Oh No, Not Again!

by Sentinel 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    Last night, around 8:30 (Sat., 10/19), it appears the serial snipers struck again.

    If you travel South on down route 95, past Spotsylvania, where two shootings took place, you come to a small town called Ashland, VA. There is a Pondersoa Steak House right off the highway. A 37 year old man was walking out with his female companion, and he was hit by a single bullet to the abdomen. They closed off route 95 entirely. He was undergoing extensive surgery last night.

    I didn't hear about this until the ten o'clock news, when I turned the TV on before bed. Wish I hadn't. It was awful news to sleep on. We really thought they had "finnished" their agenda and the killings had stopped. I have not turned on the TV or radio yet today. I just don't want to hear it.

    Yesterday we had to take care of business in Sterling, VA, which is right next to the Dulles corridor. There were State Police and Sheriff's Vehicles at nearly every large intersection. We really felt something was going on. I mean to think that you could look over at a vehicle and see someone with a highpowered gun is "out of the movies stuff". Difficult to comprehend in this free country.

    Ashland is an hour and one half from DC, on the way to Richmond. So, no one is safe anymore. We have to keep alert all the time. We had stress counseling at work last week. They say that we need to maintain a healthy balance between one and ten, and right now, a healthy balance is considered to be a five.

    I just want this to be over. Why can't they get these types out of our country and keep them out? Even now, they travel freely. There should be some restrictions in place. Times have changed. We have to protect this country and it's people. This is war. The small attacks have already begun, and we haven't been able to stop it. We can only react "afterwards". Innocent people are dying and being critically wounded, and it keeps happening.

    "Anxiety" 1.................................*.................10


  • shera

    Take care,

    I know that must be very stressful,I hope they catch that sicko real soon.

  • DakotaRed

    Karen, I can't tell you how bad all this makes me feel. I feel so sorry for all of you back there. I really hope they catch this nutcase soon.

    He is actually causing a nationwide hysteria. Just friday, we had a scare out here. Someone in a school saw a man in camoflauge carrying a rifle walk in front of the school. The school panicked, went into lock down and police cordoned off both ends of the street, a major artery, and conducted a search for him. After a couple hours, he was found sitting in a friends house while they waited to go hunting later that day.

    Regardless of what some say the law states, I feel using military survellance is a good idea and hope they catch up with him real soon.

    Lew W (of the never got used to being shot at class)


    YES WE HEARD ABOUT THE LATEST SNIPER STRIKE THIS MORNING..a terrorist thing is it??? Just wondering !! My mind does this sometimes. You must be scared out of your minds by now !! Please keep in touch with us on this board and with ME at my personal e-mail queenapostate@ webtv.net (((HUGS))) QUEENIE

  • DJ

    Hi Karen,

    I saw that report last night too. They said that the man was from out of state and he made it thru surgery but the bullet was still in him. His wife was by his side when he was shot. So horrible, I pray that he survives. I am not sure if this is the same sniper because it was on a Saturday and he aparently shot from the woods not the highway. If it's a copy cat then we are all in trouble. There are plenty of unstable people who may try to emulate this.

    I can't begin to imagine how you must feel. I live up the coast a bit in PA. This is very disturbing. I want you to feel my hugs((((((((((Karen)))))))) I wish that I could offer you peace. If you want to get away, you are welcome in my home, just e-mail me, ok? The only advice that I can offer is to lay low for a while. Maybe do grocery shopping for a few weeks and stock up on gas in cans. Just stay home as much as possible but keep busy with autumn type crafts or baking, etc?? I would try to focus on the good things, just keep yourself busy with things you enjoy from home. THIS WILL END!! The chance of you being hurt are still very slim but it is definately wise to just lay low for now.

    You are safe at home, Karen and you are safe when you are inside anywhere!! This is so random that it is hard to let your guard down when you have to be outside. I have more hugs.....(((((((Karen))))))). Please try to stay calm and remember that you are loved and he will be caught in time. I wish that I could offer more. E-mail me anytime. Love, Donna

  • plmkrzy
    Ashland is an hour and one half from DC, on the way to Richmond. So, no one is safe anymore.

    That was exactly what went through my mind when I heard this on the news. It is frightening and I live in and around L.A. we have this type of thing everyday in various areas around the southland but when I heard that about the sniper it wasn't quite the same for some reason as hearing about another drive by on the news. I'll be on the east coast this week and just thinking about leaving the air port to go to a car is un nerving.

    This dude is just posting himself in seemingly random areas and picking off bystanders at restaurants and gas stations and supermarkets. I hope they catch this guy soon.

  • LB

    It sure could be a terrorist. The shooter has a terrorist mentality. Most terrorists don't flee though. They strike and hope to die along with their victims don't they? At least Osama's do anyway.

    But this would be a very effective means of terrorism. It is striking fear into all in that area. I wouldn't want my wife to be driving around if I lived there. I suspect even if it isn't a terrorist that we will see some copycat acts all over the country eventually. But this has been going on for years and years. Back in the 60's we had trailside muderers in CA. The zodiac killer, many others.

    This will pass. We will endure.

  • Francois

    Why? You ask why all this is happening? And why it can't be stopped?

    I'm going to risk my neck, life and limb I guess, but I do have some very strong feelings about this. And I don't think they're going to be so popular with everyone. But here goes anyway.

    1. Yes, I think it's terrorist-related. I think this country has a proliferation of terrorists "sleeper" cells of mideastern origin that have been here for years. Why?

