"Hi Mom, this is your 'wake-up call.'

by TuningFork 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TuningFork

    I'm coming in here this morning because even though I am learning not to be a victim in this shunning experience "again," I do have feelings and am very sad this morning. You see, usually about every two weeks or so (at least), I would call my Mom early in the morning and say, "Hi Mom, this is your wake-up call." Little did I know just how much energy was carried in that message. When things change, and they will, I will still be here with love and compassion in my heart for her. You see, this is a 'test' of sorts, that not some god with a long beard named Jehovah or whatever name you want to give to the Source, that we have set up for ourselves. This lesson is for us. If you understand what I am saying, you have entered the "new" energy, for in the "new" energy, there are no victims. We are not victims. When I say "new" energy, it is not a different energy - it is the same energy, yet it has taken on a "new" vibration/frequency. It has only changed form. ------ I cried and cried this morning, yet I know that in the big picture everything is exactly where it is suppose to be at the moment. People are learning lessons at all levels and we by no means are exempt from these lessons. As we evolve/ascend our vibration/frequency also rises. But, remember, we are not only effecting ourselves when this happens. For when one raises in frequency, so does the whole. You do not have to die physically to ascend - the only thing that dies is the "hurt" behind the lesson/experience. When we are able to look back at the experience and not have it effect us emotionally, then we have truly learned this lesson and this type of lesson will never return. ---- Well, this post has turned into a healing for me, in the since that as I have put it into words, I am much calmer now. I hope that this post has helped others here in some way to put the hurt behind us and "gallop" into this new energy of "NO VICTIMS!" --- Thank you for "allowing" my voice to be heard.

    Love BE YOU, TuningFork

  • outnfree

    Hello, TuningFork!

    Welcome to the Board.

    I have a friend who believes much as you do, and who has spent time explaining to me some of the things you brought out in your post.

    I am sorry that you are in pain. There are many people here who are also. And yet, they have not allowed that pain to prevent them from acting lovingly towards others. I do agree that LOVE is a powerful force and that learning to express love well may be the reason for our existence.

    Shunning is the antithesis of love, no matter what the Watchtower organization says. I am sorry that you have been hurt by shunning and hope that the experiences shared here and the kindnesses sure to be expressed will comfort you.


  • Sentinel

    Hello Little Sister,

    I really appreciate your thread this morning, and am very sad to hear that you are having a difficult time right now.

    Perhaps our conversation from the beginning of the week is still ringing in your ears. I did not mean the brunt of my strong words to be against you and your "good intentions". You must know that, and yet, I have to be true to myself and let my energy flow as well.

    For me, being strong, is letting go of mom. The problem is that she has stated her desires, and made herself very clear to me, and yet, she is trying to go around the back door to find out through you "how I'm doing", and "how I'm taking things" and to relay her "messages back to me". I find this totally unacceptable behavior on her part.

    Although my stance is probably what parent's of teens would call "tough love", I have had to adapt to the restrictions placed upon me, and to live my life as emotionally balanced as I can. Mom cannot have it both ways. Of course I love her, and that is what I'm trying to relay to her by totally "accepting" this shunning. If the rules apply, then they must apply consistently. Then, she will not be in the "total control" of the situation, as she is trying to be, by saying one thing and doing another. By her own words, she feels that she has been "very bad" for all this length of time (these past twelve years) that she has allowed some communication/limited association with us. I don't believe that any of us overstepped our boundaries, but it still is not enough for her. So, we have to set our own boundaries. That's why I spoke lovingly and kindly to her, saying: "okay, now that I understand your rules, here are mine....". We do this out of love and out of our own desires to not only survive this latest ploy, but to live our lives fully, in the joy and happiness that it has taken us so long to achieve.

    Mom simply can't accept the fact that "I took it well". She doesnt' understand that she is a captive of her own fears and insecurities. Until she comes to understand that, we must NOT ALLOW ourselves to become her victims. That is why I have taken the strong stance that I have with her, and all this business concerning her in the aftermath.

