Assembly picketing

by freedom96 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • spider

    It makes me realize how closed minded and controlled I was when I think back to how I felt about protesters at assemblies. I would think it a victory to show that they made no impact on me whatsoever. Although there might be some impact if they have big signs, their weakness is that a witness would never converse with them. I remember being given a leaflet by an apostate in the park of Crystal Palace assembly grounds in London. Of course, there were loads of witnesses about and even if I had been slightly curious, I felt that it was necessary to make a show of not being interested. I screwed it up into a ball and threw it in the garbage.

    That's the difference with the internet. There is complete anonimity and its always there, waiting for a weak moment.

  • Elsewhere

    I remember going past them when I was a kid. I was soooo curious about them. I wondered how someone could find fault in the organization. At the same time, I was afraid... not ot them, but of being discovered as curious.

    I remember when I was a kid my dad always saying "Don't even look at them!"... but I always had to take a quick and frightening peek. I was so afraid of what the elders would do to me if I was found to be looking at the apostates.

    Now I look at one every morning in the mirror! 1

  • garybuss

    The picketing is done to benefit the picketer not the picketed. It is a brave confrontation and a closure for some of us. For others it is a look at the real Jehovah's Witnesses. Nothing removes the plastic smiles faster than the bold truth delivered in a fearless way by a real person.

    I myself have not picketed but I revere those who have and will.

    For those of us who were true believers at one time, the real danger of the Witnesses to us is:

    1. The pull to return during a low physical or mental time,

    2. The temptation to allow them access to our families, or

    3. Anxiety or depression because we do not give in to returning or giving them access.

    A brave and strong confrontation is a vaccination and it works. Early in my recovery, I had to study the reverse side of all they taught and I had to fight my own impulses to want to return.

    Following the way of least resistance is to give in and go back, or to try. If that happens the cycle starts over and more harm is done to the psyche. It is much like a drug to a chemically dependant person. People dependant on high control groups are uncomfortable unless they are practicing the repetitious meetings, service, study and chanting. Like an addict, at some level they do not like their life, but they can't imagine life without the group activity. They desire to be free of the time and energy draining activities but they are far more comfortable with it than without it. Like an alcoholic or addict, they have given up and given all to practice the rituals allowing them to be comfortable.

    Many see Armageddon as saving them from the meetings, service, study and chanting they really do not like. The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation promotes that view for them. The Society pictures the reward, the new world life, as a normal life of family and gardens and pets and freedom. Not freedom from work or labor, for they show happy people working. They do not show people sitting in meeting after meeting wearing IBM business suits and dresses and pantyhose or service or sitting studying Corporation produced books for hours. No! They show people in the new world enjoying what they can't have now. A normal life with friends and family.

    Assemblies are a part of the drug and the picketer is standing there clean and sober out of costume and it bothers them to see that.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Gary That is so well put

    Thank you

  • LB

    I had been baptised just a couple of months earlier so I was still Brother Zealous when a picketer got in my face. I was talking to my son when a guy got within inches of me and started yelling at me "NEW LIGHT OLD LIGHT OR FLICKERING LIGHT TODAY STUPID". He appeared to desire to have his ass kicked. He kept this up and I just quietly told my son that this man is an apostate and just needs to reaccept Jehovah. He got disgusted and walked away while his friends laughed.

    Now, should this have happened a few months earlier or even today I would have planted one on his face. I actually regret not taking a swing at him. I'm no fighter but this guy really crossed the line.

    So maybe I was a form of therapy for him. But he certainly didn't draw anyone to his side of the fence that day. It had the opposite effect on me. I think we can all agree now that displaying love towards JW's is the most effective tool.

  • lv4fer

    I agree LB. I think he was definitely crossing the line. If you want to get anywhere with a witness you have to give them a little info at a time. Too much and they put the wall up and stop listening... even if what you say is reasonablethey become unreasonable. Kill them with kindness. Remember how you felt when you were in and how you would react to the picketers that's how they will react to you if you do the same.

  • Quotes

    When I was quite young, there were picketers outside the "International Assembly" in Montreal.

    During the program, they actaully said, in so many words, to 'not say anthing to, speak with, or look at' apostates.

