Noachian Flood c.2370 BCE

by badboy 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Or maybe Noah and his family were dinosaurs .

  • Know_You

    Running-away man,

    Now you're blathering. Of course any remaining dinosaurs perished when the Almighty wiped off the face of the planet all those evildoers - apostates of their time really. Jehovah would hardly have exceuted the dinosaurs once they'd accomplished their earth-flattening God given chore. So He let them die out gradually. My point, which even a child could understand is that prior to the flood there would be very few dinosaurs around. Any fool knows that in a confrontation with humans, the humans always win as a group. Didn't you learn anything at school? How do you think Mammoths were killed?

    Egyptian book cooking - well read Otto Neugebacher and you'll start to get the picture, maybe.

    Since Jehovah gave Noah very precise dimensions for the Ark then Noah well knew that he didn't need to go rounding up any remaining dinosaurs that there might have been. So when Jah released the swaddling band surrounding the earth, the dinosaurs went the way of the God-hating apostates - as will happen again and soon.

    This is a good lesson for those who remain faithful to God's spirit directed modern day antitypical Ark of Salvation. Remember that Noah did "just so." We can eb happy that the brothers on the Governing Body are acting in a similar way to Divine direction. They are doing "just so."

    Let that episode be not a warning, since most here have hearts so calloused that they will never change their Korah-like rebellious ways, but a preview of a coming attraction. The Big A let's call it. Thing is, you're going to be playing a central role in it. Hope that helps.


  • RunningMan

    Know_you: Do you even read your own posts?

    Notice post #2: because they were part of the "flesh" Jehovah gave to man and so many would have been used to satisfy fallen humanity's craving for flesh

    The flesh was given to Noah after he came out of the ark. If dinosaurs were among them, they must have survived the flood.

    Now notice post #3: Of course any remaining dinosaurs perished when the Almighty wiped off the face of the planet all those evildoers

    Make up your mind, man. You are refuting yourself.

    Now come on. Are you really this stupid, or are you just yanking my chain?

  • Know_You

    Running Man,

    Well I couldn't resist - what I can say. All in good fun....

    But now I have to retire from this board made up of the very distillate of viper's venom, sons of Satan and his vile ilk...for pastures greener.

    Hope that helped.


  • pettygrudger

    Yeru - I saw that discovery channel special too, but it was about Moses - this thread is about Noah

    But regarding that special of Moses - did you take notes or is there a link with all that information? I wanted to have it for future reference, but (sigh) my hands were full that night so I couldn't take notes.

    The stuff on noah would be kewl too as I didn't see that one. I checked discovery - couldn't find a link.

  • TruckerGB

    Hi everybody.

    This is one of my favorite subjects,I have posted before on the flood legends.They are first mentioned in the sumerian texts,which are as far as anybody knows,the first time anything was written down,and predate biblical writings.

    Now,There are flood legends worldwide,which talk of a global catastrophy,so is it not possible that these legends are in fact much older than both the Sumerian texts and the bible.

    People where here in and before the ice age,Cro Mangon man looked just like we do,so is it just possible that these legends come from our ancestors from when the ice age melted,it is now well known that huge areas of land were lost when the sea levels rose some 3 to 400 feet,and just recently the remains of a forest has been discovered 20 miles off the coast of India,and also the remains of what could be man made dwellings.

    Its food for thought.


  • JanH


    Now,There are flood legends worldwide,which talk of a global catastrophy,so is it not possible that these legends are in fact much older than both the Sumerian texts and the bible.

    You seem to suggest that an oral tradition can survive in a recognizable form over periods from 8000 to (ghasp) 50,000 years.

    I am sure you have played the whisper-game. A dozen or so people sit in a circle. The first whispers a story to the person sitting next to him or her, and that one whispers it to the next person, and so on until it reaches the final person. He or she will then retell the story to the whole group, to common amusement. Even a short chain of people distorts the simplest stories beyond recognition. Add the complexity of successive generations and long timespans, and I doubt that any story could ever survive as an oral tradition more than, say, a millennium.

    Human memory is very fragile, as any man who has forgotten his wedding anniversary can tell you.

    PS to add: There are techniques to counteract loss of historical memory. One is to make verses or songs. Another way is to indictrinate people to learn stories exactly by heart. The early Muslims learned that even this had its risks, and wrote down the Koran (with some changes!) after some decades.

    - Jan

    Blogging at Secular Blasphemy

    Edited by - JanH on 10 October 2002 20:37:13

  • seedy3

    On the subject of Abraham, Jacob made mention that Abrahams father lived "The other side of the flood". KJV:

    Jos 24:2
    And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods.

    Now other translations use the word for flood and say river, the RSV is as follows:

    Jos 24:2
    And Joshua said to all the people, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Your fathers lived of old beyond the Euphra'tes, Terah, the father of Abraham and of Nahor; and they served other gods.

    But anyhow, I find it interesting that the KJV says that Terah lived the other side of the flood, ya suppose that's a clue??


  • Mary

    Jehovah created the dinosaurs to stomp down the ground on the newly formed planet. You know, like big earth movers

    Sure He did. And then at the Flood, Captain Kirk beamed two dinasaurs, called George and Gracie up to the Enterprise to take them back to the 23rd century to re-populate the earth.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Any fool knows that in a confrontation with humans, the humans always win as a group.

    So now WTS apologists would have us believe humans could have co-existed with dinosaurs? Leaving aside for a moment the fact that the last of the dinosaurs died out aproximately 65 million years ago, it would be physically impossible for any group of primitive humans to have survived for long on a planet inhabited by dinosaurs.

    The age of the dinosaurs is called the Mesozoic Era. It is made up by the Triassic Period (248-206 million years ago), the Jurassic Period (206-144 million years ago) and the Cretaceous Period (144-65 million years ago).

    I am by no means a paleontologist (what I know about dinosaurs is from my son), but even if there were humans on the earth at that time, how could a group of humans armed only with spears and arrows defend themselves against Tyrannosaurus Rex, as well as Albertosaurus, Diplotomodon or Dromaeosaurus; all of these are similar to the T-Rex and all lived in the late Cretaceous Period. That's to say nothing about the immense plant eaters such the 30 foot Hypacrosaurus or the 65 foot Dyslocosaurs who could have stepped on several humans without even being aware of them. To say that Adam or Cain or Noah could have not only survived, but prospered and built homes and cities while these immense creatures were around defies logic. And why would God have created Adam and Eve when some T-Rex could have stopped by, bit them in two and then sauntered off? That's paradise?

    Also, where in the book of Genesis is the length of a creation day defined? Is it 24 hours? Is it 1,000 years? Is it a million years? Perhaps it doesn't say because it's not important to the narrative. I believe the point of the creation story is to tell us that God actually made this little mud ball and the creatures on it. I believe that God created or put in motion the universe as we know it. But I also believe it is foolish to ignore certain scientific facts, such as the age of this planet and the time period in which the dinosaurs lived. Carbon dating is accepted as an accurate form of dating and is generally known to be accurate within 50-300 years. Does it really matter if the date is off 50-300 years when we're talking about millions of years? All dinosaurs were gone from this planet millions of years before humans showed up. There is no evidence that dinosaurs lived on this planet 4,000 years ago.

    I don't believe in evolution. Having said that I do not know how the creation of dinosaurs fits in with the creation of human and until God chooses to tell us I don't think anyone else truly knows either. But one thing I am certain is that humans and dinosaurs did not live on the earth at the same time.

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