Wrong ASSumptions from apostates

by bomatt6 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • neyank

    HMMMM. Interesting acusations.

    And how long were you a JW?

    How many members of your family or freinds
    are now treating you as if you were dead
    because maybe you had the gaul to disagree with some teachings?

    How many do you know that died because of the organ transplant teaching?
    BTW. It was a teaching that got changed a few years later.
    So would you say that those people that died because of it, died for NOTHING?

    And how about the blood teaching. It's getting changed bit by bit.

    And how many times have you had to change what you believe because the WTS demands that you do it or ELSE loose your family and friends because they will consider you an apostate for not being a BLIND follower and blindly agree and go door to door and teach the same beliefs that are CURENTLY being forced on people?

    And I use the word forced because that's what the WTS does. It forces it's teachings under threat of loosing everything.

    And lastly, let us not leave out the CONTROL issue.

    How many jobs have you had to give up because they may have interfered with meatings.
    Or how many freindships have you had to give up because the WTS viewed them as bad associations?

    And let us not leave out the pediphile problem.
    Do you have kids?
    How would you feel if your child was molested by a fellow JW?
    How would you feel if you were told NOT to report it to the police?
    That they would handle it.
    And then it really wasn't handle properly because they don't want the WTS to look bad?

    You know the story of Jesica don't you?

    How would you feel if the JWs were backing and supporting the molester, even going to court to give suport to the ANIMAL (no offense to real animals) and at the same time treating you, the inocent victom, like you were the worst person on earth?

    Oh there's other things but these questions will do.

    So tell us your JW experience please.

    Interested people would like to know.


  • Trauma_Hound

    If he's neutered, I mean neutural, then I'm the pope.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    refiners sife,

    old blippy, greetings

    you are absolutely wrong.

    A categorical statement eh?

    The forming years were the ones you missed out on!

    Bugger. I thought the "forming" years were the beginning years.You know, the early years when a thing starts up, but of course, they are actually the middle years! You are correct, as usual

    1930 thru 1960 were the years

    Ah. Of course they were. There was an enormous amount of prediction , expectation, and doctrinal change during those years

    - if you had only read them, you would have looked entirely differently at things! :-)

    And if you had read the rest other than 1930-60I guess you might know why I hold the view I do. I assume you havent read the rest. Do correct me if Im wrong. Thank you so much for straightening the errors of my thinking for me.

  • Pathofthorns

    While not overly in agreement with how the post is worded, I do think some persons manifesting some caution in not jumping on every anti-WT bandwagon that comes along are too often labelled as WT supporters and "trolls".

    And while our past prevents us from being truly objective on these matters, I think we need to put forth a greater effort to be objective and reasonable when putting forth arguments against the WT.

    I would prefer to say that I try to be balanced, objective and fair when it comes to the WT. To be neutral imo would be to deliberately ignore the evidence against them.


    (interesting photo Eman )

  • bomatt6

    Dana:, I'm here to attack apostates, which does good.

  • mamashel

    You must not learn much from your teachings. I was always taught to leave things in Jehovahs hands, and he would take care of it. You must get some kind of charge coming here, because your reasoning is completely idiotic.


  • bomatt6

    To Trauma hound:

    No here is some reality. - the WTBS hsa nothing to do with splitting families apart. They print literature, nothing more. If you are referring to disfellowshipping, that is not the WBTS. That is the individual members choosing do do that.

    The WTBTS does not turn their back on victims of child molestors, it is the parents that do that by putting the children in such a position to be molested. The WTBTS is in New York and does not babysit children.

    they do make false prophecy's and even if they did it wouldn't matter since 9/1/2001 still happened regardless. That happened because of these false religious zealots (which apostates resemble)

    They do not lie to they're members, because there are only 500 members of the corporation.

    You are the stupid one if you have the long hair.

    And to refiner:

    "Hey dude. I was a witness for 20 years. Ive read the Bible cover to cover at least three times. Done years of research on
    the Bible and read every Watchtower EVER PUBLISHED between 1879 and 1929, and 1961 thru 1980. I KNOW my
    assumptions are based on hard research"

    Ask me if I care about your reading the WTBTS stuff. My answer would be no.

    If you said that you read the Bible, then I care but the fact is that you don't follow it as you would not be attacking the Witnesses if you did. You would be serving with Jesus and his brothers and preaching the kingdom.

  • johnathanseagull

    Hi Bomatt.........gracious what on earth are you doing here then?..........I take it you will do the done Dub thing which is post something and then runaway runaway!!!

    J Gull

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Bomatt6, there is so much bullshit in your last posting that to reply I would have to severely upgrade my computer. But your ignorance does explain why you are so loyal to the WBTS.

    BTW, TheOldHippie, Thanks for the advice.

  • radtrinidad


    These people are here to share their experiences within the religious organization that is headed up by the WTS. If you don't like their views then go to another site that is more JW positive. However, if you have something constructive to say then do so. I can tell you that your lack of logic and eloquence will do nothing to convince anybody on this board to change their views.

    Peace, Rad

    Edited by - radtrinidad on 2 October 2002 9:17:42

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