Did anyone really ever study?

by freedom96 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kaethra

    This thread is bringing back memories...

    Yep, I was one of those studious little ones. I studied and studied and studied some more. When I started reading the bible on my own, I would go to my family's library of bound volumes and concordances for nearly every verse. Most of the time I still could not find a satisfactory answer to my questions from those sources and even from my studious elder father....guess that's when the initial cracks in the facade started to show through for me. It's too bad I didn't do as ExPat did and research external sources more in-depth. I'm sure that I would have left the jw world behind me much more quickly if I had.

    Having said all that though...I do recall occasions when I simply did not have the time to read the latest magazines or study my Watchtower. Oh the guilt and shame! The absolute worst was when, (I believe it was dsgal who mentioned this already), I would forget my Watchtower. The ignominy of putting up my hand when the conductor would ask, 'Does anyone need a Watchtower?' The judgementalism of the rest of the congregation members on those who had forgotten their most precious, life-giving (-stealing?) Watchtowers! Am I glad to be away from all that!

    This also reminds me - Did anyone else ever hurriedly underline random passages of their unstudied Watchtower or book study material on the way to the meeting, just to avoid the inevitable "tsk tsk" from Sister/Brother Holier-Than-Thou? :)


    well no not really--I DID A LOT OF DOODING and the rest went in one ear and out the other !!! SO MUCH FOR LINDA LOU AND STUDYING AND MEETING ATTENDANCE (((((hugs)))) queenie

  • Farkel

    : So did anyone here actually really study like we were supposed to?

    I did. Big time. I looked up all the scriptures and then went to the Watchtower Index and looked up all of the references for those scriptures. Often times I would quote a "slant" on a scripture from one of Rutherford's books or from a Watchtower magazine from the 1930's, 1940's, 1950's. Dubs thought I was quite the "scholar." They never even read that shit we had to deal with every Sunday, and I researched that shit.

    It was still shit, though.

    Farkel, who can't believe he ever trusted a dang thing Rutherford ever wrote

  • KD

    I looked at this thread earlier this evening and meant to comment then. When I came back I was amazed that several people have already mentioned my eariler thoughts. This is the fact that there is guilt and sometimes people have had to quickly underline their material just so that they would not get shit from others. I usually read anything I could get my hands on, at least what the society said I could read that is. There were others that worked several jobs to support there family and had trouble trying to keep up each week. What always pissed me off was the fact that, at least in my old congragation that is, there were several indiviuals that would look around to see who did not study and make a smart ass comment. Sometimes these same people would gossip in service about such people and say that they are not "strong in the truth". I had also noticed these same individuals would use the brightest high-liter and hold the material at eye level so that the people several rows behind them could see how wonderful they are!

  • Cicatrix

    Lol KD!

    I always ended up sitting in front of Brother and Sister Brightest Highlighter:) I read my mags, but with a full time job and five kids, had no time to underline and look up scriptures most of the time.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I sometimes studied ahead....and then felt quite pious about it. Other times I didn't....and felt guilty. Sometimes I would study a paragraph or two ahead of the conductor during the Watchtower Study. Most of the stuff was a repeat anyway, and I remembered the points from the last time we rehashed it.

    I would generally study for the Tuesday night book study, since those books were more interesting than the Watchtower. I just never could get into that magazine.

  • Farkel

    : I had also noticed these same individuals would use the brightest high-liter and hold the material at eye level so that the people several rows behind them could see how wonderful they are!

    It was Gary Busselman who correctly pointed out years ago that such use of highlighters should only be "used in moderation."

    Of course, Gary and we all know that this is all "Bible-Based(tm)".

    Gary's Genius At Work


  • Undecided

    I had to study all my free time, I was the WT study conductor, mininstry school servant, book study conductor, and PO all at the same time. I also had to have a part on the SM every week and assign all the other ones out. I had to give the memorial talk, and give many of the Sunday talks locally and out of town about once every month or two. That's why I moved away and quit, it was just too much and when I moved back I wasn't about to go back again.

    Ken P.

  • Farkel


    : I had to study all my free time, I was the WT study conductor, mininstry school servant, book study conductor, and PO all at the same time.

    Considering your congregation had five people, that's understandable.


    P.S. Drop me a note. I want to call you.

  • footprints

    Ken. P said "I had to study all my free time, I was the WT study conductor, mininstry school servant, book study conductor, and PO all at the same time. I also had to have a part on the SM every week and assign all the other ones out. I had to give the memorial talk, and give many of the Sunday talks locally and out of town about once every month or two. "

    Ken. P
    What a job you did. Think how bad it could have been if you had been a brown_noseing_control_freek. They would have probably let you do the books and make all the contributions to.

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