Recent Observation: "Even if it's true..."

by freemindfade 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StrongHaiku

    "Even if it's true..." is typically followed by that old classic "Where would we go?"

    Cognitive dissonance at its best...

  • Giordano
    It's a form of rational ignorance meaning:
    1. "Ignorance about an issue is said to be "rational" when the cost of educating oneself about the issue sufficiently to make an informed decision can outweigh any potential benefit one could reasonably expect to gain from that decision, and so it would be irrational to waste time doing so."
      The way things are set up in JW land it doesn't really matter if the Society is right or wrong as truth is second to obedience....... which ultimately is the only requirement.
      A lifetime of that....surrounded by people who believe the same and it's no wonder that a JW would say "even if it's true..."
  • DesirousOfChange
    StrongH: "Even if it's true..." is typically followed by that old classic "Where would we go?"

    Cognitive dissonance at its best...

    If I had a buck for every time I heard that line!

    AND..............[drumroll]........."even if it's's still the best way of life!"

    Yep, better to live like a mushroom: Kept in the dark and regularly fed nothing but manure ("bullshit").


  • Vidiot

    Reminds me of a story I heard about a jackass elder who took it even a step farther and said - from the platform - "...even if the accusations are true, the lawsuits will fail because it's Jehovah's Organization!"...

    ...I heard about that, and was immediately reminded of the Biblical stories of the Nation of Isreal when they got out of line and wouldn't straighten up.

  • freemindfade


    The the bible fairy tale book has stories if both people standing up against corrupt leadership, and also about not "murmuring"

    The witnesses cast a wide net over this complaining clause.

  • Vidiot

    @ freemindfade...

    It's amazing how, no matter what, scripture can cater to assholes of all kinds.

    It's truly universal.

  • Ding
    "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The great and powerful Oz has spoken!"
  • JWdaughter

    " I wish you would not discuss religion on facebook. I don't like you putting things on facebook about the withness's true or not. This is really none of your business since you don't believe anything about my religion."

    In my email yesterday. Later she said I should pick on Catholics(not that I believe anything there, either).

    The FB article I posted discussed at least 4 religions,problem is the WT got headline status for a change.

  • startingover
    I've heard a variation of this. "Even if the witnesses don't have the truth, it's still the best way to live"
  • JWdaughter
    No, they skip over all the nice bits like love your neighbor, do unto others, etc.

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