Just an introduction

by Israel Ricky Gonzales 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StarTrekAngel
    Can anyone tell me which bible verses they use to allow divorce because of "spiritual danger"?
  • Diogenesister
    For the sake of your kids try to keep together, sadly its not for the usual reasons kids need 2 parents - yours dont have that luxury- its simply that they stand more chance of escaping brainwashing with you living with them. Its awful because YOU are someone's child and deserve love and happiness in your marriage too, I feel like you will be sacrificing that to give them the best chance of freedom from a cult.
  • WingCommander

    I'll say this; I wouldn't have anything Apostate online like you do. Elders will use it to get your wife to divorce you.

    Also, your wife (if educated), may be a lot smarter than most give her credit for. After the reaming you got at your JC, maybe that has already been an eye-opener for her. Also a rude awakening, is the despicable treatment and lack of support she has experienced since you were tossed out on your bum. Face it, are the ELDERS going to pay her bills? Buy her food? Take care of her, as you did? Um, NO. I'm sure she's experienced the "Christian Love" that emanates from these losers. The treatment of loved ones alone is enough to get people thinking, the doctrinal questioning of issues comes later.

    You are on the right path with counseling.

  • BU2B
    Welcome Ricky! I watched your interview on JWstruggle and resonated with your courage and honesty. You recognized something was rotten in Romania and got out. I am glad you are in the process of reconciling. My thoughts are with you and hope to see you post here alot down the road!
  • Daniel1555

    Hi Ricky

    I feel for you and hope you manage to have a good family if you and your wife are both tolerant concerning religion.

    Concerning your kids I encourage you to read the book "Raising freethinkers - A practical guide for parenting beyond belief."

    This book especially chapter 3 contains excellent advice how to help your kids become freethinkers and how to counteract on religious indoctrination.

    I wish you all the best.

  • TerryWalstrom

    Hey Ricky G, glad to have you aboard on this site.

    "E" in Arlington wants to get together this weekend.

    "J" said he'd join us. Hope you can be there too.

  • fleshyheadedmutant

    Just wanted to add my welcome. Be patient with the wife. At one time you felt the same way. Just be so wonderful to her that she couldn't possibly do without you!

    I was in for over thirty years and never thought I'd be out but obviously give the WTS enough time and they'll possibly come out with new light so ridiculous you just can't stand it or treat someone in a horrible manner.

  • Israel Ricky Gonzales
    Israel Ricky Gonzales
    "T", I will be there and hope to see "E" and "J" there too.
  • RichardHaley

    StarTrekAngel Can anyone tell me which bible verses they use to allow divorce because of "spiritual danger"?

    They don't for divorce, only for legal separation. Of course this puts both at high risk of committing adultery and when that happens, then there IS "scriptural" grounds for divorce.
  • LexIsFree

    Hey Rick.

    Welcome to the site. I saw your interview many months ago w/Eric of JWStruggle ("I'll drink to that!" LOL). You're story really resonated w/me. Just like you I also was disfellowshipped 3 times. I guess all along we were fighting to hold on to something that was not truly within us. But any how, glad you and the wife are working on things. Of that's truly what you guys want, religion or not, it will work out. Keep your head up bro. You're not alone on the road to recovery from the cult. Cheers!!!

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