...you mean, you weren't raised JW?

by DanTheMan 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    I found it humorous and sad and revealing when I was in Jerhover's borganization that this is the reaction I often got from the younger, raised in the troof JWs. Reading facial expressions and body language, it was more than apparent to me that they were thinking, "you mean you weren't forced into this?? You actually chose to be a JW??!!"

    Did anybody else who converted to JW as an adult experience this? Conversely, to those who were raised, is this really how you felt towards new adult converts at the hall? It is funny, when I converted I was so gung-ho, so "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO WONDERFUL!!!!" That 'honeymoon' reaction (which is typical of JW newbies) must seem pretty funny to a lot of raised-JWs. It was all you could do not to roll your eyes, right?

  • TR


    Yes, same thoughts here. Also, I believe that many "raised" 'hovahs were jealous of the fact that at one time I could do whatever I wanted.

    One "sister" that I worked with asked why I married a "worldly" woman. DUH, dumb bitch, we got married before I became a 'hovah, jeeeeez! Comments like this were common among the 'hovahs. I often wondered if the "raised" ones were always this ignorant.

    Another common comment was, "How's your wife doing, show any interest yet?" You dumb BASTARD, she would be here if that were the case, dumbass!


    Edited by - TR on 6 October 2002 22:36:32

  • DanTheMan

    How's your wife doing, show any interest yet?
    Geesh, how typical. Its like, she has no status as a legitimate human being until she starts to show interest in JW. Dumbasses, oh yes you are correct sir
  • jurs

    I never got that reaction from any teens or adults for that matter. I did get a few surprised looks , from adults, that I came in from the door to door work. In fact I felt VERY special that I came in that way because most I met that came in as adults usually had fallen in love with a JW and then became a witness or had a relative who encouraged and studied with them. BUT ............. one time out in field service , I was with a teen, I was telling her how I just loved the door to door work and was praying for a study ( I think I was trying to convince myself by lying) I remember she gave me a strange look. It surprised me because I KNEW then that this girl was miserable being a witness. Shortly afterwards she was DF'd , I'm not sure what for but I wasn't surprised. I too wonder what teens thought of those that actually chose such a suffocating way of life.


  • TR


    Its like, she has no status as a legitimate human being until she starts to show interest in JW.

    Exactly. Of course, the 'hovah line of reasoning is, "we got to SAVE her, or she'll be lost at 'geddon!"


  • freedom96

    Timing has to be so perfect for a person as an adult to conform to witness ways.

    It would be interesting to see what the REAL numbers are of new converts. How many of the new baptized actually came from door to door preaching. My guess is in the free countries, that they have been there awhile, the numbers are not so great. Mostly those raised as a witness, knowing no better. Also, perhaps the numbers would be greater in third world countries, where the witness are a new thing, and free communication is not quickly available.

  • kenpodragon

    I don't think I ever felt that way. Although, I was always a little careful with new people. Only because I was kind of feeling them out, to see if they were good association. I kind of took everyone one-on-one in the congregation for the most part.

    My thought


  • DanTheMan

    hmmm...maybe I was projecting this reaction some. It didn't take too long after I was baptized for me to start feeling like "what kind of crazy group have I gotten in with?"

    One of my big falling-outs with JWs was that I felt so different and excluded from the big-family-all-in-the-troof JWs (which in the U.S. is most of them anymore). I really started to resent these families, they seemed to not care a lick about people like me who were going it alone. It was like they were in a different world, JWs for too long themselves, combined with the fact that all their blood relatives are JWs, a recipe for serious weirdness if ever there was. Their minds are so borgified, it's pathetic.

  • jurs

    I think most people that didn't have family in felt excluded. I also resented the large family clans and clicks and I know I wasn't alone. Other sisters like myself whose husbands weren't in the truth also complained, and that was true in every congregation i was part of. (I moved around a bit) I also wondered from the get go what I got myself into . It was odd I thought some beliefs were way out there and didn't agree with everything but I still thought it was the only acceptable religion to Jehovah. Yet it made me uncomfortable at times but then I would think that it was satan trying to pull me away from Jehovah. HMMMMM I wonder who planted that that explanation in my mind. I had a good friend who got baptized when I did who also didn't have family in. She was freaking out at the assembly wondering if it was what she should be doing and if it was really the truth. I had none of those doubts and couldn't understand how it wasn't Obviously the truth, just disturbing at times with a few oddities, and a couple of extreme witness but still the truth. And I then would stop thinking about it. Jurs

  • asortafairytale

    I was raised JW, and I certainly remember "making an effort to get to know the newer ones". Introducing myself, maybe going out in service once. Our congregation(like all others) was very clique-y, and most new ones didn't stay long. It was a very cold place to be.

    I never understood how people my age (teens, 20's) could come in and be so zealous. I always secretly hoped they were leading double lives like I was.

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