    I know I am where I'm supposed to be. I was down, and actually feeling emotionally like our mother had died. It is such a serious thing with me, that this is my choice for a coping mechanism. And, in feeling that I have lost my mother, comes all the rush of emotions, such as sadness, grief of loss, feelings of abandonment, pain, anger, frustration. I do appreciate that you have allowed me to work through the grieving period. I have been over that part now for a week. Since August 30th, until the 14th of this month, I worked through some very extensive issues. This emotional rolleycoaster is nothing new, and so it catipulted me into this Dejavu thing and it was like a massive "double wammy".

    Each of us have had to deal with this situation our own way, and yet, I know that we are apart of the new energy, and are moving forward. As human beings we have great love and compassion for our dear mother. But it is not healthy to allow ourselves to be jerked around emotionally by the whims of the WTBTS, who operates it's hatred and condemnation for any who do not conform, through sincere people like mom.

    More and more the WTBTS is telling them to "hate" us. Dear sister, those are very strong words, and could lead them down a very dangerous and perilous road from this point foward. I doubt that the borg will change. It will have to be the followers who stand up and say enough!

    I personally feel that in viewing mom as "dead", that I still have the "resurrection" to look forward to. In my mind, if she were to see that she has been trapped by a controlling group of people, all in the name of service to god, then she will "awaken". She will be ressurrected like new, and be free from this religious bondage. When that day comes, I will wholeheartedly accept her back into my life. I am a very compassionate person.

    But, we do have to face facts. There will be many who will be unable to accept that they have been so misguided. This will be a dangerous time for world religions. They will be masses of very hurt and angry people. Perhaps some will chose not to accept the "new light". Perhaps our mother will end up being one of these individuals. It will certainly be up to our creators to determine what their fate will be. This is way beyond my present concerns.

    In the end, it really doesn't matter. What will be, will be, and we cannot control the ending. JW's are just a part of our society, a sick part. Religions are so twisted in their thinking and they have warped mankind and affected so many lives. The creators will eventurally come back to claim their beautiful earth and to release us from the "captivity of ourselves". What a wonderful day that will be. True freedom for all.

    Until then, I will respect the choice of the woman who gave birth to me. I will loosen my connection and let go. I do this for me. But, I also do this for her.


    Your sister, Karen

    Edited by - Sentinel on 20 September 2002 12:51:34

  • sOOner

    My sister,

    yes,we have cried enough tears and this has raked us to the core of our being.I also feel in my heart that mama may someday really see the "TRUTH" for what it is.A bunch of fundy dums ruleing her excistence by brainwashing her in to beliefs that are not even in the bible.Well,maybe the NWT but not the KJB.I went through many emotions concerning this...behaved in a not so loving way.I was angry that once again we are barred from her life and she from ours.I want to call and say mama "I really DO understand"When someone tells you that a GB has said that you will risk your very life in a paradise if the RULES are not followed...what choice is given.

    Your loved ones or God.

    Now read that sentence again...BRAINWASHED is the only word that comes to mind.

    It only makes me sad for her,it does not change my LOVE for her.

    Your words were encourageing to me as always~


  • Sentinel

    Dearest sOOner and TuningFork,

    More than ever, being at One with the One has shown that our connection is true and growing toward a beautiful conclusion.

    sOOner, did you notice that we were posting within minutes of each other? Isn't that beautiful?

    ((((((((HUGS))))))))))) to my dear sisters ((((((TuningFork))))) (((((sOOner)))))

    Love be you,

    ................and me



  • sOOner

    Yes I did notice that~

    are you at work or home???



  • TuningFork


    It is your decision to close your heart to Mom so harshly. Thoughts are actions. Do you not believe that with "all of the hurting of all the X-JW's" that with our thoughts that we cannot make a difference? If we give up thinking positively about the beautiful lessons that we are learning now, then we have missed the whole point of having to endure through this karma and will be destined to repeat it again in another lifetime. I am trying to keep the personal aspect out of this as much as possible. However, I would like to reiterate that Mom DID NOT ask about you. She merely asked me to forward a message to you. As of this moment, and I will relay this to her, I am OUT of the forwarding business. I WILL not be in the middle. This is causing dissention between you, I and perhaps sOOner and I want no part of it. What each of us choose to do with the phone call from Mom will be up to us. Period.

    I only came in here today to say how I was feeling. I am not wallowing in a pity party for myself. I thought I made that quite clear. I do have my moments of grief though and I thought that through my words I might help another deal with their issues of shunning. Abandonment, yes, is a very powerful tool to use to control. I choose not to abandon Mom. I may even send her loving cards from time to time.

