Answers please

by bigdaddysgurl27 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StinkyPantz


    I admire your firm belief in a book written so long ago:

    if you do not accept Jesus and if you are not a Christian then you have a home in Hell.

    Hell = Home Sweet Home

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    Everything is better. My life, money, marriage, everything... I am Pentecostal Holiness, but no that is not my church..

    And why believe in something if your not going to believe in it with everything you've got?

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Undisfellowshiped, do you know which article that the came out about the woman being raped and not screaming was a form fornication is found???? I've heard that before, but I don't know what publication it is in. I realize that the WTS has come out with some crazy stuff, but that has to be the most insulting, craziest crock of shi* that I have yet to run accross!!! If anyone else know's where this can be found, I should would appreciate it!

    Tink =:o)

  • Beans
  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hi Tinkerbell!

    Yes, here is a Thread I posted on this subject a while back (it lists just about every Watchtower Quote about their Rape Policy):

    Also, here a link to the Watchtower's PEDOPHILE POLICY:
  • Tinkerbell4125

    Thank-you Undisfellowshiped, I'll check it out!


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Undisfellowshipped, I read until I HAD TO STOP, I GOT SO MAD!!! *shaking head* I swear to gawd, who in the hell thinks up this crap!!! *and I'm putting it nicely*

  • detective

    You know, Bigdaddysgurl, I like your style! It's not your church literally, is it? But it's more than a little bit related, isn't it? Are you saying that you are not affiliated with the IPHC? Is the website I provided related to your church or isn't it? If not, where can I find information online about your group. Have they got a website? What's the scoop, Bigdaddysgurl?

    Here's some excerpts from their IPHC site that might be of interest to folks here. It should eerily familiar:


    Our relationships reveal our preferences and positions. Thus our people are not to align themselves with organizations or movements that stand in contradiction to Christian principles (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). The believer's commitment to Jesus Christ stands above his commitment to any political party or economic structure or social institution. Any time there is a conflict between the Christian's commitment to Christ and his commitment to any other relationship, he must recognize that all other commitments are governed by this highest commitment (Luke 14:26-27). All our members are to be honest and ethical in all their relationships (Romans 12:17).


    The family is the basic unit of society. The divine origin of the family makes it of vital concern both to the church and to society. Our commitment to a biblical lifestyle profoundly impacts the family. We give priority to the sanctity of marriage and to the biblical pattern of relationships in the home. While the husband is recognized as the head of the home, he is also commanded to love and cherish his wife as his own body (Ephesians 5:25, 28). Wives are to respect and honor their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-23). Parents are to teach and correct their children, but at the same time refrain from provoking them to anger and resentment (Ephesians 6:1-4). Children are to respect and obey their parents. Christian families should worship together, play together, and work together. The relationships in the Christian family should reflect the healing that Christ brings to all human relationships.


    Our commitment to Jesus Christ includes stewardship. According to the Bible everything belongs to God (Psalm 24:1). We are stewards of His resources. Our stewardship of possessions begins with the tithe (Malachi 3:8-10). All our members are expected to return a tenth of all their income to the Lord. This tithe is to be paid into the "storehouse." This storehouse is the treasury of the local church or conference to which this member belongs. In addition to the tithe, all our members are expected to give offerings out of the ninety percent of God's wealth which He allows them to use (1 Corinthians 16:2). Stewardship also includes our time, talent, and spiritual gifts, as well as our money (Ephesians 5:16; Romans 12:3-8; Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27).


    Loyalty to Christ and His church are basic to the success of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. The faithful participation of every member, both lay and clergy, and every local church and quadrennial conference in the various ministries of the church is necessary if the Pentecostal Holiness Church is to fulfill its mission. Loyalty involves commitment to all the ministries of the denomination. Since leaders should be role models, all those in leadership in the local church, the quadrennial conference, and the general church should set an example by their faithfulness in supporting the ministries of the church. Loyalty involves attendance at the gatherings of the church. This is vital at local church, quadrennial conference, and denominational gatherings (Hebrews 10:25). Loyalty involves financial support. Faithfulness in tithes and offerings is essential to the prosperity of God's people (Malachi 3:8-12). This applies to local church members, quadrennial conferences, and all other individuals and entities of the church. Loyalty involves affirmation. The morale of the church requires the positive affirmation of the leadership and ministries of the denomination. While negative criticism tears the church apart (Galatians 5:12-26), positive affirmation builds it up (Ephesians 4:16).

    Edited by - detective on 25 September 2002 21:24:49

  • detective

    But wait...there's more:

    here's where you can access yet another form. I'm sure these former JWs haven't had their fill of forms. Remember, god is very f organized!

    Or... how about some goals...

    Mission21, initiated in 1997, is the natural descendant of Target 2000. Its focus is on our mission for the first decade of the 21st century. In anticipation of that mission, God has been at work among us, renewing our minds, building our faith, cultivating our gifts, honing our skills and testing our resolve.
    Goal & Objectives

    Our Goal: To Reach 6 Million
    We believe God has helped us to identify our role in reaching our world. We now commit ourselves anew to this faith goal. Each ministry must identify and implement its role in this task by setting, evaluating and revising short and intermediate-term goals. The following objectives will help us reach our goal:

    • Praying daily for world evangelization through intercession and spiritual warfare.
    • Multiplying believers and churches through revitalization, personal evangelism and church planting.
    • Planting strong churches and increase our ministry presence in the urban centers of our world.
    • Developing shepherds hearts that reflect the compassion of Jesus Christ.
    • Mobilizing all members of the IPHC to discover, develop and deploy their spiritual gifts.

    We call on all members to identify their role in accomplishing this great task. It is the responsibility of all leaders To Inform the membership of our church regarding the Vision, the Resources and the Opportunities, for ministry. With effective partnerships, God will help us do this.

    Becoming a Touch 3 Woman

    reaching and leading 3 women to Christ and to the church each year

    The challenge of this vision is foundational to the growth of the Kingdom in the next ten years every woman reaching three people, leading three people to a relationship with Jesus Christ every year. And beyond that, each WM group is challenged to be a part of planting 3 churches in the next decade.

    Of course, this isnt a task we will complete alone. Planting a church is a team effort, but God has gifted women to play a vital role in birthing these new churches. Decide now that your WM group will play a part in this vision. Contact us for further information about reaping the harvest in the next decade.

    The third step in touching the world - Pursuit.

    The proof of desire is in the pursuit. If your heart burns to see souls saved, you must pursue them. Desire alone wont achieve results. Action is required. God will send divine appointments your way. Dont hesitate. Boldly proclaim the Good News each time God provides an opportunity.

    Edited by - detective on 25 September 2002 21:15:21

  • StinkyPantz

    Detective can you say cult? Scary, huh?

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