allow myself to introduce myself...

by No Apologies 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered

    Hi & Welcome No Apologies


  • Jesika


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Hey thanks for all the welcomes. I am a heavy duty Internet user, but this is really the first chat/discussion board I have ever really joined. I can't believe all the replies in just a couple hours. Yes, I have learned a few things at this board, to where I can tell there are real people behind the handles, and I have some posters I always look for. Farkel, Metatron, Amazing, and oh yes Hawkaw. Guess I lean more to the non-fluff posts too, sorry. But I like the posts that pack some real ammo, ie, verifiable, factual dirt on our favorite publishing conglomerate The whole UN issue hit me like a ton of bricks, the first time I went to the UN website and saw WTB&TS listed with all those other organizations! It really confirmed all my doubts, especially when they came up with the lamest excuses, again, easily refuted.

    But I am at work so I better go. Later. thanks again for the warm welcome.

  • twinkletoes

    Welcome No Apologies !

    JT completely summed up all that we feel.

    We were onlookers for quite a while, and then eventually joined in the comments on this board. We could equate with much that we read with our experiences in the organisation.

    After 30 years in the organisation, we thought that the problems were just at congregation level with a few bad elders, until reading the posts here and also Ray Franz books - we then realised that it was endemic throughout.

    If you speak to other brothers and sisters and they take no notice, don't be too disappointed, we have had this response too.

    In our congregation there were four elders that we spoke to about the UN involvement, but nothing came of it. They feel it's far more important to wear the right coloured shirt and socks.!!

  • joannadandy

    Hiya No Appologies, glad you finally went public-

  • heathen

    feel free to check out chat sometime no apologies but BEWARE OF THE DEEMONZ

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    I was wondering why everyone was saying "no apologies"...then I realized it was your name....Duuhh...anyway....Welcome to the board!


  • Matty

    Welcome No Apologies!

    I've been online since 1994, and this was also the very first forum I joined, apart from some dull technical ones, it really makes you realise what the internet can do for people!

    Cool avatar! Great minds think alike, it's the same as the one I've just done on another board - I won't steal your thunder, I'll change it to something else now!

    Edited by - matty on 20 September 2002 17:20:17

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, No Apologies.

    I love that you are using the WT that woke you up (apologies) as your profile pic. Very apropos!

    Hope to hear more from you as you find your voice.


  • bigfloppydog

    A big WELCOME to the Board.

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