Answers please

by bigdaddysgurl27 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • InquiryMan

    Just a few remarks to the first answer.

    I do know several witnesses who attend esp. funerals.
    I also know of witnesses attending church weddings, although that is more rare.
    Personally, I would not object to none.

    I did attend church funerals while being an elder.
    I even appreciated the sermons when they were good.

    Being interested in history and architecture, I have visited
    dosens (if not more than a hundred) of churches in various countries.

    Interstingly, while being on a witness-only tour once, a church was visited.
    1 third declined entering the church, whereas the rest did go.
    No one made a fuss about that.

    Generalizations do not do any good.

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    No wonder all of the white haired ladies get aggresive when I tell them that I am a Christian and that I am not iterrested.. Every time they preach to someone twisted beleifs they get BROWNY POINTS... They most defiantly want get a chance to tell me anymore... I'm not going to help them send there selfs to hell and I do beleive that is where there 144,000 are going to go... I also don't understand how people can change the BIBLE around just to suit there needs... Alot of brain washing and deceiving going on... May my GREAT GOD have mercey on there souls and help them see the light...

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    How do they protect child molseters?

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    I do not beleive that good works will get you to HEAVEN. No matter how good.

    I have my beliefs like everyone else has there beliefs. I have my GOD and others have theres and my GOD and my bible says that the only way to GOD is though JESUS CHRIST, HIS son. Those who do not accept Jesus as there Lord and Savior and let it be known publicly will not have a home in Heaven. SO, my beliefs are that if you do not accept Jesus and if you are not a Christian then you have a home in Hell.

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    John 3:16,17&18 (16). For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him (Jesus) should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    (17). For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him (Jesus) might be saved.

    (18). He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    1 John 5:11 & 12

    (11). And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

    (12). He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

    This does not say he that hath do good works on the earth has eternal life; it says he that hath the Son of God and the Son of God is Jesus.

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    If there is anyone that is doubting the JWs beliefs even just the least little bit please try my Jesus. Just try him for a little while. If the Christian life isn't for you then go back to the life you had before. Is there anyone brave enough to do this? If so please say this prayer.

    "Dear Jesus, I believe in You. I believe You are the Son of God, that You died for my sins, and that You were buried and rose again as written in the Bible. I'm sorry for the things I've done that hurt You. Forgive me for all my sins. Come into my heart, take charge of my life and make me the way You want me to be. With Your ever present help, I renounce all my sinful practices of the past. Cleanse my heart with Your precious blood. Write my name in Your Book of Life. I confess You now as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus! In Jesus' Name, Amen."

    Salvation is not merely a one-time experience. It is an experience which places you on the Christian faith journeythe Way of Salvation. Accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is your first step on the trip. As you read your Bible you will grow spiritually. Find some good Christian people to associate with. Begin to attend a Bible believing church. Learn how to witness to others telling them about your new relationship with Jesus. The goal of the Christian life is not getting into Heaven; that is the reward. The goal is to continually become more like Jesus Christ and for your personal relationship with Him to grow deeper.

    Please are there any takers?

  • StinkyPantz

    It's so nice of you to judge all JW's and say that they are going to hell. To make such a claim puts you much higher than you belong. You say that to be saved you must accept Jesus as your Savior and renounce all of your sins. Most JW's do this very same thing. You obviously do not know enough about them to make such a harsh judgments.

  • bigdaddysgurl27

    From what I have been told by JWS they do not believe that Jesus Christ is Lord. They believe that he is the arch angel Micheal. I don't have to judge, God will be the judge. I have told you only what the BIBLE says. JWs have also told me that they don't believe that there is a HELL. The BIBLE tells you that there is.

  • StinkyPantz

    Well I was raised a JW and I will tell you that they DO BELIEVE THAT JESUS CAME DOWN TO THE EARTH AND DIED FOR US; so if that means they believe that Jesus is their "Lord" then they believe that. If that's the case will you resend your judgment. Also, may I ask what denomination you are?

    JW's do believe that there is a Hell, just not the exactly way that you believe.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 25 September 2002 15:5:48

  • sunshineToo

    As StinkyPantz has said the JWs DO believe Jesus is the Lord. They just don't believe him as the Father. You know, the One whom Jesus pray to.

    Edited by - sunshineToo on 25 September 2002 12:23:34

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