Bill Bowen's unfortunate attack

by Jim Penton 86 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Jim Penton
    Jim Penton

    I just want to make two points and leave this discussion.

    The first is that I said "some" ex-Witnesses became atheists and agnostics to do as they want without restraint. I did not say all. I am aware that there are some atheists and agnostics who are quite sincere and simply cannnot accept religion or anything metaphysical, even from a philosophical standpoint. However, as I have said before, I don't believe one can have any idea of good or right without reference to a metaphysic. Otherwise, as Nietzsche said so well, we are beyond good and evil. The world in which we live is a pretty cruel place where millions of people and animals are killed simply because some one or some group decide to destroy them. Therefore, to posit that there is some sort of natural law as held by John Locke that can be observed through human reason is simply nonsense. Every atheist and agnostic that I know takes moral principles from the religious society in which he or she lives. Hence there are Christian atheists, Jewish atheists, Muslim atheists, etc., etc.

    Regarding Hawk's diatribe, I find it irrational in the extreme and not worth replying to except in brief form. I did not use hypothetical examples, I consulted lawyers on the issues about which I wrote, I am not a hypocrite because I do not happen to agree with the current fanaticism - and I resent the statement that I that I am. Finally, despite Hawk's statemt, I was not present when Victoria Boer was questioned about her sexuality by the Watchtower's lawyer. I have the greatest respect for Victoria, wanted to testify in her behalf, and think she had a real case. But that does not mean I go for all the nonsense presented by Hawk. Besides that, I have the courage to use my own name on this forum which I see some of my critics do not. It is easy to be nasty when one can hide behind a pen name.

    Jim Penton

  • waiting
    Furthermore, I often feel that the retreat of some into agnosticism and atheism is an excuse to allow them to do whatever they want without restraint. - penton

    I don't believe that there's been a study done that proves that agnostics and/or atheists are more immoral, or even more prone to immoral acts, (even by biblical standards) than "Christians." Of course, "some" will do anything - just as "some Christians" show the exact same lack of restaint.

    It was promoted by Moses, Jesus, and the Apostle Paul. So it has a long and valued tradition behind it. - penton

    If one doesn't agree that "Moses, Jesus & the Apostle Paul" are our universally approved basis for measuring law & morality, then bringing them into the discussion makes their authority a moot point. Even their very existence has been called into serious question by authorities with as high as credentials as shown on this thread.

    To me your comments about women are an indication. An indication of how a person thinks. If someone starts babbling (yes babbling) about women taking away rapists rights without completely understanding the law and who actually changed the law then what does that say about your knowledge and thinking on child rape and rape in general? - hawkaw

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I didn't realize that the rights of johns not to be overcharged was such an issue in Canada. I've remained *relatively* silent because I just couldn't fathom the seeming gender bias and bigotry that is becoming noticeable from very respected, Christian, men.

    You're a very respected man also, thank you for speaking up. If a woman were to have said the exact same words as you just did, *someone* would be thinking, or saying, "man, she must be pms'ing." Crude, but true - just ask the woman yelling next to you.

    Of course the policy predates Ray's involvement by decades and may be claimed to be scriptural in origin - in much the same vein as is much of the genocide, rape, brutality and sundry inhumanity can be seen to have divine sanction in the pages of the Old Testament. - focus

    You may irritate the fool out of some people; but nonetheless, your wit, your facts, and your speculations are nearly always "dead on right"....imho.

    I'm thinking of the consistent use of the word "attack" referring to Bill Bowen's statement about Ray Franz. ... Words, as we know from the WTBS, can sway opinions drastically... - patio

    I agree completely.


    Edited by - waiting on 1 November 2002 14:43:4

  • hawkaw

    Well if you weren't there in court, you should have known about it. I apologize for thinking you were somewhere where you were not. But that wasn't my point. My point was there is a reason why the law is written the way it is and I would have hoped that after that trial you would have seen why the law is written the way it is.

    Consulted counsel ? ....really .... and it was all the feminist judges ..... who made up the law .....

    And that's problem I have .... Jim .... you used your own name .... and when you are in the "voire dire" .... Jim .... it all comes out .... every little piece of dirty laundry you have ... will be used to discredit you ..... and trust me, it will be a lot worse coming from them than me.

    Do you see where I'm coming from yet???????????? Do I have to spell it out?

    ..... You WANT to be an expert witness for child rape victims and offer opinion evidence ....

    .... You used your name, Jim, publically, ...... and made public comments about feminists and rape ...... and based on my experience I am worried what's going to happen to you .... Jim

    My sidebar is not about Bill .... Jim ... its about what will happens to you on the stand in court and what will happen to a victim's case.


  • waiting
    Besides that, I have the courage to use my own name on this forum which I see some of my critics do not. It is easy to be nasty when one can hide behind a pen name. -Jim Penton

    Lol............and a lot of us who use a "pen name" do so because we have family, employees, friends who are jw's - and we would like to keep them for as long as possible.

    To state that you have courage for using your real name, you're thereby implying that your un-named critics do not have courage......and then you add that they are "nasty."

