What show scared you as a kid?

by Been there 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • TTBoy

    The damn specials on "Big Foot". I had nightmares for years from that because we had miles of woods behind my house.


    Ohh yea...watching the movie "Event Horizon" while stoned wasn't a good idea either. I was totally wigging out.

    Edited by - TTBoy on 11 October 2002 0:3:53

  • Windchaser

    The music in One Step Beyond was the best, as far as scary goes.

    This is gonna sound really stupid, and I saw this a few years ago, but Blair Witch, the scene when the guy is saying he heard a 'cackle' outside the tent. That made my hair go up on end.

    Another footnote: I went to see Easy Rider while on LSD. I wore a black velvet dress. Someone had given me a red flower. I completely freaked out when they get shot in the end. I cried hysterically in the theatre. No one could console me. I was a wreck. Yet I married two good ole southern boys. When will I ever learn.

    Edited by - windchaser on 11 October 2002 0:10:32

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I remember when I was about 10 and I stayed home sick from the meeting. I was alone in my bedroom and I watched "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". It was the episode called the "Monkey's Paw". It was about an old Gypsy that gave this man a monkeys paw and he had three wishes and after which he would die. Anyway that show scared the Bjesus out of me.


  • Windchaser

    There was a Trilogy of really scary movies many years ago. Karen Black was in one (the one about the voodoo doll attacking her). But what really, really was scary was the one about water dripping in the sink, a fly buzzing around and a dead woman laid out in the bedroom. Her housekeeper comes in and practically pulls the dead woman's finger off getting this ring. The dead woman rises and slowly, oh, so slowly goes to her and kills her!

  • Quotes

    I was scared... no, make that terrified, that Armageddon was coming and I wouldn't survive because I was just a little kid. I mean, I was really, really worried about his.

    Gee, I wonder what ever gave me that silly idea now... let me think.. OH YEAH, now I remember:


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    I think you are referring to "Night Gallery" hosted by Rod Steriling of the Twilight Zone.


  • gumby

    "The House on Haunted Hill"

    Vincent Price......a real old one

  • Windchaser

    Will, you mean the trilogy one? Did you see that one?

  • Windchaser

    gumblet, I just rented that movie!

    Hey, check out the chick with the legs! WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edited by - windchaser on 11 October 2002 0:29:54

  • riz

    anyone ever see magic? it's about a ventriloquist's dummy that kills people. that was one messed up movie. scared the bejesus outta me when i was a kid.

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