sl Transcript of UK Branch Conversation

by silentlambs 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    Dang do I have a good memory or what....


    My conversation with UK WT :

    I walk up to the Main office booth at the front gate of UK IBSA . At the window there are two brothers in the booth.

    Bill: Hello how are you doing? I was wondering if I might speak with John Andrews?

    (The brothers in the booth look scared to death)

    Booth: OK, thank you.

    Behind me at the door entrance Mark Lee in a blue shirt and red tie comes forward.

    Mark: Ah hello good morning, it is good to see you and you are Mr?

    Bill: Bowen (at this point I put my hand out for a handshake, he hesitates for a few seconds, but with the pause finally touches a df person)

    Mark: Hello Mr. Bowen

    Bill: Bill Bowen

    Mark: Right, did you receive our letter that we sent to you in ?

    Bill: My wife read that to me last night.

    Mark: Right, I think it explains that our press officer is away from the country at the moment. So you are very welcome to make an appointment and we would be happy to make an appointment to see you to discuss any concerns you may have. We would require you to make an appointment for that purpose with our press officer.

    Bill: Well ah, the letter that I sent asked to meet about today that is the appointment that I requested.

    Mark: Right and we did reply to that letter that you are welcome to access our website where our position is clearly made available. You are very welcome to make an appointment with our press officer he is out of the country at the moment but we dont have anybody in the form of Mr. Andrews available to see you today.

    Bill: So you do not think John can meet with me today?

    Mark: I afraid he is not in a position to, no.

    Bill: Ok I understand that, and what is your name?

    (he sports a deer in the headlights look)

    Mark: Ahhhhhhhh, well, ah, (mumbles) My name is Mark, Mark Lee?

    Bill: Mark Lee?

    Mark: Thats right yes

    Bill: OK, Im Bill Bowen, Ah as you may or may not know I have the organization silentlambs which is for Jehovah's Witness victims of abuse, and so what we try to do is reach out and assist people to turn in child molesters and also give those within the congregation the ability to be believed when they come forward with their allegations. I know its sometimes offensive to even think there is a problem with child molestation within the organization but I've talked or been contacted by over 5,000 victims who were molested as Jehovahs Witnesses. (Mark interrupts)

    Mark: Right, if I could say to you I am really not in a position to discuss with you today any concerns you may have. I have no information regarding any specific cases that you might have in mind.

    Bill: I understand.

    Mark: I think what we might reiterate is that you are very welcome to make an appointment to see our press officer, we are happy to discuss any concerns you may have, I think you will agree that to do that by appointment is fair.

    Bill: How would I go about making an appointment then.

    Mark: Well, you are welcome to do that by telephone or in writing.

    Bill: OK

    (Mark looks to the both behind me and says)

    Mark: If I could just have a copy of the letter I have there, on the side, there we go. So thats a copy of the letter. That we sent to you I think.

    Bill: Ok very good. Well like I said that was in America. If I may I would like to deliver a letter.

    Mark: OK, thats fine, we are happy to accept that no problem.

    Bill: and also a lamb. (Mark looks surprised nervously says OK) Thats kind of like a symbol we are delivering to Kingdom Halls and Branches around the world.

    Mark: OK

    Bill: On September 27 th , what that talks about (pointing at letter) is a silentlambs march in Brooklyn New York, and there will be brothers and sisters from around the country who will go there to basically say we have a problem, it needs to be addressed. So I thank you for your time and I appreciate your cordiality. (At this point I put out my hand again and get a quick handshake, poor Mark has touched a df person twice, he will wash his hand for a week)

    Mark: Alright good day gentleman, thank you for delivering the statement we appreciate that OK?

    Bill: Very good.

    Mark: Enjoy your day. Bye bye.

    Edited by - silentlambs on 19 September 2002 20:36:1

  • Mulan

    Good job, Bill. I wonder what he was thinking. I'll bet he was shaking in his boots.

  • JT

    he was pisssing in his pants the whole time

    and i will beat anyone a nice cold beer - he got dogged when he went back in for talking to bill beyond telling him:

    "You are dfed and i don't talk to dfed folks"

    I'm sure this guy got a good beating once back inside of bethel

  • JT

    he was pisssing in his pants the whole time

    and i will BET anyone a nice cold beer - he got dogged when he went back in for talking to bill beyond telling him:

    "You are dfed and i don't talk to dfed folks"

    I'm sure this guy got a good beating once back inside of bethel

  • TTBoy

    Mr. Bowen could you please give me a call because I dont know if my donation went through or if I "over donated".

    Hats off to ya! Mark Jordan from Clevelamd, OH - trying to help with SL hotel funding.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Well done, Bill.

    I can't help wondering what sort of havoc the deeminz in them lambs is causing the KHs they've been delivered to.

  • silentlambs

    do you see any mention of the pr guy being out of the country?


    Watch Tower



    TELEPHONE 020 8906 2211

    September 11, 2002

    Mr. W. Bowen

    Calvert city Ky, 42029

    Dear Mr. Bowen:

    We are receipt of your letter dated September 10, 2002 requesting a meeting with the branch committee in Britain .

    The branch committee respectfully declines your offer to meet with them. They see no reason to discuss the questions you raise in your correspondence. The position of Jehovah's Witnesses on this serious issue is already a matter of public record. Our publications have consistently and clearly highlighted for many years that child abuse is an abhorrent and an unacceptable practice. We strongly believe victims need and deserve sympathy along with loving personal support and are already committed to doing what we can to render such assistance.

    Yours sincerely,

    Watch Tower B. & T. Society

    O F B R I T A I N

    Company registered In England No. 3858051 Charity Reg. No. 1077961.

    Registered Office: IBSA House The Ridgeway London NW7 1RN

    Edited by - silentlambs on 19 September 2002 20:46:47

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It sure is nice that they provided you with their charity registration number in that letter in case you were moved to give them something.

    Oh, you DID give them the lamb!

    I think I see a tax write-off in Bill's future!

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 19 September 2002 20:51:17

  • Kenneson

    Maybe Mark was so cordial because he was afraid to mess with Bill??? After all, I'm sure that the U.K. branch doesn't want a similar march there.

  • abbagail

    Well, Bill, I'm glad you DO have such a good memory! (Did you have a microrecorder in your pocket?) [8>]

    Frankly, I'm surprised they sent ANYBODY out to the front to talk with you, in light of that lame, flaky, SHALLOW letter they had sent. I doubt the USA WT-boys would even be as "cordial" as Mark Lewis "tried" to be. I'm sure Lewis was in a state of "horror" (and "fear") having to speak to a DF'd person (and I'm sure he will be even more "horrified" to know his pic shaking hands with you is up at your webshots site for all the world to see!)

    AND... this last-minute schmeel about the PR guy being out of the country... yeah right. Like, WHY didn't their letter say that? They are playing games, that's all. I'm surprised they didn't hand you a video-taped-reply, JR-style...

    Thanks for the update!

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