If you could do anything publicly to get JWs out

by cognac 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac
    And money wasn't an issue, what would it be?
  • blondie

    Appear as an angel in heaven so everyone sees it at the same time and hears it speak to all humans simultaneiously...and even then there will be doubters.

    According to the bible, Jesus resurrecting people from the dead did not convince them.

  • cognac
    Ok, sooooo, I was thinking billboards, TV, etc, lol
  • cognac
    I said if MONEY wasn't an issue, not ridiculous fantasies, lol
  • DesirousOfChange

    I think billboards or TV ads that are brief and concise that stir curiosity and doubt would be great.

    Evidently Budweiser thinks that kind of advertizing works.


    Image result for clydesdale hitch

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    My sister had a great idea: HIre a hacker that could get access to all the Watchtower's files, so everyone could see behind the scenes as to what the WT really is. What bonds, what stocks, list of pedophiles, all the dirty secrets it has, then spread it on the internet.
  • label licker
    label licker
    Yearly ex-jw pride parades where every "apostate" and their floats get to be interviewed on national TV. And every major city gets to throw one especially during the regional conventions. Better yet, right in front of every convention site with the news people standing by. Each ex-jw could explain what their float stands for. My float would be a giant tape recorder with three elders sitting across from me at a judicial meeting. Telling the news media how you have to protect yourself if you join this cult! Juvenile delinquents!
  • Perry
    Yearly ex-jw pride parade

    How about EX-JW humility parades where people claiming to be Christian actually submit to the direct authority and Mediatorship of Jesus Christ, and him alone.

  • 1Averagejoe

    Lol. We love fantasies. I woukd wait for their big conventions and hack their sound system every now and then to quote a scripture or thought against something they had just uttered. Perhaps even their videos.

    Or send everyone in attentance txts. Can money buy that?

  • GoneAwol

    Just legally park a big white van outside the convention with a vinyl sign on the side, and put something simple on it like.... "how many people have YOU shunned in order to show just how loving and christian you are?"

    Or, the May '94 Awake front cover reproduced on the side of the van, and next to it a picture of a cow, with the words "No you cant have blood transfusions! You must accept an early death like these brave children did! (Unless you take it one fraction at a time. Or it belongs to this cow.)"

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