WT Oct 1-nothing has changed in the past 15 years

by refiners fire 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well the dubbies have me as a backcall, and like little clockwork robots they turned up exactly 2 weeks after the previous visit. I saw them coming this week. Expected them even. Very clean car,highly polished. Saturday morning11am. 2 guys in suits. Car slides past the house.. yep.. it was them. They parked discretely behind my side fence so they were obscured from view as they sat their filling in their little slips of paper. Predictable as ever. Anyway. At least I am getting Watchtowers off the guys, and actually sat and read them. I Havent read a current Watchtower in ...oh....must be 15 years.

    The latest I got is October 1. I love page 21:

    "The Christians in Pergamum and Thyatira were commended for their integrity,endurance and zeal. Yet they were influenced by certain ones manifesting the wicked spirit of Balaam and Jezebel, who...acted as corrupting influences in Ancient Israel....How important therefore that we avoid associating with all individuals, inside and outside the congregation, who are a morally corrupting influence".

    So theyre still pushing that old "Bad Associations/Worldly Influences" line just the same. Paragraph 15 says:

    "Today, some once zealous Christians have likewise lost the FERVENT LOVE they formerly had for God....How can that love be re invigorated?. By regular Bible study, meeting attendance, prayer and MEDITATION"

    Well theres something a LITTLE new there. They forgot "field service" and mention "meditation" instead. Curious. You would think the term "meditation" would carry "spiritistic" connotations in the WT hierachies minds. But other than that its the same tired old blurb. Paragraph 18 reiterates the old "faith strengthening" rituals that have to be engaged in:

    "Perhaps some have allowed the Spirit of the World to sap the URGENCY from their lives.Thus developing a spiritually lukewarm attitude towards Bible study, prayer, Christian meetings and the ministry"

    Phew, theres the good old "big 4" faith builders I know so well. Hey, but really.... The only thing that is SAPPING peoples SPIRIT, surely, is sitting, week after day, day after month , year after century listening to this TIRED OLD WORN OUT DULL BORING litany. Gawd. At least in the seventies we were on the threshold of Armaggedon and were terrified of being tortured. We were too SCARED to be bored and "sapped" of enthusiasm. Reading this, I feel only pity for those poor mind slaves who are trapped in the cycle of listening to this tedious voice of authority endlessly repeating its worn out message.

    The regular attendees can ONLY, simply, be bored to death. No other conclusion seems possible.

    Theres an article in this Watchtower entitled "cultivate obedience as the end draws nigh" (yawn)

    On page 17 it says:

    "The sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he reveals his confidential matters to his servants the Prophets. Today, Jehovah does not inspire prophets as he did in the past, instead, he has commisioned a faithfull SLAVE class to provide timely spirtitual food to His household".

    For a minute there I thought they were saying they were prophets, but it seems God has stripped the ability to predict the future from those who serve and lead His people.So they are not "prophets" along with the connotations that word carries along with it. Instead they are a "slave". Not only a slave:

    "Obedience to Jehovah has often involved obedience to HIS REPRESENTATIVES. These have included angels, patriachs, judges, priests, prophets and kings"

    Headt company indeed. Not quite as heady as being a PROPHET, I guess, but surely being Gods "representaive", well, that is heady stuff indeed.

    Page 18 bestows yet another title upon the organizational "representatives" of God:

    "As AMBASSADORS SUBSTITUTING FOR CHRIST the spirit annointed disciples obediently started gathering others who would become "fellow citizens" in that spiritual Kingdom".

    Sheesh, an Ambassador, hes pretty close to a president isnt he? I tell you. If there is a hell. These arrogant people will burn.Can you concieve what kind of a man would allow other human beings to THINK that he was STANDING IN CHRISTS STEAD?? Make no mistake, I tell ya, these people are damneable. Paragraph 4 continues:

    "These had to remain united in the SAME MIND,and in the SAME LINE OF THOUGHT"

    Well, they have certainly managed to pull that off at least.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 23 September 2002 6:23:8

    Edited by - refiners fire on 23 September 2002 6:57:58

    Edited by - refiners fire on 23 September 2002 7:50:28

  • ozziepost

    Did ya make a donation to the World Wide Work too??

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well I offered them money but they were so preprogrammed not to accept it, even when I insisted a couple of times. Then they started to make noises like I "COULD" pay for them.....so I didnt offer again!!
    Im an evil bugger arent I??

  • Yerusalyim

    Refiners Fire,

    You are just too funny.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I never forget when I was hanging out with the Seventh Day Adventists.They all wander periodically outside the meetings while the meetings are on. They swap books, debate, and sell books. Anyway. I wanted some books and asked the guy selling them, "How much?"
    He looked HORRIFIED. He said "We dont do BUSINESS on the SABBATH". Then he said."We dont BUY AND SELL on the Sabbath, however, if you wish to make a CONTRIBUTION....". But he would nt give me a PRICE, that would be buying and selling. see. So I gave him a contribution of 5 BUCKS!!!(U S 2.50) for three big books. You shoulda seen his face.

  • teejay
    At least in the seventies we were on the threshold of Armaggedon and were terrified of
    being tortured. We were too SCARED to be bored and "sapped" of enthusiasm.
    Reading this, I feel only pity for those poor mind slaves who are trapped in the cycle of
    listening to this tedious voice of authority endlessly repeating its worn out message.

    The regular attendees can ONLY, simply, be bored to death.

    Good point, Refiners!

    Back then, the sensation was in the air at the meetings and assemblies and in all the literature that Armageddon was going to happen very, very soon. We could almost smell the New Order. Keeping interest up was easy for Freddie and the Gang.

    Nowadays? They're not even in the end anymore, are they? I forget. How long can you keep cracking the whip when the finish line isn't even in sight?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey brother TJ. Hows this on page 19:

    " By submitting to the 'slave class' Gods people also show subjection to the Master, Jesus Christ. Such subjection has taken on added significance in modern times because of Jesus ENLARGED AUTHORITY"

    I guess that means the "Slaves" Authority is "enlarged" too huh?

  • barry

    Refiner, Only 5 bucks for 3 big books Im shocked you

    Refiner , dont you feel guilty about paying 5 bucks for 3 big books just buy some Sanitarium breakfast products and that will be fair compensation. Barry


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well Barry, the way i see it they are all cultists, and every penny I drain out of the cult coffers, every financial loss, drags the cult closer to collapse. Besides, they all "double speak". They ARE "selling" books, but theyre NOT "selling" them. If they want to operate in a self decieving environment, well, I am merely here to add further convolution into their contradictory,polarized world. Its their delusion, not mine. And I take advantage of their own contradictory thinking. I view it much as "plundering the Phillistines".

    I may be hurting them,and taking advantage, but its in the interests of educating them. Its in their own best interests.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 23 September 2002 8:23:56

  • Stephanus

    Yes, I take a dim view of religionists who decry crass commerce while engaging in it. My old mate Barry Smith made an interesting comment back in May, when he was at Penshurst (and still alive!). He said "The economy of this world is buying and selling; the economy of Heaven is giving and sharing". Meanwhile, out in the lobby, Barry's books, videos, tapes and end-times charts were doing a roaring trade out in the foyer!

    Edited by - Stephanus on 23 September 2002 8:29:34

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