Baptised Twice!

by PopeOfEruke 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fairy

    P.S...........would be nice for more information about this as to up to what yr that might apply

  • PopeOfEruke

    Fairy, if it ain't in writing then I don't see how the Dubs can claim its "out-of-date policy"....


  • avishai

    I recall the re-baptism of a mildly mentally handicapped man in the mid 80's. Whether this was done merely to humor his wishes or what, I don't know.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Are jw baptisms 'valid' ? I thought everyone said they were dedicated to an org.

  • Pleasuredome

    i would have thought by now they'd have everyone who was baptised pre 1985 rebaptised under the new questions for total control.

  • minimus

    avishai, most Witnesses are mildly mentally handicapped. So what's your point???

  • Sentinel


    Oh my gosh! My orginal baptism was actually "revoked" at the time I no longer "believed". If this is true, somebody owes me a bigggggggggggggggggg apology.

    I was very young, very isolated, very nieve, and I made the choice that seemed right for that time. Later, I learned I'd made a mistake, but it was as if I'd been marked for life, and there was no way to get out of that "eternal vow". Now I realize that I've been duped by their every-changing, secretive "logic".

    How can I make my mother realize that she is continuing to shun me based on an incorrect assumption of my status? How can I make the WTBTS set the records straight!!!?

  • butalbee

    I have a Q? Do JW get baptismal papers like other religions? If not, then how do they actually know who is what or what is who?

  • NewYork44M

    I remember back when I was baptized in the early 70's there was someone at the pool and asked each candidate as they passed by if this was their first baptism. I understood the reason to as the question was so they would not count "re-baptisms" in the statistics for numbers of baptisms for the year.

    Does anyone else remember being asked that question?

  • cruzanheart

    My dad was baptized twice because after his first baptism he reinlisted in the Navy, being a bit unclear on the whole neutrality issue. As a Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy, he was noticed by the circuit overseer in Horsham, PA, reading for the book study. Don't know if he was in uniform or not. After the C.O. ripped the elder body a new one, he explained the neutrality issue to Dad, who made arrangements to resign his commission after 16 1/2 years, I think around 1962, and then Dad got baptized again.

    When I got baptized in 1965, I remember being asked if this was my first baptism, which I thought was silly since I was only 9 years old.

    Nina (a/k/a The Old One)

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