Just two weeks in our new home and the knock at the door happens!!

by truthseekeriam 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathappened
    Good job, thanks for sharing!
  • Vidiot

    GrreatTeacher - "Did you give the little guy ice cream money?"

    Better yet, tell the parents, "this is a donation to support your work, but I'll only give it to you if you promise to buy him ice cream with it."

  • truthseekeriam
    That would have been great! Wish I would have thought of that :)
  • TheListener
    great job.
  • Heaven

    I think that was very kind of you to give them your input and time and that you were respectful but frank with them.

    I think your suggestion to the man to ask the elders about child abusers within the congregation is an excellent one. It's a benchmark too. I would also suggest that he ask them to let him know if any future abusers join. That way, if anything ever happens to any of his children, he has some ammo with the authorities. It also puts responsibility on the elders.

  • JWdaughter

    I hope they don't put you on the DNC list. I hope every JW in the area knocks on your door.

    Sorry, I know it is inconvenient and annoying but you are the perfect ex JW IMO. Just saying.

    I'm really sorry about your little one. They really do need to be more interested in protecting the sheep than the wolves.

  • possum
    Witnesses have been so used to mindlessly talking from the script door to door and its so good that you provided information to help them to think outside of WT parameters. I approached two brothers at a trolley to question them about their two witness policy(my 5 year old child was abused by a prominent elder and we obediently stayed muzzled for 12 years under two witness policy) resulting in a terrible mental, emotional and physical cost to our entire family. The older "brother" smug slave (who had never met me before) very patronizingly informed me I must have my facts wrong because he was absolutely sure that the brothers/ Jehovah's organisation in my case would have handled things correctly. (I am third generation family full of anointed and elders but somehow questioning them in public somehow transforms me into a stupid women). In our case I was told that the "investigating elder" took his friend the accused molester camping because reporting my child's abuse had stressed him! Never hurts to share knowledge especially to WT slaves who are under such deep mind control. Been there done that! have the scars.
  • truthseekeriam

    I'm sorry about your son possum. I absolutely understand the strain this puts on the entire family mentally, emotionally and physically and how it never fully goes away. It's a shame the Org doesn't care about those of us that suffer as wounded sheep but instead take the side of the abusers through their horrible policies.

    All we can do is warn as many as we can respectfully and lovingly while exploring our legal rights to try and force change in those policies.

    We are not alone, by any means. My thoughts are with your family.

  • possum
    Thanks so much truthseekeriam, Have made a nine page submission to the Australian Royal Commission. Will not allow that publishing organisation more oxygen than it deserves so getting on as a family trying to live a honest happy and productive life. Best revenge is to live well! (I absolutely refuse to cal them a religion they distort everything good about spirituality and faith) I agree with you that they (as an organisation) have absolutely no regard for the basic human rights and their policies and procedures for dealing with abuse not only child abuse but spousal abuse ect will be shown up in public forums as disgraceful, criminal conduct that exposed its adherents to moral and physical danger. Also sites like this, facts and white- anting them eg, that wonderful poster in USA will eventually reveal their dark core.
  • truthseekeriam

    Well, it looks like my chat with that couple put us back on their radar unfortunately!

    On Sunday we got a knock on the door and sure enough 2 elder looking men stood on my porch. I thought about opening the door but then remembered why it would be a waste of time. So I yelled through the the door "I'm not interested" I could see through the large peep hole they looked quite annoyed, it kinda made me chuckle. One looked at the other with his hand on his hip while the other one was like oh well motioning to let's go. The first one looked like he wanted to stand there, as if I would open the door under pressure....ha ha! They don't know who they are messing with, I have absolutely no fear of these men! I took my power back long ago:)

    So today I'm upstairs scrubbing my glass shower doors and hear a slight knock at the door, I ignore it because I'm really determined to get this soap scum off the glass. After all done I walk downstairs and my son hands me a envelope that was left at the door. Inside was a very heartfelt (cough) okay as heartfelt as a mind controlled cult member can be letter. It was from the sister who I talked with. She said she hasn't been able to get me off her mind (I'm glad) then went on and on about this scripture and this chapter... How much she misses me( doesn't know me) and how much she wants me to come back to Jehovah. I'm sure she meant well but for one I asked them not to go to the elders, which they did! Now she wants me to text her?? Yeah right! I'm sure the elders would like me number.


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