sl Transcript of UK Branch Conversation

by silentlambs 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    Well, Mark got his five minutes of fame :) Five minute of fame = hours of counsel from the BORG :)

    Bill - You sound like you took a portion out of the Reasoning From The Scriptures' book and flipped the script :)

    OK, Im Bill Bowen, Ah as you may or may not know I have the organization silentlambs which is for Jehovah's Witness victims of abuse, and so what we try to do is reach out and assist people to turn in child molesters and also give those within the congregation the ability to be believed when they come forward with their allegations. I know its sometimes offensive to even think there is a problem with child molestation within the organization but I've talked or been contacted by over 5,000 victims who were molested as Jehovahs Witnesses.

    Excellent work. Mark should put that lamb on e-bay and see how much it's worth in the 'apostate' world :) See ya in 7 days.

    Peace - LL

  • MikeMusto

    what an excellent display of overcoming conversation stoppers by mr. bowen--truly

    the reasoning book is beneficial for a little

  • outnfree
    Mark: Right and we did reply to that letter that you are welcome to access our website where our position is clearly made available.

    I didn't see that anywhere in their letter. (Poor Mark! )

    Oh! Were they referring to the public record on the site where they LIE to the press about how disassociated persons are treated?

    Good job, Bill!


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