More Silentlambs Pics

by jst2laws 29 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • waiting

    Thank you for all the pictures - a marvelous sight.

    Looked like the WT put themselves under barracade ........ so afraid of those little



  • back2dafront


    Seeing those gates again for the first time in 4 years turns my stomach in knots.

    I used to catch those paddywagon's to and from Patterson all the time.



  • Sentinel

    The march was on Friday, and we have your pictures up already.

    Thank you so very much.

    I see the beautiful clear skies of New York, and our dear friends united together for this important cause.

    There is so much appreciation in my heart. Although I was not physically abused in a direct way, I was sexually abused verbally by a group of elders. I have posted my experience here. It's no wonder that through the years, with so much authority, they became "the untouchables". They allowed abusers to stay in good standing within the congregation, which was a safety hazard for all, especially the young. They punnished the good, and gave the bad a pat on the shoulder.

    Now they have to accept the punnishment that is due them. It's been a long time coming.

    My eyes are welling up with tears, as this is just such an important step forward for each and every one of us.

    ((((((((((((((((hugs to all))))))))))

  • Liberated

    Wait a minute....they knock on our door and we're supposed to answer....we knock on theirs....??

    Couldn't they even send someone out to say, "Mommy says to tell you she's not home."


  • Scorpion

    Thank you for sharing these great photos Jst2laws.

  • YoursChelbie

    Very happy to see those photos.

    Shame on the Watchtower.

    JR (their "public relations puppet") was on "break" i suppose.

    Just2laws, thank you SO MUCH for posting them for all to see.

    Excellent work by all the volunteer who showed up.

    THANK You BILL, BARBARA and EVERYONE for all your efforts



  • abbagail

    HI Jst2 & Joy! These are GREAT PICS! Especially seeing the Marchers from the FRONT -- what a THRILL!!! Since I was way back in the rear of the group, seeing these pics from THIS angle is another whole perspective altogether:

    I wanna go back!
    I wanna go back!
    and march again with the pack!!

    Your huge captions are especially expressive and hit the WT bull's eye dead center!

    It was SUPER-DUPER meeting you both, My Fellow American Floridians!

    Love all you people!

    PS: Big LOL @ Liberated!

    Edited by - Grits on 1 October 2002 3:9:0

  • RevMalk

    Hey, that's me!

    My sister is n there too, but can't find her. That's my wonderful soulmate, and my two beautiful children are in there too somewhere. Which reminds me, does anyone have the broadcast from the spanish station? They followed my daughter close up for like a block or so, I'm wondering if she made it on TV. My brother made me proud that day, he stuck his lamb in the fence and everyone followed suit, it was great!

    Uh-oh, I'm still wearing those same clothes, have I been sitting here this long???

    A knaves religion is always the rottenest thing about him." John Ruskin, 19th-century British critic and author

  • KelleyBlair

    You covered my face when you made that circle, lol. I'm the one that is at the front holding up the lamb, same side your on. This was the best thing ever!!! I loved being there with all of you. It was so healing. I look foreword to March with all of you again and everyone else that missed but were there in spirit.



    It seems that these were posted here before I became a registed member! . . . I am so glad I did some digging!! I feel so proud of all the lambs . . . and all of their supporters here on the forum! I do have a personal interest in the abuse cases. While I was not abused by jws . . . I was nevertheless abused . . . by unbelieving(TM) family members. I know how degrading it felt for me, and I know how helpless I felt to do anything about it when I was a child. When victims come from a place of strength, as the Silent Lambs are doing, they are really able to take charge of their life, and that is so healthy! I really admire the Silent Lambs for their stand against the abuse. Their childhoods were stolen from them and they truly deserve to claim their lives back. Know that my heart goes out to all the lambs . . . and know that you are so beloved. Esther

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