Can't help but scratch my head...

by Lee Elder 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ


    Thanks for pointing out my typos and spelling errors. Listen for a second to me, will you? I know that you don't like me because I have beliefs that upset you. I do understand that. I left the wt 7 years ago and it has been a long hard struggle. I went through every emotion imaginable as I'm sure you have also. I've experienced a wide range of painful experiences in my 42 years. I don't care if you disagree with my beliefs because I am at peace where I am now. To me, you seem to be in much pain and I'm sure that there must be people in your life who are making your life hell right now. I remember the conflicts that I struggled through all to well. Take some time for yourself and put things on the shelf for a while. Take each day for what it is. Try to do sometimething to relieve some of the stress that you must be under. Drop the whole 'religion thing' for a while. You need to think about yourself and get better control of the situation. You are so angry inside that it can't be good for your health physically and it's definately got control over your emotions. While I am not looking to argue with you, I do feel that you are snapping out at the wrong people. I have really nothing to do with you. I only offer this advice because I've been where you are and it's hard. The anger will eat you up if you don't get control. The pain is deep and life is tough. The jw's have done a number on our heads and hearts and they even suck the ones we love away from us. They are victims just as we are. They haven't got a clue, so try to handle them with care and respect. They won't return the respect that you can give but you may very well be healed from your pain by doing what you know to be right. Take some time and try to enjoy the little stuff. Remember to love others and by doing this you will get stronger with each passing day. I wish you all the best and I'm sorry that you are hurting. You are in my thoughts and well wishes are sent your way. Love to you, Dj

  • og

    DJ, I'm not disgusted with you because of issues in my life. I'm disgusted with you because you and other fundies smugly assert that your God is going to torture and/or kill anyone who does not believe what you believe, and offer no reasonable evidence for that assertion. To repeat an earlier comment of mine: it's not enough that you be right, all others must be wrong. That disgusts me.

    I don't care if you disagree with my beliefs because I am at peace where I am now.

    This is patently untrue. You are trapped in a belief system that insists that you will be tortured and/or killed (I should trademark that phrase) unless you maintain a peculiar set of beliefs.

    But tell you what, DJ, you can have the last word on this. Either you're too stupid to argue with, or I'm being gulled by a troll. As I review your posts on this thread and elsewhere, I am a little suspicious of your ex-JW status. You seem more like someone sniffing around for someone to preach to, taking advantage of the damaged people wandering these halls. Of course, I have no evidence for this - it's rather like your belief in God! Except that I admit that my suspicion is unsupported by facts.

    You are in my thoughts and well wishes are sent your way.

    I cannot say the same about you. It still irritates me that you blithely assume your God hates me enough to torture and/or kill me. I do not admire your imitation of kindness and sincerity, since your beliefs and speech flatly refute it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    from one Lee to another


  • NeonMadman

    For Christians, it's not enough that they're right - others have to wrong.

    That's a frightening statement. If you're serious about it, you're either fundamentally dishonest or an utter fool. The statement in itself is self-falsifying. Obviously, if Christianity is right, then other religions that disagree with Christianity are wrong. If those other religions are right, then Christianity is wrong. Anyone who actually believes something is true automatically believes that contradicting beliefs are false.

    But today we live in a New Age fantasy world where there is no absolute truth, where everything is relative, and where all beliefs are equally valid. And what sort of people are produced by that belief system? The worst sort of bigots - people who will viciously attack a Christian woman like DJ repeatedly just because she makes an expression of her faith in a comment.

    If you take the above sentence seriously, then you are saying that it is wrong to believe that anyone else's beliefs are wrong. Since you believe that Christianity is wrong, you are, by your own definition, wrong. Therefore, there is no real truth about anything, since to assert that anything is true is to assert that its opposite is false. And the 'bigot against bigots,' who is so upset with us Christians because we are so intolerant, blasts DJ without provocation:

    a bigoted, ignorant statement. Try pulling your head out of your self-righteous rear end
    you are an ignorant, bigoted dipfuck
    your bigoted belief is pure evil.
    To flaunt this ignorance is inexcusably evil.

    all others must be wrong. That disgusts me.
    Either you're too stupid to argue with, or I'm being gulled by a troll.I do not admire your imitation of kindness and sincerity, since your beliefs and speech flatly refute it.

    On that last one, Look Who's Talking. Your arguments are so vapid you even have to stoop to crtiticizing DJ's typos and grammatical errors as part of your case against her. Sorry, pal - you're just a nasty individual. I think any reasonable person can clearly see who the intolerant, dogmatic bigot in this discussion has been.

  • og

    Fundamentalist Christians seem to want two contradictory things: on the one hand they want to believe and preach that everyone who doesn't worship in the manner they approve will be tortured and/or killed by their God. On the other hand, they want to be considered nice, kind, loving people.

    To the extent they are sincere, they are not "nice"; rather they are fanatical bigots.