    It is choice to show "love and compassion" even to the people who do us the dirtiest of deeds. Non-judgement is a state of consciousness that we daily lapse in and out of. In this duality, we are not perfect - but remember our higher selves do not exist in duality and it is from this consciousness level that I strive to show my actions.

    You also speak of being "One." Do you not believe that Mom is part of "One" also? And also the Creators -- we ARE the Creators of our destiny. Yes, I do believe that "creators" will return, yet they are no greater than we are. We must use our loving divine human power to bring about change. We are the Ones we have been waiting for. It's up to us to make changes if we want to. No one, not even the "creators" can change us, only we can change to the way we react to situations. Balance is key here. I choose to stand the "coin" on end and accept and allow whatever from either the light or dark. We need both to survive and exist in this dual dimension.

    My heart is like a pitcher that we put cut flowers in. We continuously fill it with water, allowing it to overflow thereby filtering out the dirt. Then when we add more flowers, the process starts over again. The dirt does not go away; some form of it is always there for us to filter through. And then the filtered dirt helps to provide the loving container of earth to provide us with more flowers.

    Live with your decisions, however, try not to close yourself off completely from something that "in a harsh way" may be providing you with a most loving lesson in issues in which you have abandoned from yourself.

    Loving you as you are,


  • Sentinel

    For the record, everyone , I have not closed my heart to my mother. I am certainly not without love and compassion, even for those I do not even know. Aside from normal depression (and no wonder), I consider myself a balanced individual, capable of making sound decisions for the good of my well-being. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and I don't seek approval--just validation and support from my friends and family.

    I perceive from the reply by TuningFork, that my post-reply expressions regarding our mom, were taken as judgemental and harsh. I hold no ill feelings towards anyone's honest hearted expressions here on the forum. This forum is open for any and all to reply to threads. All things in love.

    I do humbly apologize to all, if I worded something incorrectly in my reply post to TuningFork. Perhaps I "perceived" that our mother was using her to "get to me", as she is already doing that regularly with another one of our family. (not sOOner) One would have to understand the circumstances of the event.

    People in general don't like it inferred that they are "closing themselves off from life's loving lessons". No one has the right to judge another person or place themselves in such a superior, all knowing position. No one likes a condesending approach.

    By the way, the ONE I speak of is the unity of the universe. I would hope to be a part of that. No doubt I will fulfil my destiny despite myself.

    "inserting foot in mouth, and tripping over tongue"


    PS. TuningFork: Why is your email locked? sOOner: Yes, I posted while on my lunch hour today. I just "felt the urge, and saw the thread and responded...just like you".

  • TuningFork
    Re: "Hi Mom, this is your 'wake-up call.' Sep 20, 2002 11:16
    outnfree, Sentinel, and sOOner: This response is to all of you and to those who have read this thread.

    outnfree - Thank you for your response. I'm just an ordinary person here in 3D. Some of us have had experiences or have been exposed to information or have gleaned knowledge from our dreams, visions, and people that we have met everyday - that when put together, perhaps, have helped us 'feel' differently than others do. I pray for 'peace' to be in the hearts of all people. I know that my post to you Sentinel may have seemed harsh, however, there has been much miscommunication between us as a biological family. We have all had a hard time saying what we want to. I was hurting yesterday and when I tried to post in a general way to all of the forum without mentioning any other names (the forum probably knew that Sentinel and sOOner were my sisters anyway), and when Sentinel came back with much hurt in her words also, I fired back in an attempt to identify where I was coming from. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. Sentinel I will unblock my email. I just receive so much email from various groups that sometimes it is hard to keep up with it. I thought that I would keep my communication in this forum just in here. sOOner, yes we were brainwashed - brainwashed in many ways to HATE than to love. I know that you understand. We've ALL in this forum, from what I have read, come a long way in learning how to love and continuing to learn how to be compassionate.

    Please think and be with me this day as I went to bed last night feeling very bad about how you, Sentinel, were hurt by my post. Again, I'm sorry. It has always been so hard being in the middle of things.....

    Love to ALL of the forum.

    May you have a wonderful day and a wonderful life in this moment.....


  • SixofNine

    however, there has been much miscommunication between us

    you don't say? heh

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