    I've witnessed no one being "nasty" towards you, Dr. Penton. This is a discussion forum. And quite frankly? I think you, Ray Franz, and COJ are being handled with kids gloves - out of respect for all you men have done for others - for which we are grateful.

    Bill Bowen is never handled with kid gloves - his courage, and/or audacity, doesn't require it. But we're still grateful for his accomplishments too.


    ps: hawk: I'm *beginning to see*. I think.

  • bluesapphire
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I didn't realize that the rights of johns not to be overcharged was such an issue in Canada. I've remained *relatively* silent because I just couldn't fathom the seeming gender bias and bigotry that is becoming noticeable from very respected, Christian, men.

    You're a very respected man also, thank you for speaking up. If a woman were to have said the exact same words as you just did, *someone* would be thinking, or saying, "man, she must be pms'ing." Crude, but true - just ask the woman yelling next to you.

    Waiting, you took the words out of my mouth! When I read Jim's comments I wanted to puke!

    And I also noticed the special pleading to "scriptural" authority. The two-witness rule cannot be defended in light of the fact that no two witnesses were required for a woman who was raped in the country where her screams could not be heard. Anyone who continues to promote this stupid, idiotic, archaic and arbitrary rule needs to have their head examined. How many people do we all know who were disfellowshipped for acts such as smoking pot at the mouth of only one witness?

    Bluesapphire (I guess I would be classed as the UN-true Christian class by Dr. Penton)


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Will these threads on Bill and Ray EVER die!

    The sick and tired of it Class

  • waiting
    The sick and tired of it Class

    Read Hawk & Dr. Penton's several post exchanges again. I believe they could be seen as New Light.

    And that's problem I have .... Jim .... you used your own name .... and when you are in the "voire dire" .... Jim .... it all comes out .... every little piece of dirty laundry you have ... will be used to discredit you ..... and trust me, it will be a lot worse coming from them than me. - hawk

    My sidebar is not about Bill .... Jim ... its about what will happens to you on the stand in court and what will happen to a victim's case. -hawk

    The implications are staggering.


  • IslandWoman

    Mr. Penton,

    I disagree with some of your statements. It is time to move into the 21st. century Sir. Women will try to get control of the courts, the justice system, the government, the religions, the Corporations, in any way they can. Fairness Sir, is something that has throughout history been reserved mostly for the advantaged and the powerful. Yes, there will be unfair practices promoted by women. The only thing new about that is the gender, nothing more.


  • Focus

    Moving backwards:

    IslandWoman - "Fairness ... is something that has throughout history been reserved mostly for the advantaged and the powerful. Yes, there will be unfair practices promoted by women. The only thing new about that is the gender" - I concur entirely. Well said!

    Tinkerbell4125 - "sick and tired of it" - Please, give truth a chance. The whole story is not out, and it will emerge, sooner or later. There is more to unravel. And I really would like to see a rapprochement, but it can't seem to happen without more.


    waiting Thank you for the kind words.

    hawkaw - You are perspicacious and insightful indeed (how few grasp the nature and consequences of online archival and retrieval!). I am sad that the nature of the "own goal", scored by our visiting luminary and demonstrated by yourself, may give him food for thought for a long time to come. I just hope it does not distract him from the good work he does (also?) do.

    Dr Penton - I am sad you had to go, coincidentally only a few hours after I posted. Your reply would be appreciated, and I will join with COJ in "his" thread.

    (Shoe Class)

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    In the following Jim Penton's statements are in plain type while the reply by ourselves as truly Free Christians appears in red:

    I refuse to get carried away with the suggestion that every charge made against the Watchtower Society, Witness elders, or individual Witnesses is valid.

    Many of the "charges" are correct as proved by the names of elders and ministerial servants already sent to prison and we continue hearing of trials under way or headed there. No one said "EVER" charge would be valid and nor did Bill or any of us say every charge is but if 99.9% or 89.9% rather than 100% still a SIGNIFICANT number are.

    Why do I mention this? Because, while many of the religions called cults are quite dangerous and deserve to be criticized (and in some cases prosecuted), the anti-cult movement became overly zealous and has become a great danger to civil liberties.... T here have been far too many cases of false accusation of child abuse.

    And there have been many that are absolutely correct and as proved in court.

    But curiously, the Society (while throwing almost every other aspect of biblical fairness out the window) did preserve, in theory if not in practice, the two-witness rule. So I am hesitant to see that aspect of its policy attacked.

    The "Society," as you noteably choose to courteously term Watchtower cult misleadership, counts a womans who testifies that her husband confessed adultery as ONE witness and counts any elder who testifies that she is a credible witness as a SECOND witness but yet does not count as two witnesses the testimony of a victim and then an elder testifying to her veracity! This was the sort of thing Bill brought up. He did not as you insinuate say it is not good to have more than one witness. Never, never ever.