    It is certainly not true that:

    Anyone who actually believes something is true automatically believes that contradicting beliefs are false.

    Many people, and I include myself, are able to accept that definite answers about spiritual matters are hard to come by. I am willing to allow others to believe what they want without assuming that they will be killed for disagreeing with me. And, of course, I reserve the right to defend myself against, and to attack, bigots.

    You also say:

    But today we live in a New Age fantasy world where there is no absolute truth, where everything is relative, and where all beliefs are equally valid. And what sort of people are produced by that belief system? The worst sort of bigots

    No part of this is true, and I in particular don't believe that "all beliefs are equally valid": yours and DJ's, for example, suck. What I do believe is that evidence and reason can be used to arrive valid conclusions. You'll notice that DJ, and now yourself, carefully avoid discussions of evidence. And neither of you have made a rational defense of your assertion that your God is going to torture and/or kill me. You could at least apologize!

    Next, you say something I can agree with:

    I think any reasonable person can clearly see who the intolerant, dogmatic bigot in this discussion has been.

    I agree with this, and invite reasonable people to express themselves.

    Finally, you and DJ both take issue with my coarse language. Well, some people say "can't we all just get along" and other people say "you're a dipfuck". I happen to be one of the latter, and am glad Simon's forum can contain most of us. In my defense, I can only point out that DJ speaks sweetly, and has vile beliefs whilst I speak coarsely and have far more tolerant beliefs.

  • og

  • DJ
    Why in the world would I need salvation anyway


    I suppose since you are so hung up on being tortured and or killed............(you must have mentioned that atleast 10 times by now) ..........maybe that could be YOUR reason.

    Just for the record, my God doesn't torture people, as far as killing them goes..........He made you and he can take you away if he chooses. Doesn't that make any sense to you at all? If you don't believe in Him, then why are you so stuck on this? You make no sense. As far as evidence goes, what do you want......? You know that Christians walk by faith not by sight. don't you? I suppose I could ask you to just sick back and close your eyes and make your own heart beat. If that doesn't show you that Someone else controls this life then I have no more to say except..........WHY DON'T YOU ASK GOD YOURSELF? If you won't do atleast that much for you own curiosity then it obviously doesn't really matter that much to you in the first place. How do you suppose that in the book of says that the earth is a sphere. That could have saved Columbus a lot of worrying, don't you agree? There is proof all around me, every second of my life. I don't have the slightest problem with your need to prove that you are superior to me. Hey, as far as I'm concerned you are superior. Why, you are even better than...than...than......than.....God himself! LOL

    But tell you what, DJ, you can have the last word on this
    famous last words...................

    Edited by - DJ on 30 October 2002 17:22:47

  • NeonMadman
    Fundamentalist Christians seem to want two contradictory things: on the one hand they want to believe and preach that everyone who doesn't worship in the manner they approve will be tortured and/or killed by their God. On the other hand, they want to be considered nice, kind, loving people.
    To the extent they are sincere, they are not "nice"; rather they are fanatical bigots.

    Of course, one could apply your same reasoning to Muslims, who teach that all non-Muslims will go to hell, or to the many hells of the Hindu faith, or to many other religions. But your ire seems to be specifically directed toward Christians. I wonder why that is? It seems that in America these days, all religions except Christianity are welcome, whether or not they have exclusivist beliefs (as nearly all religions do). It's OK for certain schools in California to require their students to learn about Islam by dressing and acting as Muslims do, even acting out Muslim rituals. Imagine the outcry, though, if a school required its students to learn about Christianity by acting out a communion service.

    In point of fact, you should probably direct your attacks at some of these other groups much more than at Christians. We only believe that God, whom we believe is a righteous judge, will determine in the afterlife who is saved and who will spend eternity apart from Him; there are many Muslims who are more than willing to take the fate of non-believers into their own hands, as the events of 9/11/01 eloquently bespeak.

    I might point out that, in this thread, you are the one who keeps bringing up the topic of God torturing or killing non-believers. DJ certainly never initiated any discussion of it, and neither have I. You seem to have an obsession with the concept. I know there are some fundamentalists (of whom I am not one, and as far as I know, neither is DJ; I can't speak for her, but I consider myself an evangelical Christian) who try to use hellfire to scare people into having faith. I deplore this tactic. When I speak to people about the Lord, I try to emphasize the love of God, and the opportunity provided through Jesus for eternal life.

    You call us fanatics and bigots, but I think you are every bit as fanatical and bigoted in your hatred of Christianity. It therefore matters little to me whether a fanatical bigot such as yourself, who has a very large axe to grind, considers me a "nice" person.

    Many people, and I include myself, are able to accept that definite answers about spiritual matters are hard to come by. I am willing to allow others to believe what they want without assuming that they will be killed for disagreeing with me.

