I am reaching my breaking point!

by gilwarrior 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jurs

    Hi Gil,

    Hang in there! I also thought you got excellent advice. I just want you to know that we're here for you! jURS

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    First of all, take a deep breath, and listen.... everything is ok....really. I know you're hurting, but everything you're feeling and wanting can be taken care of. Right now, everything is blown out of proportion.

    Let's take this in steps. One, like everyone said...DON'T GAMBLE...let's get back on our feet (OK, thank you, first goal achieved)

    Secondly, you need an immediate job... ok, I'm not sure what your skills or background is, but can you go to a Temp Agency? I did that years ago and it was a BIG help in getting back into the job market. Also, If you think so, why don't you start a post, say Monday morning, something to the effect "Help me solve a problem"... in other words, solicite some advice on this board for getting an immediate job and how to start networking socially for friends"

    Lastly, chin up... getting friends can be the easiest of your problems. Almost everyone can use more friends, that just take a little of your time and figuring out how to meet people and again, this board can be of tremendous help in giving you ideas.

    Keep us posted... you have friends here... and NO, it's not pathetic....

  • onacruse

    Double Edge : "Keep us posted... you have friends here... and NO, it's not pathetic.... "

    Right on! Most all of us have gone through one or more extreme, almost crushing, episodes like this. Within this last year, I was laid off (out of work for 10 mos), was diagnosed with a severe health condition, went through a divorce (after 17 years of marriage). I was reeling from all the punches.

    I'm now back to work, cured of the physical problem, and found my soul-mate (getting married this Christmas).

    Just hang in there, Gil, and hang here with us. Life will take a turn for the better.


  • ugg

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Gil )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • wednesday

    If u are looking for a job u can go to the labor force office and spend time there researching jobs. It will provide human contact. Join support groups, AA people are very friendly and will welcome u. there are suport groups for everything. Go to the community recreation center and pick up a guide to classes and free stuff. all will provide human contact. Get out and take walks every day. Get a schedule and stick to it. Read, keep your mind occupied. I know this is hard. My husband was laid off for 18 months. Can't count the number of times he watched mr. mom. Post here .the internet is a wonderful thing . Visit nursing homes. many pepople there have no family and would love someone to talk to. Deliver food for meals on wheels. volunteer at the center for aging to be an older person's special friend. many elderly people have no family and would love to talk to u. exercise.

    wishing u the best. Nothing lasts forever. wednesday

  • Prisca
    Other times I just look at people and I just want to hurt them. I don't know why really. Perhaps, I just want to feel like I exist. I feel like I am going insane little by little. One day it will get so bad that I will lose all contact with reality

    This part of your post worries me. It sounds like you are going through a period of depression. I know how long-term unemployment can play with your mind and emotions, so that is why I suggest that you see a Dr about your depression. Just something that will help you get yourself together so you start to feel "normal" again and this will help you get some motivation in your life.

    Sorry to hear that things are going bad for you. I hope something comes up for you.

  • plmkrzy

    Hi (((((((Gil))))))

    Hang in there don't give up.

    Depression can be such a pain in the ars. It might not be a bad idea to check with a doc; maybe you have a slight chem. imbalance. That can have a major effect on how you may be projecting yourself as well. What I mean is if you're on an interview with a potential employer and you are feeling really down or expecting to get a rejection, it could carry over a negative ora to your interviewer. Could be well worth looking into.

    On another note. Well be in Vegas the first week in December. It would be great if you could meet up with us and have some fun.

    Keep in touch.


  • outnfree


    Are you in Vegas? If so, and someone else posting here is near, maybe a meeting is possible? Or, see if there's an ex-JW Meetup planned for your area at www.meetup.com so you can meet others locally who can relate. (In my area we meet on the first Saturday of the month.)

    It worries me, too, that you want to hurt someone (other than yourself with the gambling ). Your reasoning that hurting someone would make you feel like you exist is just WRONG thinking (which I think you realize)! Why not HUG someone to feel like you exist instead? I think the Al-Anon suggestion is great, coupled with a visit to a doctor (or a fee clinic if you no longer have health insurance), and doing some volunteer work.

    I am sorry that you feel such despair, and hope that you will continue to use this place as a safety net until you are feeling better.


  • gilwarrior

    Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom. Yeah, I know, I shouldn't have gone gambling. Anyway, it was the first time I went gambling since quit my job (I quit because of the pay and I had to use my own truck). I was bored and figured how bad could I do. Well, really bad, it seems. Anyway, I have promised myself not to gamble until I get another job. From now on I will continue to look for a job everyday until I get one. Hopefully everything will fine and I won't do something stupid.

  • Englishman


    I'm glad you lost your money. I too was once short of cash and I wandered into a casino and placed 10 pounds on 32 red. It came up. I won 360 pounds. I let the spin repeat and 32 red came up again. 720 pounds. Wow!

    Trouble was, I lost thousands in later months trying to repeat the exercise.


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