    Now, specifically, let me address some of the charges Bill Bowen has made against Ray Franz. He asserts that there was evidence of child abuse with the Watchtower Society when Ray was on the Governing Body. Perhaps so. However, does that prove that Ray is lying when he says that the issue never came before the Governing Body when he was on it. Not at all. I attempted to do research at the Brooklyn Bethel, the Canadian, British and French Bethels when I was working on my history of the Witnesses in Canada and know that, frequently, the Watchtowers right hand doesnt know what its left hand is doing. The Watchtower is a great bureaucracy in which much information is often lost in the shuffle. Therefore, knowing Ray Franz as I do, I believe him.

    Where do you get that Bill said Ray "lied". That is what someone has told you perhaps. Bill has said Ray would have known about it but chose not to speak out about it. And that is fact. You yourself weakly but clearly say "Perhaps so" as to Ray's having been on the Gov Body. Your left hand-right hand analogy is good and it is possible Ray somehow did not know of the pedophilia and other molestation by Gov Body members on down right into congregations. But here's the point: NOW that Ray is aware of the problem he has the opportunity to speak up forcefully but he does not - and Bill Bowen has rightly noted this although being willing to let the matter go in consideration of possible mitigating factors we are not all privy to such as Watchtower holding trumpted up dirt over Ray's head.

    Furthermore, I am upset at Bills unhistorical approach to the past. ... As someone who served as a servant among Jehovahs Witnesses from 1953 to 1972 and as an elder thereafter until I broke with the Witnesses in 1980, never once did I run into a case of child abuse; and I served as servant or elder in four American states, Puerto Rico, Alberta Canada, and Spain.

    This means nothing. No one has charged you yourself with deliberately not reporting a case. But you need to be aware of the fact that since 1980 the powers of those at the top in the hierarchy on down have increased with any checks or balances, thus increasing both the likelihood for and the actual incidence of pedophilia and other crimes, again as attested to by those now going serving prison time and enroute there.

    The fact is that we were not very aware of child abuse in earlier years, any more than we were aware of incest or a lot of sexual practices that almost everyone seems to know about today. Among other things, very few older Witnesses or even middle aged ones, knew about such things as oral and anal intercourse until the Watchtower decided that it had to educate us about them. We were babes to such badness, for the world was not so sex mad and violence mad as it is today.

    Granted. But now that people are so informed, they do well to speak up, do they not!

    On Silentlambs, Bill presents a lot of what he regards as evidence of Witness child abuse. No doubt that there is basis to many of the allegations presented there, but allegations remain allegations until proven in courts of law.

    You're ducking, ignoring that there are actual flesh-and-blood convicted criminals who were elders and ministerial servants, that the same unbalanced unchecked situation still exists.

    Bill seems to think that Jehovahs Witnesses are more guilty of child sexual abuse than members of other religions. I doubt that.

    He did not say that. Let it be said that it is NOT JWs themselves as individuals who are under fire now from the media, the courts and police but it is the MISLEADERSHIP over them.

    Finally, let me say a few things about Bills use of language. I dont like the way he has referred to Rays recent statement. His categorization of Rays remarks was less than gentlemanly and his use of the letters c.y.a., which I take to mean cover your ass, was simply crude.

    If you had heard 50,000 victims of pedophilia over Bill's 1 877-WT-ABUSE toll free number as he and his wife have you might have used cya or a similar expression. Why not interpret his expressions of concern as expressions of concern rightly delivered rather than "crude" as you chose to put it. Further, how do you know Ray Franz is not c.h.a.-ing? How do we know You are not c.h.a.-ing?

    Unfortunately, this whole affair has not been healthy or upbuilding, and if Bill thinks he is going to gain much by attacking a man who has been responsible for the liberation of thousands of Jehovahs Witnesses, he should think again. Whether Ray was right, wrong or indifferent to the issue at hand, there is no valid reason to attack him.

    Bill has a right to criticise if he wishes, after all that's what you're doing here right now yourself. Criticising silence on this important issue is rightly done and fair. Let us note that Ray Franz, whom you trumpet as a great liberator also wrote "The Truth That Leads To Everlasting Life" book which put millions into chains although after disfellowshipped his C of C book helped release a portion of those whom it had enslaved as they had thought that it really did tell the truth. Ray Franz's still staying silent on the pedophile issue is Wrong although again he deserves commendation for having also written C of C and In Search Of Christian Freedom.

    Bill Bowen did not make a huge attack on Ray Franz any more than this posting is doing so. Rather than aimed at Ray Franz it is aimed at your posting here. However Ray Franz's silence is not positive, although possibly understandable, as said, for reasons best known to himself. It is a shame he also very noticeably did not seek to field any viable alternative to Watchtower cultism to free more JWs from it.

    Both Watchtower and the other groups that call themselves "the Bible Students" are cults, paying only lip service to Christian freedom. You yourself are from a family of Bible Students, Jim Penton, and I have no idea if you still are or not, but regardless your verbosity here is wholly misplaced.

    Long live the real "Free Christians" movement by whatever name it may go.

    Edited by - nancee park on 1 November 2002 17:54:9

    Edited by - nancee park on 1 November 2002 17:55:9

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