    It sounds as if you are saying, then, that you do not have any definite beliefs about spiritual matters, or at least, not any that you are truly committed to. That is, of course, your prerogative. But when you make idiotic, self-falsifying statements like, "It's OK to think you're right, but it's not OK to think that others are wrong," (I paraphrase), you can't expect to be taken seriously by anyone with a mind. If I believe that 2+2=4, and you believe that 2+2=5, our beliefs are not equally valid. No matter how many times you take two stacks of dollar bills, each with two bills in the stack, and combine them, you will never end up with five dollars. In that situation, I am right, and you are wrong.

    Religious truth is harder to determine, it's true. But I believe that absolute truth does exist in the religious realm, whether or not we as humans perceive it accurately. Either there is a God in actuality, or there is not. If there is, then those who say that there is not are wrong. If there is not, then the believers are wrong. We can extend this further: If God exists, either He is a Trinity, or He is not. If He is a Trinity, either that Trinity is made up of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or it is not. Etc. Etc. Etc. At every juncture, in actual fact, one possibility is true, and the other is not. One belief is right, and the other wrong.

    As Christians, we believe there is convincing evidence of the Bible's accuracy. We have accepted it as our standard, and believe what it says, though we may fight like cats and dogs about what the specific interpretations should be. If, for example, we believe through our acceptance and study of the Bible that God is a Trinity, then, of necessity, we must believe that those who deny the Trinity are wrong. If we are too unsure of our position to arrive at such a conclusion, then we do not have a solid belief.

    Of course, you have every right to hold your beliefs as loosely as you choose. You need not commit to anything if you don't want to, or if doing so would make too great demands on your behavior. But I would ask a little respect for those of us who are more strongly convinced of our beliefs.

    And, of course, I reserve the right to defend myself against, and to attack, bigots.

    One would hope, though, that you would keep one eye in the mirror as you do so, to ensure that you are not guilty of the same sort of attitudes and conduct that you so vigorously attack. Such caution seems to be lacking in your case.

    No part of this is true, and I in particular don't believe that "all beliefs are equally valid": yours and DJ's, for example, suck. What I do believe is that evidence and reason can be used to arrive valid conclusions.

    Well, I'd agree with the last part of that. The problem seems to be that, again, once you have arrived at these "valid conclusions," you have no degree of commitment to them. Otherwise, you would be willing to take the position that your "valid conclusions" are right, and that the beliefs of those who disagree with them are wrong. But, of course, that sort of exclusivity is exactly what you are condemning in DJ and me.

    What you really seem to me to be saying is that nobody's beliefs except yours are truly valid. It's OK for you to say that others are wrong, but wrong for anybody else to do so.

    You'll notice that DJ, and now yourself, carefully avoid discussions of evidence.

    I'm not sure what sort of evidence it is you want to discuss. If you're asking for the standard believer/nonbeliever parrying about the Bible's validity, I've been through it all before. It's been done a hundred times on this forum, and, frankly, I try to avoid those threads because I usually find them annoying. That doesn't mean that I avoid considering the evidence on a regular basis. The magazines to which I subscribe, and regularly read, include Biblical Archaeology Review, Scientific American, Discover, Science News, and National Geographic, as well as Moody Monthly, Christianity Today, Discipleship Journal, and a number of lesser known Christian magazines in the field of apologetics. So I think I get a reasonably well-rounded view of the situation.

    Besides all that reading, I have a full time job, am currently taking two college courses, and am preparing Sunday School material for my church. I also have a wonderful wife who appreciates my attention from time to time. So getting into online discussions (and doing all the attendant research) about the Bible's validity with unbelievers who have their minds already made up and are unlikely to be convinced (as many previous threads have demonstrated) is way down there on my priority list. Frankly, I probably wouldn't have bothered with this discussion if it hadn't been for your vicious personal attacks on DJ, whom I consider a friend.

    And neither of you have made a rational defense of your assertion that your God is going to torture and/or kill me.

    You are the one who keeps saying that we believe that. I believe that it is God's prerogative to judge, not mine. My assignment is to present the Gospel: Jesus loves you, and He died for your sins, was resurrected and will come again. What you need to do is accept the gift through faith. That's the essence of Christianity. What penalties God may require of those who eschew the gift He offers are not my concern, and I believe that whatever He does will be perfectly just. It's not up to me to decide what your relationship with God is, or to judge your eternal destiny. That's between you and Him. As DJ said, if you don't like what He does, take it up with Him. We are only the messengers.

    I can only point out that DJ speaks sweetly, and has vile beliefs whilst I speak coarsely and have far more tolerant beliefs.

    Sorry, but I find your beliefs every bit as vile and especially, every bit as intolerant as you find mine. I further consider you to be hypocritical, since you reserve to yourself the right to declare the beliefs of others to be wrong, even as you preach that others have no right to declare anyone else's beliefs wrong. There is nothing "tolerant" in what you have expressed in this thread.

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