingly interminably terrible, time they writhe in agony at the hand of God's merciful wrath and his righteous anger.

    Like you, sister, I am glad to be free inside Jehovah's True Ark of Salvation.

    But now I have to get back to preparing by part on the Service Meeting - Why Cleave to God and his Organization in these Perilous Last Days?


    Edited by - Know_You on 31 October 2002 20:21:39

    Edited by - Know_You on 31 October 2002 20:23:33

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