Lyingeyes, Native American Indian

by Guest 77 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    Lying Eyes,

    Oh, yes, Zwolle. I took a tour of that region once. Went to Toledo Bend. Also visited Hodges Gardens at Many. Very lovely. At Marthaville, I recall the Rebel State Commemorative Area and the Los Adaes State Commemorative Area. While walking on a hill in Kisatchie National Forest I found an arrowhead and thought of the person who might have been hunting there and lost it. But the neatest place was Natchitoches, the oldest settlement in La. This was years ago. It was Christmas time and there was some type of Festival of Lights (don't know if that was what it was called?) But it was really pretty.

  • zenpunk

    I found out this year my father was half Lenape (Munsee, to be specific). In fact, I did some serious research and found out my great-grand father was even sold as a slave. I went to a powwow hosted by the Lenape chief (now in Ontario) this summer. I wished my father could have joined me but, since he's stuck in the borg, he wouldn't dream of exploring that part of his heritage.

  • LyinEyes

    My dad went to Marthaville High School. My aunt owned a restaurant in Toledo Bend, called the Light house. My aunt my mothers sister was married to one of the two ob/gyn in Natchitoches, and he had a cameo (the Dr, my uncle Lynn) in the movie "Steel Magnoila's" , he is the doctor walking on the right side down the hall after the surgery of the two ladies in the movie.

    We made at least a yearly visit to Hodges Gardens and my parents used to act like we were in Paradise when we visited this beautiful park. It was a happy place and very much like what I thought the Paradise would be like.

    Small world , huh. lol

  • waiting

    Well, I'm a freckled, brown-haired Irish/English woman - and married a man who was 1/8 Osage Indian. He didn't know much about his background.

    My son was looking over the internet & ran into his uncle....who's family knows a lot about the Osage & have traced it back at least 4/5 generations. He was fascinated. His greatgrandmother was full Osage - with 9 kids from first husband, and 8 from the second. I shudder to just think about that..........


  • Windchaser

    Danny, my family in Panama won't admit to having Indian blood, but I think I must. Indian heritage is definitely a passion with me. My first husband was half Cherokee, from East Tennessee. My mother-in-law told me about the Trail of Tears, which I had never heard about before.

    If I were to tell you about the experiences I have had on sacred ground, I would be deemed a crazy woman (or in Farkel's terms, a moron). All I will say publicly is that nature spoke to me. If you e-mail, I will tell you.

    Several months ago, I met a full-blooded Comanche whose grandmother is a shaman. He teaches the traditions of his people to the children. Although it was a brief encounter, we connected immediately and he told me that I had the same aura as his grandmother (he probably meant wrinkles, but who cares?haha). They had a big deal up in LA this month and he called to invite me to it. I know that he wants me to buy some of the things he makes (which I really want to), but he really wanted me to meet his grandmother. I couldn't attend, but I hope I will hear from him again.

    I would love to see the places you mention. If you and your family ever want an extra when you go to these places, please think of me.

    Thanks, Danny.

  • DannyBear


    I would like to attend one of those events you mention. If you do hear from your the shaman, please let me know, especialy if it is in the L.A. area.

    There are so many I would like to meet personaly on this board. Someday it will happen.

    Thanks for thinking of me.


  • jst_me

    Windchaser (and others)

    Be careful who you accept as traditional "shaman" from any Indian nation, especially if they are after you to buy things!

    Here is a link to a really good article about it.

  • LoneWolf

    HI, Danny,

    Your answer kind of puzzles me. What you say is true, but isn't that the exact thing that the legend is pointing out? Note the last two paragraphs:

    "How soon they had forgotten what Creator had told them! They believed that they had the only One Truth and that somehow everyone else had been fools. They became defenders of their truth. And they fought for their truth. And one day they began to kill for their truth.

    "They had forgotten what Creator had told them about sharing and about listening and about coming together. That is why people still fight today. And so my gift to you all, is to share the Truth of the Light that lives within me, and as I tell this story, I stretch out my hand to you, in the hopes that you will tell me your family stories, and that soon together we can all be at peace."

    Your point, that "truth" strongly defended is the cause of most of the world's woes, seems to me to be the one of the reasons for the tale in the first place, then in the last paragraph is the beautiful admonition that we should be willing to listen to each other and try to understand.

    But perhaps I misunderstand where you're coming from?


  • Windchaser

    Thanks, jst_me, that page is extremely informative. Although I feel that the man I met was authentic, and I still wouldn't mind buying some of his leather, beads and buffalo stuff, I won't get sucked into all the things mentioned. I appreciate your posting this and I will be cautious.

    Thanks again,


  • asortafairytale

    Mulan~~~my girlfriend comes from the Stockbridge-Munsee tribe. We went to the powwow last summer, on the reservation in Menominee, WI. It was incredible...

    Jst_Me~~~we have the book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. That is one of the best books I have ever read. Very moving, and horrific.

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