Were/are you Anointed?

by onacruse 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Goshawk

    One of my younger brothers (about 4 years old at the time late 60's) made a grab and serious effort to eat the bread. Didn't quite get it done though, intercepted by mom. Worried me a bit at the time would he be in heaven and not on earth with the rest of us.

    Does that count?

    Edited by - goshawk on 18 October 2002 4:18:52

  • minimus

    not yet. at least not this week.

  • blondie

    I have been tempted to partake just to irritate the elders. I sure would get my 15 minutes of fame. But I have never had any desire to go to heaven even in my darkest moments.

  • LyinEyes

    I like memorial bread.

  • Wolfgirl

    I remember once, a friend of mine and I were in the library looking at the bread after the Memorial. Ooo ahhhh. Someone (I forget whom) came in and said that it was OK to eat now coz it wasn't special anymore. So we did. Then my dad and another elder walked in on us, and boy what a fuss! "You can't eat that! It's for the anointed!" There were no partakers in our hall. I explained what happened and made some comment about not wasting the food. Still can't believe the stupid fuss over it.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I agree with LyinEyes - I like the memorial bread, if by "memorial bread" you mean authentic, commercially prepared Kosher Jewish Matzohs.

    In the New York City congregations I attended more than a quarter century ago, they used Jewish Matzohs for the unleavened bread. I'm sure there's a BIG difference between the matzohs made by Manishewitz or Rokeach and dried library paste concoction prepared by someone who had little idea what they were doing. They're especially good with a few slices of ham betwix 'em!

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 18 October 2002 9:12:27

  • minimus

    Blondie, if you want 15 minutes of fame, why not ask the elders if you can stay "regular" and turn in 15 mins. of time? That will get you noticed!

  • blondie

    Actually, I have more than 15 minutes of fame, minimus. I don't think I am old or decrepit enough to deserve the 15 minute rule. I think it's one of the catch 22 things. If you are competent enough mentally enough to ask for it, you don't qualify and if you aren't mentally compentent enough, you aren't competent enough to ask for it. Huh?! I wonder if the apostle John qualified when he wrote his letters to the congregations, wasn't he around 100?

    Anointed means to be set aside for a special purpose. I think we are all pretty special around here.

  • onacruse

    Goshawk: "Worried me a bit at the time would he be in heaven and not on earth with the rest of us."

    Yeah, for real...I thought about that too. Tried to visualize how I would talk to and visit with my fam, me being a spirit and all. But, angels have materialized, eh? Hmmm

    Dede: "I like memorial bread." Washed it down with some WildTurkey?

    Nathan: "They're especially good with a few slices of ham betwix 'em!" So what happened to the KOSHER thing??

    minimus: I suggest that perhaps you should just settle for being one of the new "Nethinim" class! Rubbing elbows with all those GB anointed will surely be efficacious. hahahaha

    blondie: "I think we are all pretty special around here." RIGHT ON, GIRL, RIGHT ON!!!!


  • Dismembered

    I was hoping someone here could tell me if I am. I mean, I used to go to all the meetings. Does that count?


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