If disfellowshipping so important why is it not mentioned one time in the bible teach book

by poopie 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    Sail Away - "It's called 'deceptive recruiting', a method employed by cults to hide their true practices until it's too late."

    And once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...


    ...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.

  • Oogie
    My husband was baptized two years before he found out he wasn't supposed to talk to a df'd person. If people learned about this practice before they got dunked, there would be less people getting dunked.
  • paradisebeauty

    It would be normal to mention this to people who study to join the religion.

    Also something very important they do not mention: that they consider Jesus the mediator between Jehovah and only the 144.000

    They say they are looking for honest people but they are anything but honest. They are so deceiving!!!

  • blondie
    Do jws study a second book with them....don't the questions (not the ritual 2 at the convention) discuss that?
  • Vidiot

    Oogie - "If people learned about this practice before they got dunked, there would be less people getting dunked."

    Why else do you think they make a point of saying "no" when asked if they shun former members right on their own website?

  • stillin

    A newly-converted couple asked me, basically, "what the hell?" when I saw them at the store the other day. The first df'ing in their experience has just taken place in the congregation recently, and they were shocked.

    We had a very nice discussion!

  • Watchtower-Free
    The term "Governing Body" is also missing
  • sparrowdown

    The Organized To Accomplish Your Ministry book goes onto into it doesn't it?

    That book is mandatory reading pre-baptism. But yes, the whole disfellowshipping thing is glossed over. You think with something so potentially devastating to a person's life as the d/f arrangement is they would make people sign a contract or something. Just to emphasize the seriousness of it.

    If congregation "cleanness" is such a good thing why hide it?

  • Israel Ricky Gonzales
    Israel Ricky Gonzales
    The word is NOT found in the Bible Teach book. A word search will verify that. The subject is discussed in the God's Love book but that is rarely studied before baptism and still rarely studied after baptism. It is discussed with the bible student in the Organized book, which is given to those desirous of baptism, but the only part discussed is the section of baptismal questions, and even then, disfellowshipping isn't among those questions. Basically, before baptism, a student must specifically ask about it or hear about it at meetings.

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