Reason why I reject the Bible

by refiners fire 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • pomegranate

    Even if someone had the true answers to these baited questions, what good would it be to you?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Even if someone had the true answers to these baited questions, what good would it be to you?

    why the term "baited' is a rather loaded one isnt it? Im asking a legitimate question and hoping for an intelligible answer. You got one? Got a suggestion even? a notion? As to what "good it would be to me", well, who knows, maybe I can be convinced to be a believer by the power of your arguement. The crystal clarity of your Biblical reasoning.

  • pomegranate

    Would you walk into a discussing on these grounds?:

    " well, He is an idiot."

    I may be wrong, but by the power of the above statement, it sounds like you are set in your ways no matter what anyone says.

    "As to what "good it would be to me", well, who knows, maybe I can be convinced to be a believer by the power of your arguement."

    I will never convince you of anything. I believe it is God alone who convinces who He wants.

    I have found that my logical reasoning can be someone elses finger pointing non sense. If God wants you to know the truth, He'll tell it to you. If He doesn't want you to know the truth, He will remain silent while you call Him an idiot.

    If I were God, I don't think I'd reveal anything to a man that just called me an idiot. Would you? Do you think a haughty man blaspheming God is what He wants to draw close to?

    But then again, you don't believe, so again, what does it matter to you?

  • Amazing

    Hi RF and Gopher: I have my own difficulties with the Bible and how God thinks and operates. I share your frustrations.

    One thing though is that JW theology that God is letting humans experiment with self-sovereignty is an absurd theology - a theology not shared by the vast majority of Christians ... Since the Satan the Devil is suppose to have the world in his power, humans have NEVER been able to experiment with self-sovereignty, therefore, the JW theology is utterly flawed.

    The point of Christian theology is that God saved us from judgment and condemnation with the one provision that we put faith in Jesus Christ. He does not hold our sins against us - as it should be because it was not our fault in the first place.

    Jewish theology was never intended to prove one's righteousness, participate in any Divine experiments, or other myths some Christians hold - at least if I believe my Jewish family. Judaism is a different religion than what most Christians understand. Their faith seems centered on a relationship with God and trying to understand God, with much symbolism, ritual, and allegory.

    If we see things from an allegorical and symbolic perspective - then not only does Judaism make more sense - but Christianity makes more sense. My problem is where to draw the line between what is symbolic and allegorical in the Bible and what is to be taken literally, fundamentally.

  • eisenstein

    Hello Refiners Fire,

    I understand your questions very well, as for answers, I thought I've had it figured out, oh say, for the past 30-some years, but as I am learning, these answers just don't make sense any more. I mean has God really dealt with one nation, then one organization, for the past 6,000 years? Does God really love some more than others? Did he bring a deluge on the whole earth and save only 8 souls? If he did deal with one nation in history and remove his spirit from them, then who is to say he can't, if he hasn't yet, remove his spirit from the modern day organization?

    What I have managed to keep hold of all this time, and it hasn't been easy is that God is a God of Love, I have felt his force throughout my life, when others had abandoned me and my family. I have felt his presence in my life and yet still can't tell you what his master plan is. But something my grandmother always told me is "it'll all come out in the warshing, honey!"

    And I really believe that, some things have been straightened out in my lifetime, but others may take a thousand years or longer, perhaps even eternity. I also think God gives us more credit than we humans give ourselves.

    I don't think your questions are baited, they are legitimate and sincere questions any thinking person could have. I hope this is helpful, I wish I had more answers.



  • DannyBear


    The god of the bible is seems to be consistant on one thing. He always seems to pay more attention to the wealthy, or influencial.

    Cain's veggi's were not as acceptable as Abel's valuable livestock. Noah apparently owned vineyards enough to make his own wine. He favored Joseph's sneaky manner of aquiring Nimrod's inheritance. Job had everything a man could desire (at the time). Abraham was so well to do, he had a literal army of a family and wealth. Daniel was well spoken and charming. Moses had ties to the royal family, a celebrity of sorts. Sampson was like the Arnie Shwartzeneger of his day.

    Is it any wonder that all these character's garnered attention, were written about, even self promoted? Most of Moses musing's about talking with god, are little different than any despot 'divine right of successtion' national leader's (kings) throughout history.

    Isreal devoting a huge palace/temple to the sole business of animal sacrifice. Gilded with gold, steeped in mystery, requiring pilgrims special attendance at various times of the year. Similar to jw's claiming that thier conventions fullfilled bible prophecy.

    Paul was a alread notorious in his day. Yet god paid him special attention, over some other more obscure god fearing, non-violent isrealite to do his work. Go figure.

    To me it just points to man trying to tie god into the mix. Somehow a god standing by, fighting along with you, while you destroy a whole city of men, women and children (Jericho) absolves the consience alot easier.


    Ps been so long since I have read the stories, I think it was Jacob and Esau who were involved in the inherheritance thingy. 20yr plus since I read the stories!

    Edited by - DannyBear on 25 September 2002 9:48:48

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."Would you walk into a discussing on these grounds?:

    " well, He is an idiot." "....

    Hey Pomegranate. Youve walked into it. Unless you are saying God wouldnt deal with me cause i said hes an idiot.Well. Ive spent as many years on my knees praying to God as I plan on.And I call him an idiot after years of prayerfull meditation. lol. Hes never done JACK SHIT for me, least of all any answers or assistance. Hows about answering or offering an opinion on my original question in the first post.

    Danny, you post even more good reasons to reject the Bible God concept

    Edited by - refiners fire on 25 September 2002 9:57:54

  • funkyderek
    I have found that my logical reasoning can be someone elses finger pointing non sense.

    I've found the same. What you consider logical, I point to as risible nonsense. Hey, at least we agree on something!

    If God wants you to know the truth, He'll tell it to you. If He doesn't want you to know the truth, He will remain silent while you call Him an idiot.

    So if we don't believe in god, it's not our fault, it's his? Presumably then, he won't punish us for not believing in him or respecting him. What an idiot.




    You're right. Silence!

  • Liberty

    Hi Refiner's Fire,

    When a religious fanatic can't answer a question they usually resort to name calling and attacking the questioner because it distracts them from any doubts the question may be causing in their own minds. It is clear that the concept of God "favoring" a certain tribe as His Chosen People is flawed from the start. It is unfair beyond all morality, like a father rejecting all his children but one just because he wants to prove that this child will turn out rotten no matter the level of attention given while the others are left to chance, and as it turns out this "chosen" status merely results in punishments as they are "disciplined" mercilessly again and again for their inability to meet this harsh father's demands.

    A super spirit being capable of creating the Universe is surely smarter than this. The Bible and its silly stories are, by all measures of reason, man made...otherwise, God must be insanely cruel and irrational. Fanatic Fundies are so married to the literal Bible because it is their only real tangable link to God's existance. There is NO other evidence for God's reality since we have recieved no other communications from Him and fundies know this deep down which is why they fight so irrationally to defend the Bible's literalism because their God disappears into the vapours without it. Their God joines the ranks of Zeus, Thor, and a thousand other make believe beings from primitive tribes who have been diminished into nonexistance by the Age of Reason. Your question is reasonable and valid and it is up to the Bible literalist to present evidence or explainations which are rational since it is their beliefs and not ours.

  • puzzled
    So if we don't believe in god, it's not our fault, it's his?

    either that or he sees some people better then they see themselves? Or maybe it could be he just doesn't like some people.

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