Why are all angels in JW publications male?

by kenpodragon 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    There is something wrong in the wt logic chain. The bible says angels don't marry, meaning they the don't have sex. Yet, supposedly many did. God 'fixed' them for that. Then he killed all their kids, and practically everyone else, he was so pissed. Wt has suggested strongly that for an angel to have sex w a human is like a human having sex w an animal. Ok, fine. Then jehovah, the jewish god decides to have sex w one of his worshippers. Riiiiight.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 17 September 2002 14:57:31

  • rocky220

    Can you spell-----MALE CHAUVENISM?????? rocky220

  • kenpodragon

    Are the angels castrated eunuchs now then?

  • puzzled

    kenpodragon here are some sample pages of an author you may or may not find interesting to read.

  • Satanus


    Are you suggesting that jehovah wasn't chauvanistic? That when he gave the jews the 613 laws and had the ot written, he actually lowered his standards to accomodate the jewish double standards?


  • heathen

    SS- The bible does not say that God had sex with marry.

    This was one of the things I had dissagreement with the jw ,as far as who are the 144k . It does not make sense to me that women are included ,there are way too many restrictions on women in the new testament .They really got anal about it with their crappy explaination of God needing women in heaven to help earthly women overcome their problems and become perfect .Sounded like a pile of crap then and still does.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Patriarchal, egocentric society. The Bible writers were male, so they portrayed every position of importance as belonging to a male.

    Pretty simple, really.

  • Satanus


    No, my friend, it doesn't use those exact words. But then, it doesn't use those exact words for angels having kids before the flood either.

    *** Rbi8 Luke 1:34-35 ***

    34 But Mary said to the angel: "How is this to be, since I am having no intercourse with a man?" 35 In answer the angel said to her: "Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason also what is born will be called holy, Gods Son

    Have any of the ladies ever been overshadowed by a man? How did it feel?


    Edited by - saintsatan on 17 September 2002 16:58:18

  • thewiz

    stop thinking in earthly terms you flesh[l]y pundits.

    where does it say in the entire bible that the angels are male or for that matter, Jehovah? He/Him/His -etc does not necessarily refer to "male" but rather masculine -don't think it's the same thing.

    it refers to the kingdom as a she doesn't it? does that mean that the kingdom is a female?

    We a nthropomorphize things to get an understanding of abstract concepts.

    isn't there somewhere where it says that they are neither male or female? or alludes to it? closets i can find is Matthew 22:30



    and women do get credit in the bible for things, it's a women who got us into this mess where the hell are those emotoicons when you need 'em?

    people get confused. if the bible is to be believed then Eve got her life from the living tissue of Adam (his rib -the first clone but with a chromosomal reversal; that is, no balls and nuthin' to play with)

    hope that explains it sufficiently well enough.

  • Satanus

    Brother wiz

    Worldly liberalism has infected you pure language of truth. Beware, brother wiz, for evil lurketh in thy bookshelf.

    BTW, you can open the smilies in a separate window from here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/help_smilies.asp


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