D you meditate?

by Lost Diamond 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I went to a seminar yesterday for work on how to manage stress. The speaker was great...he is Dr. Mees, author of "Wake up, America".

    He stated how our diet, exercise, and meditation are very important for our own health. He described the damage cocaine does to the heart muscles, which cannot be repaired and compared it to the damage stress does as well. It's like having Swiss cheese for heart muscle after years of cocaine use. Well, he also stated that if you opened up the chest of someone that is under stress often you would not be able to tell the difference! It would look just the same as the cocaine user! Incredible!

    He went on to explain how valuable meditation is to help us with stress and our everyday life choices, and how it affects the way we react to stressful situations. He had us close our eyes and talked us through relaxing our bodies. Because of the time limit, we only did this for about 10 min. Wow, did I feel good afterwards! I've used meditation before, but not as often as I should. If felt great...only if it was just for 10 minutes. Imagine if we would do this all the time? It doesn't really have to be a quiet space...you could even close your eyes and meditate in your own office. When I do meditate it gives me a great feeling of peace.

    When you meditate, how and what do you do to meditate? What feelings do you get from this?

  • gsx1138

    I don't meditate nearly enough and now that school is starting up again I'll need it even more. The techniques I used I learned in my Tae Kwon Do classes from years back. I remember as I was leaving the WTS my fornicatomate caught me meditating and told everyone that I had the devil inside of me. The sad part is allot of people believed her. Given the stance of the JW's on meditating I bet there are plenty of Dub hearts that look like Swiss Cheese.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Deep breathing exercises.

    Guest 77

  • scootergirl

    I meditate daily. Usually in the morning when my world is quiet. I mediate about different things, but my favorite and most rewarding is "gratitude". The feeling I get is serenity.

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I really do believe that mediation helps curb pain. Dr. Mees made a comment that when he visits the dentist and needs some dental work done, he never uses novicane. He simply works on his meditation.

    When I had my two children, on both occassions I did the deep breathing mediation excersie which helped me deliver my children without pain medication of any kind. I just sat on a rocking chair and told all the nurses to just let me be (except when they had to hook me up to the machine to check my baby's breathing).

    All went very well as far as the pain went. My son was born with Macodium (sp?) and was in ICU for 4 days, but that was for a whole different reason. I didn't feel the need to scream or carry on because I felt that I was in total control of the whole situation. The pain just wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. My son was born in 9 hrs, and my daughter whom I had 3 yrs. later was born in 3 hrs. I was very surprised how well deep breathing and meditation worked for me.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    I enjoy long, hot soaks in the tub while just trying my darnest to relax. Sometimes I feel rested and mentally restored by listening to Pink Floyd of all things. Music is one of my greatest saving graces. It takes me out of myself, which is a good thing.

    I've been known to concentrate rather heavily on those imaginative wax dolls - ya know, the kind you stick little pins into. I save that for those times when some one has reallllllllly pissed me off big time. Is that a form of meditation? teehee. :)


  • kenpodragon

    I meditate every day of my life. By the way, prayer is a form of meditation ... wonder if the JW's know that?

  • scootergirl
    When I had my two children, on both occassions I did the deep breathing mediation excersie which helped me deliver my children without pain medication of any kind. I just sat on a rocking chair and told all the nurses to just let me be (except when they had to hook me up to the machine to check my baby's breathing).

    Ah.........I had morphine for my first two. Last one went so quick that I had NOTHING. Don't know why, but Medication worked for childbirth more than meditation for me! I realize now why no one approached me for those "birthing movies".......you know......pant pant pant......push push! I was the one screaming! LOL

  • Satanus

    I meditated every day for a while. It made me feel calm and centered, I had no problem going to sleep when i wanted to. The meditation type was breath counting. I often do energy movement visualizations. It works good in nature settings.


  • BadJerry

    I do different forms of meditation each day. Keeps my head on straight ( and its been twisted around like on the Exorcist movie more time than anyone cares to remember). I mainly have been focusing on "Mindfulness" the last few months. If you want to email me directly, I can send you an ebook (pdf) that explains this and may help you alittle in this life's journey.

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