The future of this site

by DanTheMan 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Siddhashunyata

    This is a time of ripening fruit. Many predictions made on this site are seeing their initial fullfilment in the growing success of Silentlambs. There is more to come. The WTBTS has the short end of a "moral" stick and isn't letting go until it gets a good beating. That beating is still in the future. Many thinking people are lurking and watching . They will enter the fray again but right now the focus is on the blistering blows of Slilentlambs and the legal convolutions surrounding the WTBTS. Slowly the pedophile issue has polarized the posters and given them a solid moral position from which to make public many more subtle practices of the WTBTS. As has been said above, this is "History" in the making. Thanks to the internt and sites like this one the WTBTS can no longer operate under the cover of secrecy. This is a time for the wheels of justice to vindicate the suffering caused by a selfstyled, collection of high control megalomaniacs. Let the games begin and bring in as audiance all whose conscience is being liberated from the tyranny of the WTBTS.

  • minimus

    Those that complain about someone else's site should either leave this site or go elsewhere or find a real job.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I have a suggestion:

    Perhaps, maybe Simon could create "Greatest Hits Categories" on this Website, so Newbies can find out info FAST.

    Let me explain what I mean:

    Simon could put all of the really good Threads about the United Nations Scandal into a U.N. Greatest Threads Category or something like that so all the New Users could find the U.N. Info FAST.

    You could do the same with all of the really good Threads about the Pedophile Policy and the silentlambs.

    You could also do the same with the Threads about the Rape Policy (requiring women to SCREAM).

    You could also do that with the Threads about Disfellowshipping, and so on and so on.

    I think that would make it easier for Newbies, rather than having to use the Search Feature.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    By the way, I am definitely not complaining -- Simon, keep up the AWESOME WORK YOU DO ON THIS AMAZING WEBSITE!!!

  • Yerusalyim

    I think Simon is doing a great job as is. Sure, there's fluff here (guilty), off topic threads (real guilty) insult and inuendo (a little guilty sometimes), but there are also true hard and fast stories, news, support etc (I should be more guilty).

    I wish Simon made money at this, I really do.

    Simon, Thanks for being here for us.


  • plmkrzy
    it seems to me like that "Top Rated" thread section isn't all that it could be. If you go just a few pages back, you get into some very uninteresting threads that don't seem to belong in a "best thread" section.

    I know what you mean. I ran into the same problem. I think there may have been a rate it war at one timelol

    It would take a bit of digging to find the really good ones (that aren't flame wars). But It might be worth it.


    self professed intellectuals LOL

  • Swan

    Dutchie wrote:

    Dan, I think that this is one of the most exciting times in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses that I can remember.

    Just yesterday the biggest, most well planned ever, march on watchtower headquarters was made, a march which gained media attention and certainly caused a stir among Bethelites. Bill Bowen has started a grassroots movement which is surely to grow bigger and stronger with time.

    The personal stories that are posted here are proof that some of the rank and file are shaking themselves out of their stupor and are starting to questions the beliefs of the watchtower or they attest to the fact that some have walked away in disgust.

    The ever changing policies of the watchtower and choice of buzz words are still a source of ire, as well as amusement.

    Personally, I can't wait to see what will happen next!

    I agree Dutchie! This is an exciting time! I have waited 8 long years to see this start to happen, longer if you count the time I was a questioning Dub. They have been through rough times before, but this is a different generation facing this crisis, and it is a crisis of their own doing. Nothing like this has happened before. This is the first time in history I have seen a march like this before the doors of Brooklyn Bethel. This is the first time in history anyone has made a public accusation of child abuse and the cover up of the same by members of the GB. This is the first time in history rank and file have joined with apostates to ask for an end to this abuse. This is the first time in recent history that there has been a marked decrease of publishers in well educated countries such as Japan, United States, and Great Britian. This is the first time in history, thanks to the information age, that apostates have been able to effectively organize and get their message out.

    It's been a wild ride so far and it's just starting! I'm excited!


  • Simon

    Thanks for the suggestions

    I plan to update the rating system so that the results are better and that the really good threads are easier to find.

    And I don't believe that we have a dearth of 'high intellect' posters at all ... quite the contrary - a lot of people make some very good posts but they just don't keep jumping up and down shouting about how intellectual they are.

    This is the most amazing time to watch the WatchTower ... and I think more people than ever are interested (last week was the busiest week ever for this site). More people are getting together and working as a group ('mob', lol) to really achieve something big and I'm proud that this site can help this in some way.

  • Simon

    I think also that what happened on H2O is a warning sign when too much importance is placed on a few individual posters. What really makes one persons opinion 'more important' than anothers? Sure, some people are more articulate and do post fantastic posts, but this shouldn't mean that they can then take over at the expense of others.

    I believe that part of the success of this site is that we try and give everyone a say and the normal posts - the personal accounts by 'normal' people, are what help others the most to see they are not alone and feel that they can take part too. It's all about people.

  • Kingpawn

    As someone who was a newbie (to the whole concept that the WBTS could be anything other than right) this site has helped me enormously.

    And as Dutchie and others have said, this is an exciting time. In decades past, especially the 1930's, you'd never see the open questioning of religious scandals like you do now. People feel empowered and they aren't taking it anymore. "Knowledge is power" and the Internet's probably the greatest proof of that we'll see for a while.

    It's a certainty that some lurkers here, though they may never post, have had their eyes opened to what's going on on a variety of fronts. Surely those here longer can recall new posters saying they had heard rumors, found this site, and saw the house of cards they were a part of for what it was. The shame is they may not feel safe in posting here. To them I say as long as you don't reveal anything which could be traced back to you, post and welcome! No one's going to rat you out and like the Radio Shack commercial says, "You've got questions. We've got answers."

    I've never rated a thread, so I don't know the process, but that might be too subjective to be useful. Is it a popularity contest, iow?

    As far as changing the site...I don't know. For one thing, the different forums can quickly guide people to relevant areas. Maybe a blurb that appears onscreen telling what a person will find here, a description of each forum's content, and an explanation of the search feature (and list of keywords) will get them the info they want. Links to other sites that are different (for example, I haven't poked around that much, so if there are "human interest" stories there I missed them) from here, because some people want to read those, some might like hard news, some want things that really hit home like how DF'ed people are treated or the blood issue. Ken's site is like CNN, and here it's more like Oprah. You never know what's going to help someone too shy to post.

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