If disfellowshipping so important why is it not mentioned one time in the bible teach book

by poopie 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • poopie
    If it is what page.
  • Judas Maccabee
    Judas Maccabee
    It's a good point, why don't they share this gem of a teaching with everyone else?
  • hoser
    If they told the public what really goes on in the congregation nobody would ever get baptized.
  • 1Averagejoe
    I was handed a bible study while the "teacher" was away. This bible student asked what did it mean when the announcement was made that someone is no longer a jw. This student is regular at all meetings, had started preaching and was about to be announced as a publisher when he got into some trouble and got a private reproof(!?) not to comment or preach. He is still in the bible teach book. So I tried enlightening him and will show him what the second book says to see his reaction. At least he will know early but he looks hooked to the borg already.
  • opusdei1972
    This is a trap. The Organization does not want to show its true face quickly, but after the baptism.
  • eyeuse2badub

    What Does the Bible Really Teach? LOL What do u want it to teach? String together a few unrelated verses and it can say whatever!

    just saying!


  • Sail Away
    Sail Away
    It's called "deceptive recruiting", a method employed by cults to hide their true practices until it's too late.
  • westiebilly11
    disfellowshipping/shunning etc etc should form part of the terms of conditions....and so should be in the teach book. forewarned is forearmed..
  • fastJehu

    A Loving Provision is not not in the "What Does the Bible Really Teach?" book. Why?

    Maybe it's not, what the bible really teach.

    *** w95 7/15 p. 25 How Disfellowshipping Is Loving
  • clarity

    "Come into my web....said the spider to the fly.."


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