Were/are you Anointed?

by onacruse 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • onacruse

    <<Pouring used motor oil on Dismembered's head>>

    There, feel better?

  • Dismembered

    Thanx onacruse was hoping someone would grease my head w/oil.


    Edited by - Dismembered on 18 October 2002 12:12:45

  • gumby

    Could one who has been in the troof only a short period of time be of the annointed?

    The society covered that point in a QFR. The answer was.....not likely. If one of the annointed were to fall away or lapse into sin....their answer was.....it would be more likely Jehovah would replace them with someone with years of faithfull service.................as if they are BETTER than a newcomer. To them....years of service is more important than the individuals heart condition.

    Can you imagine what Christ would say if he was on the earth today about this matter?

  • Sentinel


    I enjoyed reading your response. It really says it all.

    At one of the Memorials years ago, a man took the emblems. He had only attended a few meetings and was not even baptised. The elders hustled him to the back of the hall.

    I always wondered how those elders could be so sure this man wasn't of the annointed. It's supposedly such a special and private relationship going on in that instance, that no one should be questioning it.

    ........those were the days.....


  • footprints

    Time to lighten up as in...... see the light.
    Jesus said do this in rememberance of me he was talking to all christians and that means anyone on this site that is a believer in Christ. To deny that the bread and wine should be partaken of by anyone or by any class of anyones is another case of manmade rules and manmade thinking.

    "As for me and my household we are all going over to the KH next year and drink and eat."
    Hope they have enough.

    Can't you just see it now. 10 or 20 thousand apostates attending the memorial and partaking. That would really screw up their yearbook report.

  • bikerchic

    LyinEyes.....girl I'm disappointed in you....you like the memorial bread? I thought for sure you would like the wine better.


    One night, when I was about 12, my folks were driving us home from Memorial, and they had the "leftovers." Us 3 boys asked if we could see the bread, and they even let us eat some of it...said it wasn't "special" anymore

    I hope that your parents also got the wine.......add a little 7-Up, some slices of lime, orange and lemon and you have good Sangria! Pass the cheese and crackers please! Party!!

    This made me remember one of the old caugers at our hall who partook every memorial. When he bit into the bread and chewed he did it really loud and slurped the wine really loud as if to draw attention to himself. I was currious about his "eating" habbits and made it my duty to watch him at the next "covered-dish" gathering to see if he ate that loudly all the time, and just as I suspected NO he didn't! But he did at every memorial, maybe he thought Jah would "hear" him in heaven? LOL

    bc of the loves onacruse class

  • onacruse

    gumby: "Can you imagine what Christ would say if he was on the earth today about this matter?"


    Matthew 23:13 "Woe to you, [Watchtower Society], you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in mens faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to."
    Matthew 23:15 "Woe to you, [Watchtower Society], you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are."

    Sentinel: "no one should be questioning it."

    Yes, and that was the ONLY reason I never partook...fear of what everybody would think. "To thine own self be true."

    footprints: "Jesus said do this in rememberance of me he was talking to all christians and that means anyone on this site that is a believer in Christ."

    Good point. Like I said, I no longer feel that way. But I have frequently pondered that perhaps the "desire" I once had was killed by non-participation. And I DO still believe in the Bible, God and Christ (though with some serious modifications from my former convictions). Well, the future will tell, eh?

    bikerchic: Do I know you?

    As a matter of fact, one Memorial my folks DID bring home the wine...I suspect that they got great spiritual benefit from it that night!


  • czarofmischief

    YES! That's it! Everyone attend and partake! I love it!


  • joannadandy
  • gumby

    I almost made it to annointed......but I only got as far as being annoying.

    Since I was at least annoying I felt I could go home and chug down a gallon of ripple and a box of saltine crackers on Memorial night. Ya gotta love the annoying ones too!

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