    On the way back to the car on the last day, my oldest brother noticed a conventioner sister (with name tag) talking to a sign carrying picketer. He said, in disgust, "Wasn't she listening? Doesn't she know she shouldn't be talking to them?" That same brother is still in the bOrg, btw.

    I agree that picketing just precipitates the "bury your head in the sand" reaction and is counter-productive. I think that non-confrontational education about the WT is good enough, hence my web site:

  • JWinSF

    Our San Francisco chapter of "A Common Bond" [support group for gay/lesbian former JWs] has gone to several District Conventions, however, not to picket them. That is, we didn't throw "pot-shots" at them/their teachings or walk with signs denouncing them. We merely set up two vehicles, one attended, one unattended, with signs advertising our group's existence for any gay/lesbian JWs desiring support. The signs referenced a local phone number and our website.

    The attended vehicle was on the side with mimimal [i.e., next to none] JW pedestrian traffic and the unattended one on the side that had heavy JW pedestrian traffic. The unattended vehicle had fliers on the windows for those who had interest. [Most of the fliers would be taken one-by-one from the time before the morning session start to the return after lunch, at which point we would leave the location.] JWs using the east approach to the parking lot easily saw both vehicles.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the Cow Palace where the San Francisco Bay Area DCs are usually held, it's on Geneva Avenue --- a very wide thoroughfare. The sidewalk on the Cow Palace side of Geneva [where our unattended vehicle was] has heavy JW pedestrian traffic as the JWs go to and from McDonalds for breaks. The opposite side [where our attended vehicle was] has very little JW pedestrian traffic. So, a JW would literally have to, in most instances, go out of his/her way to get physically near to us. We did this to not be "in their face". Our sole purpose was to be of visible support to those in need.

    Here's a link with pictures giving you an idea of our activity: [We didn't make a showing for this past summer's Convention.]

    A humorous anecdote occurred one year. There was an elder from a local congregation who was friendly to our group's Webmaster, Jim Moon. Jim being in the ocean cargo transportation business would occasionally transact business with the elder. The elder was in the Organization for his family, he no longer plugged into the belief system. He relayed that one day, during the announcements, an elder gave the warning: "Brothers, there are homosexual apostates here passing our apostate literature." Firstly, we weren't "here". We did not set foot in the Cow Palace. Secondly, we were not passing out apostate literature. People actively took our fliers off the unattended vehicle if they wanted them, i.e., we did not pass them out. Can we spell "paranoia"? Anyway, they shot themselves in the foot with that platform statement. Prior to that, we were known to those who'd either walked by the unattended vehicle or saw us accross the street while on their way to McDonalds or to those who'd approached the parking lot from the east direction of Geneva thereby seeing either of our vehicles. Those approaching from the west direction of Geneva needed to turn into the parking lot far before being able to see us. So, their paranoid statement instantly made our presence known to all in attendance. Bravo, JWs!

  • Dia

    Perhaps one should carry signs saying, "Don't Look at Us", "Don't Read our Stuff", "Don't Do Anything Unless the Watchtower Says You Should", "Do Everything the Watchtower Tells You to Do", "Don't Think, Just Obey", "Don't Use Your Brain", "Stop Thinking!", "Everyone But Jehovah's Witnesses is Evil"

  • david_10

    Garybuss------Your assessment and description of the witness mentality is a masterpiece, and I agree with everything that you said. That is, everything except the last sentence. I just don't think that picketing is going to have the desired effect, and probably is going to do the exact opposite. It certainly did in my case, anyway and I never harbored a secret respect for protesters. All I saw were the rude arrogant pests (simular to what LB experienced) and even though I was having a terrible inner struggle, I just thought : "See there----the Society is right. There's just nothing that the world has to offer." The typical "Where - Else - Can - We - Go" syndrome. So instead of looking for answers, I stayed with it and kept a lid on my thoughts. But your description of witness life was beautiful creepy, especially the part about the obsessive and compulsive behavior and sitting through those wretched meetings and dreaming about a time that I wouldn't have to. Even now, just thinking about it makes me shiver.


    Edited by - david_10 on 21 September 2002 8:2:53

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