    2. Because the vast majority of Middle Eastern states...well, let's be more accurate: because the ENTIRE Muslim world despises Isreal and despises us for supporting Isreal. We sell them sophisticated weapons systems of all sorts, and give them our financial and military backing. You notice the local Muslim population in Isreal mainly throw rocks. The Arab/Muslim world cannot afford to strike Isreal directly and risk retalliation by Isreal and the US. Thus we have terrorists.

    The US cannot be confronted directly by any current "power" in the world, so we are attacked by "individual" terrorists. This is essentially the same thing that happened in Viet Nam. Little asian folks wearing black pajamas riding bicycles down the Ho Chi Minh trail carring supplies to guerrilla forces in the south. Not only did they beat the shit out of us (because the politicians wanted a "limited" war) but we also lost our first war with the entire world watching...and learning how it was done.

    Part of how Viet Nam was lost was through the fact that small groups of guerrilla fighters were present in great proliferation throughout the south. Hiding in caves. Pretending to be native southern farmers. They blended in, disappeared. In other words, the south was riddled with "sleeper cells" of, essentially, terrorists. Sound familiar?

    3. Now we come to the last thirty or so years of American domestic politics. The Left in this country wants as many immigrants to come here as possible. Notice how illegal immigrants have been granted more and more and more of the rights and privileges of American citizens; rights like driver's licences, health care, schooling, and on and on and on. Who gives these rights to illegal aliens? The Left, that is, the democrat party; or the activist leftist judges sitting in U.S. District Courts all around the country. Remember, most of the Liberal agenda that has become established in this country has been established by the fiat rulings of the courts; they have not been passed into law by acts of congress. That could never happen.

    Why do leftists want to throw open the gates to the US to aliens and even make it comfortable for illegal aliens? Who do you think the illegal aliens are going to vote for when they get the chance? That is, when congressional leftists find some way to convert illegal aliens to legal aliens. Remember recently when Gephardt wanted to pass a bill through the house that would have made ALL CURRENT ILLEGAL ALIENS IN THE US legal in one fell swoop by act of congress? That would have instantly created something like 15 million new democrats to vote for people like that detestable Gephardt, or worse, that sickening Daschle.

    4. So, with the doors to our country deliberately flung wide open by the left, every tom, dick, and harry, and every Ahmed, Ali, and Yassir come tumbling in too. Sleeper cells. Urban Guerillas. Terrorists.

    The democrat (read: Marxist) party of the United States puts party and politics ahead of country, constitution, and common sense. If we are infested with armed Islamist fanatics, and I believe we are, you need look no further than your local democrat party to discover how they got in here.

    Let some Libertarian, or conservative politician whisper that perhaps we need to tighten up our immigration laws, and the democrats howl to the heavens, beat their breasts, rip their garments, gnash their teeth, and intone darkly about how unfeeling, unfair, and just downright nasty those small-minded conservatives are. Like I said, they can only see the loss of potential votes for their side. They don't give a good god damn about WHO they're letting in, as long as they can ensure that they will vote democrat when the DO get in.

    5. Watch for continued attempts to disarm the American citizenry. Or, failing that, to register all firearms so that they will be easy to find when the government (now totally comprised of leftists) comes to confiscate them.

    6. This is not just happening here. Did you know that on 9/11 there was an attempt to bomb many other places in the world that never made it into the news? The Rialto Towers in Melbourne, Australia - attempt to bomb on the same day. If you go back and real international newswires and newspapers you can find out for yourself.

    In America, it looks like, and IS, a political contest between left and right. However, that context is far too small. Looked at from a worldwide perspective, we have the democrat and republican parties in this country squabbling, while ISLAMIC FANATICS are watching and waiting. I submit there is no political ideology as fanatic as a religious fanatic (something we all know something about).

    If we want to ever be safe in this country again, we will throw out ALL persons here illegally right now. And, if we had any sense, we'd stop voting for Marxists in democrat party costumes. Then we'd have to fix our borders with Canada and Mexico. Why?

    Because the Islamic world is not going to tolerate the Jewish state of Isreal in their midst, and they perforce have to destroy or weaken the props holding Isreal up. That would be us. The Islamic world has been made rich by our need for their oil. They have been given motivation to destroy us by the strength of our feelings of moral and ethical responsibility for the existence of the State of Isreal.

    If we are to believe what we are told, the Jews left Egypt, marched into the Levant, killed everyone right down to the last man, woman, child, old men, old women, young lovers, everyone, and took over the land, saing, "This land is mine, God gave this land to me..." Unfortunately, it was not THEIR GOD who was doing this giving. Five thousand years later, this Jewish nation was again shoved down the throats of the residents of the Levant by countries far, far more powerful than they, and again they said, "This land is mine, God gave this land to me..." Unfortunately, this time THEIR GOD has a billion followers and LOTS of money. So twice in the history of humanity the Jewish people have, in the eyes of the residents of the Levant, been shoved down their throats. However, THIS time, they know how to strike back, and they've got the fanatics and the money to do it. They know HOW to do it because we taught the world how to successfully fight us in Viet Nam.

    Whew! I apologize for writing such a tome. I also apologize if I have offended anyone's political or religious sensitivities here. I didn't mean to do that. I'm just calling it as I see it. I think we're killing ourselves, or at least we're allowing the democrat party to trade our safety for THEIR lust for new democrat voters. But I digress.

    My two cent...two dollars worth.


    Edited by - Francois on 20 October 2002 13:39:59

  • mevirginia

    I thought you were Australian

  • DakotaRed

    Welcome back, Virginia. Missed you.

    Lew W

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