by plmkrzy 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Quite right, WAW, why didn't he just join the JW,s if he thought that they were the truth?


  • gumby

    Chapters in Asceticism (London: Oxford University Press, 1995)
    Ancient Magic and Ritual Power

    Seems like all the ones into spiritism like this translation. Perhaps this is why the society quoted from Johaness Greber too.

    Actually the society can take NO credit for this translation. You or I could have done it also! How?

    The KIT is a word for word copy of Westcott and hort. The only thing that was botched was the english translation in the right hand column by the society which ALTERS in MANY PLACES what the original meant.

    Have this nut read page 10 in the preface of the KIT so he can see how the Society went against their own rules by using more than one English meaning to the SAME greek word so as to fit their doctrines. This guy is one in a thousand.....not real bright!

  • WhyAskWhy

    Further proof why Ph.Ds are over-rated!


  • Buster

    This guy is either compensated for this quote, or he is being misquoted, either directly or simply being taken out of context. There is no way that a professor in this man's position would be stating what is being shown, with the intentions that we are to infer. Like someone else said, I think he is just stating a sincere thanks for some free books, and he seems at least as grateful for the small size of the books.

    There is no way that a biblical scholar, versed in classical greek, and familiar with the oldest extant Greek transcripts would have left out the hundreds of obvious mis-translations to 'Jehovah.' It ain't there. The divine name isn't there as a carry-forward of the Hebrew Tetragramedon. The divine name isn't there as some translated version to Greek from the Hebrew tetragramedon. Even when the characters in the Greek scriptures refer directly to Hebrew scripture, scriptures containing the Hebrew Tetragramedon, the Greek does not contain the divine name, Greek or Hebrew. There are hundreds of these!

    The NWT is a deliberate insuation of the divine name. In turn, this is a deliberate subversion of Christ's place in the Greek Scriptures.

    No quality scholar would have missed that.

  • link


    Sorry for the delay in getting back. It seems to have righted itself now - perhaps it was my server! The scroll bars were way off the screen so that I could not pick up the text.

    BTW thanks for the thread it is something that interests me.


  • plmkrzy

    if the Jehovah's Witnesses translation of the Bible is so good, WHY is
    he still " not a member of  The  Jehovahs  Witnesses" ?

    Yeh I read that but his personal "faith" doesn't really have any relevance regarding translation from one language to another. What interests me is how he determined that it was "in his mind" the best available translation. This has to do with "Translation" not "religion"

    He doesn't necessarily have to agree with JW interpretation of the translations. Heck He doesn't even have to believe in God. But if he has made a career of studying religions, sects, ancient language, yadda yadda, then what would cause him to conclude that the NWT is the best available? ( Aside from it being free LOL)

    This guy isn't exactly a graduate of Sally Struthers correspondence school. Not to mention he has a wealth of prior scholars to study at his fingertips.

    So who wants to call him up and ask? I don't have the background necessary to discuss or debate with him the validity of his comments.

    Any volunteer's?

  • WhyAskWhy

    "What interests me is how he determined that it was "in his mind" the best available translation. This has to do with "Translation" not "religion".

    In my opinion, all Bible-based "religion" is developed purely based on individual human translation and/or interpretation of the Bible. I was a baptized JW for 13 years, and was raised by my mother as a JW as a child (I am now 28), so I am well aware of the NWT. I don't see a problem with using the NWT as a Bible reference, but given the past and current distrustful and dishonest actions of the organization that is responsible for the translation, I would not put a lot of trust in the translation of the NWT being more accurate over that of the Living Bible OR the KJV. Just my opinion.

    By the way, I am not saying that his academic background is not important (I know the value of academics, my father had a Ph.D. in Education). However, in the face of common sense and plain fact, any academics is overrated.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Best available to back up Manichaeans as being the best / most 'troof' he can find. In the past other young intellectuals have also looked down that road.

    Publications include:

    Emerging From Darkness: Studies in the Recovery of Manichaean Sources

    Medieval Manichaean Art

    The Manichaean Body in Discipline and Ritual (forthcoming)

    Edited by - a paduan on 22 October 2002 16:19:36

  • freeman

    To say it is the best available, is an assertion with little support
    at best. However I do have to agree that the interlinear itself is quite 
    good. Please reread what he said, he was praising the interlinear,
    not the NWT bible, a BIG DIFERENCE! What he did not state, and you 
    would know this by examining it for yourself, is that The Kingdom 
    Interlinear Translation Of the Greek Scriptures 
    		a ccurately shows
    what a poor, dishonest, and biased translation or more correctly a 
    trans-literation the NWT truly is. 
    Yes the kingdom interlinear shows how the NWT deviates in certain 
    passages so as to support the witnesses unorthodox theology without 
    regard to giving a consistent rendering of the Greek text. 
     Just my 2 cents

    Edited by - freeman on 22 October 2002 16:20:55

  • willy_think


    take a look at this:

    In Defense of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures:
    Index of Pages


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