Women Only, Please.

by Robdar 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    I work as a nurse in maternity and gynecology. I've had many patients who've had hysterectomies.

    Feel free to e-mail if you have any questions. [email protected]

    Love, Scully

  • AGuest

    Count me in... and peace to you all!

    I had a "partial" on April 22nd of this year (told them to leave my ovaries alone!), due to several very large fibroids. My doctor was WONDERFUL... I had surgery on Monday, went home on Tuesday, went back to work the following Monday (yeah, I know - was supposed to take 6 weeks off, but I was moving and changing jobs the first of June and couldn't leave my former staff "hanging", so...)

    I had one "peaky" couple of days, when I felt just, well, exhausted, but I rested a couple days and have been up and running since. (My doc went vaginal vs. abdominal and other than when I first woke up in recovery, I had no pain - NO pain - none! Still don't...)

    I have to say it is ONE of the best things I've ever done (having my two kids were a couple of the other "best" things...)

    My girl (age 25 - no children), who goes to MY doctor now (praise Jah) after about 3 years of dealing with SEVERE pain... and Kaiser... is having the laparoscopy one done this month - she has multiple cysts which keep bursting, so she goes in on October 29th (they're doing an MRI to look for a brain tumor on the 22nd, as apparently some of her symptoms are sometimes caused by such).

    Anyway, Robdar, my prayers are with you. Make sure you are VERY candid with your doctor and that he/she answers your questions to YOUR satisfaction. Don't settle for less.

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • FreeFallin



  • PointBlank

    Hi Robdar,

    I had a complete vaginal hysterectomy for fibroid cysts in 1995 at the age of 37. Previously, I had had a laparoscopy (sp?) for ovarian cysts. My doctor wanted to leave my ovaries, but I told him that I refused to be in to have fluid filled cysts taken off once a year. After my surgery he told me that it was a good decision...must not have looked very good. Anyway, my point is this...

    I watched my mom and mother-in-law go through hysterectomies in the 70's. It was horrible. So much so that the thought of one scared me to death. But when it came time for me, I was going through the "coming out of the WT thing" and I didn't really care what happened. The opposite of what I witnessed with my mother was true though. It was a breeze. They have some really good drugs and techniques. When I checked into the hospital, my doctor had ordered something to "relax" me. Not long after they gave it to me I passed out. I never knew when I left the room or returned. I woke up (in my room) sometime that night and it was over. I didn't feel any pain at any time. However, the gas that they use to inflate your stomach for the laparoscopy made me sicker (as in vomiting) than a dog. Hobbling back and forth to the bathroom wasn't very fun, but I was so drugged that I didn't feel any pain. Finally, they had to give me something for nausea. After that, it was just a matter of healing.

    If you "need" one, I'd say go for it. But I don't think that it's something to be terrified of.....of course, I can say that NOW. But really, they do take good care. I hope all goes well with you.


  • Robdar

    I want to thank all of you for sharing your experiences with me and for your words of encouragement. Your experiences are helping me to think about this surgery in a different way.

    It appears that having a hysterectomy gave many of you a better quality of life, for which I am glad. Reading your words gives me hope that I will soon be feeling better and wont be sick all the time.

    Hugs to all my sisters.... I so appreciate you taking the time to help lessen my fears.



    Edited by - robdar on 22 October 2002 1:47:4

  • wednesday

    I had a total hysto wheni was 31. sort of young. they put me on estrogen right away, but i became depressed anyhow. Also i gained 10 #. However, with exercise and all that probably coud have been avoided. I really needed the hysto-had a huge fibroid tumor in unterus. Felt phsysically better right away. Emotionally-well it varies with each person. expecially if u are rather young-as i was-u may need some help. it is a big shock to your body to remove ovaries at 31.

    just my experience

  • mamashel


    Have'nt had one, but i know some women who have. I have an appointment next month for another check up (female). May i ask you what was going on with you that they decided to do this? Because i have alot of problems every month and was wondering what my options might be.

    Hope your feeling better soon.


  • Robdar

    ((((Wednesday)))), thank you for sharing your experience with me. I need all the information that I can get.

    ((((Mamashel)))), I was having trouble with endometriosis for many years. Most of it has cleared up. My problem now is fluid in the uterus and around my ovaries. Also, the cysts that they removed 2 weeks ago are back again. I have been putting the hysterectomy off for a couple of years. But the problems started again early this year and recently, after my surgery 2 weeks ago, things have gotten worse. I have been to the hospital to receive morphine injections twice this week because the pain has literally woke me up screaming. I have never known this sort of pain before and can't really take any more of it.

    I wish you well with your check-up. If you are having any female problems, I encourage you to do something about it now instead of waiting like I did. It only gets worse and the pain is unbelievable.



  • mamashel


    Thank you. I am so sorry for your pain. I have alot of pain in my back every month, and my hormones are raging out of control. I think thats what is going on anyway. Lots of hot flashes and OMG the biggest bitch in the world for a day before i start. I mean i am completely out of control the day before i start, i could rip someones head off. Periods are pretty heavy too.

    So we'll see what they say when i go in Any tests inparticular i should ask for?


  • sOOner


    I had a "JOB" in 1977.Uncontrolled bleeding every month and a class 3 cervical cancer scare.I had already had my tubes tied in 1975 so the baby thing was not an issue.I turned 29 the day after the "JOB".It was done fanastically at John Hopkins Hospital.They left my ovaries and it was done vaginally,so I have no scars.When I go for pelvic exams DRS inquire about my last period and are amazed by the surgery.

    My daughter (34) has the same problems.She did not have a "JOB" but did get the latest alternative surgery(Endometrial Ablation).No more periods,no more babies and everything in tact.

    Hope everything goes well for you.

    I miss my cervix like crazee,the sexual feeling of a penis hitting it is gone.

    Sex is still great when my man can rise to the occasion

    "V" (Viagra)works well


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