Feeling depressed

by truthseeker1 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    thanks ladies...

    I feel a little better, I guess I just needed to feel I was all alone.

  • Marilyn

    No wonder you are depressed! You've been drinking too much. Your Vit B is probably way down. For a quick pick me up
    get some Vit B into yourself asap. Also, I presume you are still young? Join a gym!!! Get exercising. It's the best cure I know
    for depression. Beats medication hands down. Building your body will give you something to do at nite and give you self esteem
    too and get you out meeting people. C'mon, start planning for the good times that await you. REMEMBER, THE BEST FORM
    OF REVENGE IS TO LIVE WELL. This might be off base, but it's not necessarily over between you and your ex wife. Let her see how well you are doing without her - it might make her re-think things - perhaps even the crack-pot religion she's chosen over you. Geez.......... Whoops, don't go there.......


  • sunshineToo


    Hang in there. I don't know the details of your situation, but I agree with Marilyn. Live well.

    Don't get drunk. Why do you have to suffer for the WTS or those unloving jws who may be shunning you. You must have loved your wife so much. Did she say she didn't want you? Did she want seperation? I'm sure you had your own reason. It is always painful when you apart from the loved ones.

    Please do not suffer yourself. You deserve more than that. You are not really alone. There are so many in the world, who are like you: being in the similar situations. If this didn't work for you and your ex-wife, you will find the perfect match when the time is right. And you will know.

    Open your heart. Open your eyes. See what you can do to live better life. Have you thought of gardening? Going back to school? Getting job training or going to seminars? Do you have a hobby? There are many things you can do.

    Please do not drink to misery. If they left you, then they don't deserve you. You are much more worth than that.

    I don't know you much. But I'm sure you had valid reason for DA. I'm DA'd, too. I intend to live my life to the full. I'll be more performing and studying music because those are what I like to do. What do you like to do? Do you have any passion for anything?

    Remember - you are precious in God's eyes.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Take it from someone who has suffered depression since childhood. I immersed myself in sports. WE need to continually push ourselves and as others have said, do things that are creative. Doing things for others is a great release. Writing and talking to others does wonders. It all boils down to one person, you. Take comfort in knowing that your not alone.

    Guest 77

  • Amazing

    Hi Truthseeker: When I saw your post, I immediately connected with what you are going through. I did the same thing ... and the pain does not go away. I feel guilty. I still love my wife and she still loves me ... I am still confused about my own actions in this regard. Why didn't I try harder, or one more time, or give her the opportunity to work with me ... I had several good issues, so my poition was not weak ... but, was it really necessary?

    Depression is a natural result, and can become serious enough to require treatment ... but at the same time, divorce is about the worst possible event in someone's life ... and it is equally hard on the one initiating the divorce as it is on the one being divorced. The emotional price is way too high ... and I am still not doing any better over it since the day I first moved out.

    Feel free to email me. On this topic I prefer to keep details out of the public forum. Thanks.

  • ARoarer

    (((((((((((((((truthseeker)))))))))))))))) sounds like your going through a natural part of the process of grieving a loss. Not only of what you had with your wife, but also what you never had with her. Victims go through this grieving process over the loss of what they wish would have been with thier abusers. The loss of a normal relationship they wish the would have had but didn't. Keep busy in things you enjoy, and you will begin to feel joy again.

  • RubyTuesday

    Hey Truth, I am seriously thinking about leaving my boyfriend and my biggest fear is living alone.As you know drinking is not the answer.When I feel like I might "lose it" I go to the gym and work out, bike ride,or visit a really good friend.You are going through the hard part now but It will only get better with time.Don't really know where I'm going with this ...it's 6:00am and I just started my first cup of coffee.You have my e-mail if you ever need to talk.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    truthseeker1, your post about the birds eating our flesh cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh! =;o)

    You hang in there my friend. This feeling will pass! Probably most of us here have been through a divorce. It sucks!!! Weather you wanted out or not, it still sucks! It will pass though, it's always good to get it out, vent, you can come here and vent anytime!!! Don't know what I'd do if I didn't have this place to come to sometimes!

    One tid bid of advice.........get out of the house! =;o)


  • LovesDubs

    Get a dog honey...its the warm body you are missing, not the person. I left my exhusband who was an abusive alcoholic, and after a few months found myself missing him. When I decided to "try it again" we went on a couple dates and he was right back to his old abusive self! I saw THEN that it wasnt HIM I was missing it was the companionship. And no...having somebody who doesnt love you is NOT better than nobody. You have your self respect and you are free to find somebody who DOES love you honey...meanwhile...check out the nearest Puppy Palace or Adoptapet :)

  • Sentinel


    I'm so sorry that you are feeling low and depressed right now. We all have periods of times when we just feel yucky. If this is serious, you need to get a good doctor. Most likely, this is a normal grieving time for you. You have lost a relationship....a marriage...based on the initial prospects of a lifetime of companionship with this one individual. It didn't turn out that way.

    One thing I found when I was both "in" and "out", I couldn't seem to make firm decisions. I didn't have faith in my own judgment. Well, as we know there is a reason for that. We aren't supposed to think for ourselves. When we are forced to make a decision, we first waiver back and forth, and finally, when we do decide, we tend to think "did I do the right thing?". We badger ourselves and condeme ourselves.

    I will tell you this in all honesty. If you weigh the facts and then decide, it has to be a decision you are willing to stand by. Even if you find out later that it was perhaps the wrong decision, it was not wrong for you to decide the way you did. Does this make sense?

    We can't forsee the future. We can only make these choices from the information we have available to us at the time. And, guess what? We are human. We make mistakes.

    My first husband killed himself nearly twelve months to the day that I left him. If I would have stayed with my first husband, would he have "changed"? Would he have eventually began to accept responsibility as a husband and father? Would he have become sober? Would he have stopped being abusive? Am I to blame for what he did? What if?..............

    I'm not going to tell you that I didn't go through a period of time when I felt great pain and guilt, but then I was still caught up in the brainwashing of the JW mindset. Once I got myself clear of that, I was fine. I know that I cannot be responsible for another human being. I can only be responsible for myself.

    Through my life I have made wrong decisions. The best decision I ever made for myself, was the choice to leave the WTBTS and try to find out what living life like a normal human being was like. I have never once regretted that decision. NOT ONCE.

    For your own mental health, it's good now to just move forward with your life. You will become settled with these new changes, and you will find joy and happiness. You have to allow yourself the pleasure.

    Love and Light,


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