to my master, Know_You

by wasasister 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasasister

    My dear Know_You:

    Having been moved by your recent posts, I find myself terrified by my precarious position as one associated with scurrilous apostate scum. I have supped at the table of demons, cavorted with the devious likes of Farkle, AlanF, Seven006, GinnyTosken, and others of their ilk. My smaller, womanly brain was deceived, much as my ancestress Eve, by their cunning linguistics. I offer no excuse for my fall from grace. I am ashamed to be the female dog, returned to lick her own...Umm... vomit.

    But now, with the world's financial system on the brink of collapse, with wars and rumors of wars rampant, with the rapidly declining moral values of a sick and twisted humanity, with the increase in teeth-gnashing of the rabid opposers of Gods chosen Servants - I know I must seek safe haven within the loving arms of my forgiving Father and the strict disciplinarians he has chosen for my own much needed correction.

    In trembling dread of inevitable anarchy and terror, my knees quake uncontrollably. I fall upon them in supplication to those masters of the Lord's household, asking for succor. Let my humility be manifest before all, I seek only to be a slave unto those taking the lead the shining stars in the Lord's right hand.

    No more will I profane my supple female body before the gods of pleasure and debauchery. No more will I offer myself willingly as a sacrifice on the alter of every erotic vice. No more will I ignore my God-given role as a chaste and pure woman, whose only purpose is to fulfill her role as a "help-meat" for my God-head. Those who have glutted themselves on the degradation of my womanhood will cry out: "Too bad, too bad, the great whore."

    I most humbly beseech you, may I kneel before you and receive your patient correction as you instruct me on how to re-enter the paradise (even if I must re-enter again and again)? Will you lovingly place a collar of protection around my neck, so that I may be restrained from returning to my former wickedness? Will you help me feel the sting of the correcting whip of Scriptural chastisement?

    I am a most sincere supplicant to your greater wisdom. As one of the anointed, I know you are undefiled by women, and so I trust you completely and unreservedly. Deal with me as you will, with your turgid member-ship among the Glorious Ones.

    Seeing the light, even through my blindfold of wickedness,


    Edited by - wasasister on 16 October 2002 23:25:14

  • PopeOfEruke



  • unclebruce


    seriously jealous unc.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Wasa, buck up, girl! Don't be a wussy! You CAN do this apostate thing. THINK!!! This Know You person is a sham.....a SHAM, I tell you! Listen to the goddess (moi). Do not be mislead by this purveyor of illusion. Go get some Ben and Jerry's or a couple of pieces of good chocolate. That should straighten out your thinking.

    (Hmmmm.....Cherry Garcia.....hmmmmm)

  • PopeOfEruke


    .....Farkle, AlanF, Seven006, GinnyTosken.......... deceived, ........... by their cunning linguistics

    Are you saying these members of the most holy class of rat-infested Apostate vermin are ALL practising cunning linguists?


  • wasasister

    It is my sincere wish that they practice this art until they achieve perfection. (Except for GinnyT, because I don't play for that team.)

  • onacruse

    I would really like to post something meaningful here, but I've got KnowYou on ignore, so I have NO IDEA why you all worship him/her/it/them. hehe

    My bad!


  • wasasister


    I know you have your head in the clouds, so I forgive you. But seriously...DAMN! This is some good stuff!

    BTW, how does that T-shirt look on your main squeeze?

  • onacruse

    Katie gave it to me to bring back home...I've got it right here in my hand.

    Won't let her put it back on!

    Craig (of the head in clouds for sure class!)

  • Windchaser

    NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Me, first!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm down on my hands and knees..........begging, please let me be first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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