What Was the Most Unbelievable Thing You've Heard?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Being told that the end of the world would come when I was 12 years old. I literally counted the weeks and months until I would die. (I knew I could never measure up to my brothers).

    The irony is the perpertrators of that idea are dead.....and I'm still alive. What blowhard losers they were to presume such a thing. It was little more than an open rebellion and rejection to Christ. I laugh at them because they wasted their life on empty illusions.

    What a sad existence to go down in history as a person who preyed on the ignorant and childrern. Yes, 1975 takes the cake. If you didn't live through it....you have no idea.

  • Sabine

    Hey Beck, that was in the late sixties...they still had "rooming forms" that asked for the race of the householder and the convention delegate...wouldn't want a "darkie" showing up at a white householder's home...lol!!

  • Beck_Melbourne


    From your pic I'd say "but it can't be, you weren't even born in the sixties" hehehe

    they still had "rooming forms" that asked for the race of the householder

    I didn't know they did that! The society kept that quiet, or it was so long ago that they don't give out reminders that they were bigots. That's shocking!


  • Dutchie

    Years ago there was a very zealous single sister in the congregation. One of the elders was studying with a man who made very fast progress and after a short time he became baptized. After his baptism he began to court the zealous single sister and after an appropriate courtship they got married at the Kingdom Hall. It was a big lavish wedding and we were all so happy to see how Jehovah had blessed this sister with a mate.

    Eighteen months later the police showed up at the Kingdom Hall and arrested the brother who had progessed so fast. He was wanted for murder in another state and had used the witnesses as a shield in order to hide out. He had assumed that since the witnesses advertised that they were separate from the world the authorities would never look for him there.

    The fast progressing brother is still in the penetentiary.

  • minimus

    Perry, isn't that awful that a poor 12 year old kid is counting the days til his death?

  • dsgal

    That no one will have sex organs in the new system because God is going to stop human reproduction and there won't be any need for them.LOL.

  • minimus

    Yes, that's right. Sex is only for reproduction.

  • queer_reality
    What's the most unbelievable thing you've ever heard while you were a Witness?

    I remember one circut assembly, I walked by a MS from my cong. I was holding a science-fiction book that I had been reading. He scolded me for reading sci-fi because alien life is against the bible. I replied that the bible does not discuss life on other planets. He told me that it did and that I shouldn't read those kinds of books. I asked him if he had seen my sister and then I excused myself to go find her. I did not change my reading habits.

  • Inkie

    The most unbelievable thing I heard was one evening at bookstudy when the conducting elder told our little assembled group how the governing body gets holy spirit. He told us (in all sincerity) that the governing body assembles in an upper room at Bethel. After prayer was said a thick cloud descended upon them all and God spoke with them telling them what to print in the Watchtower. I started laughing right there an then and he gave me this "look" so I stopped laughing. I said, No, Brother, I find that very difficult to believe. He said, No, it's true, it's true. The rest of the group was silent. I went home with wife and kids and told them the brother was crazy, lovable, but crazy. And that was the end of that.


  • myself
    After prayer was said a thick cloud descended upon them all and God spoke with them telling them what to print in the Watchtower

    ROFLMAO - three guesses as to what they were smoking

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