Anybody Still Searching For The Truth???

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    Still coming to grips with the "truth" not being the "truth".

    What I have learned so far is...

    If anybody tells you that they have the "truth", run really fast in the other direction.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • LoneWolf

    Welllllll ---- let's phrase it this way --- I am approaching something that, while certainly not a complete truth, is decidedly satisfying.

    There's a phenominal amount to it though, and isn't something that one can write out in 25 words or less. I'll say this though. Many times during such times of puzzlement it is advantageous to back up and look for a bigger picture. That's what I've done, and from that standpoint there is very little that doesn't make sense.

    If you're interested in seeing a couple of examples of what I mean, look for these two posts in the archives under my name:

    "What Is Truth"

    "The Natural Life Cycle of a Religion"

    I'd post the addresses, but I'd probably lose what I've written here if I left this screen and searched for them. But, I think both of them will include things that you haven't seen before. (GGG)


  • scootergirl

    randomtask wrote:

    No, I stopped trying to get it from other people and found it within myself. I am much more content with life and the universe now.
    Amen. That is what happened with me and I too have much more content and HAPPY than before!
  • LoneWolf

    Here you go. Hope you like them.

    "What Is Truth"

    The Natural Life Cycle of a Religion


  • plmkrzy

    "The TRUTH!.You don't want the truth! You can't handle the truth!"

    Jack Nicholson

  • heathen

    The truth is -- (drum roll please) All religion are cults.

  • KD

    I feel that all religions are cults in one way or another. The big question that I have been wondering is the validity of the bible itself. I have discovered that the bible as we know of it today was actually compiled several centuries after Christ and that there were books that have been lost through time or discarded during the assembly of it. I feel that the true meaning of God's word has been lost. If that is the case, then what is the real "TRUTH"?

  • joannadandy
    I prefer to be concerned with my own inner spirituality, and not base it on any man-made religious rules.

    Said beautifully boozy. I couldn't agree more! I found my own truth which is much more beautiful and deep than having a kind of truth handed to me by stuffy old men.

  • PopeOfEruke


    I am working on a new hat, here is my preliminary design...

    You can read all about my hat at

    Regards, His Popeness

  • minimus

    Heathen said "All religions are cults". You might get alot of disagreement on this. See CULTS, CULTS,CULTS by Minimus a few months back.

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