Why Have the Republicans Permitted Wickedness?

by cellomould 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • cellomould

    Why does the republican party represent such a noxious mix of evil? You have religious zealots teaming up with money-grubbing conservatives...with the demonstrated effect of impeding progress in our country...

    If this link works, check out how the republicans in the House of Representatives voted on important social and economic issues...consistently voicing disrespect for the long term health of our communities and environment:


    If it doesn't work, a quick summary:

    Republican representatives vote in favor of long-term public interest in only 5-10% of the important legislation. Why is there such polarization on these issues? Thinking of only short-term gains is called shortsightedness. It is the hallmark of a bad chess player, for example. I know, because I am a bad chess player.

    By the way, Dick Cheney owns a geothermal heating system at his home. But he thinks that such energy efficient (and cost saving, as he should know...why else would he have bought one?) solutions are bad for our national economic policy. Yes, he said that. Why? He is talking out of both sides his mouth (or his ass).


  • Crazy151drinker

    Well its not just Republicans. Here in California, we got screwed by Gray Davis (Dem) and continue to get screwed. He sold the farm to get re-election money. He donors have ranged from labor unions to power companies. Hes an ASS.

  • LB

    Yeah right, important social issues, like getting money for sitting at home. Yep, really important.

    The progress you speak of is going to cheat hard working americans out of their social security.

  • larc


    Another interesting question is, why have Democrates created so much evil? Think about it.

  • cellomould

    Well put, Crazy,

    I think that people simply have to start (or continue) to speak their minds on these issues, before the special interests speak for us. I like one Republican in particular. His name is John McCain. (I saw him speak at UCLA before the last elections). He is pushing for campaign finance reform. But some brilliant (sarcasm) people have decided it would be reform to increase the mininum contribution, rather than decrease it.

    I don't know about you, but I don't have thousands of dollars to throw at politicians to make them vote how I want them to vote. If we let them listen to money rather than honest voices, we are killing democracy.

    Especially in the wake of 9-11 should we be concerned about our freedoms. We have to stop kissing politicians asses (our president is a politician, for example...it is prudent not to forget that) and demand that our freedoms remain intact.

    Recently, by the way, Davis did sign in favor of some good legislation on renewable energy. California will have 20% renewable energy in 20 years. There are protections in the bill to keep the renewable energy rates locked relative to the price of natural gas. Hopefully, this time we won't get screwed. A lot of voices from concerned citizens made this bill pass.

    So are you active in politics? I am only a wee bit right now, but I want to be more involved.


  • cellomould


    why have Democrates created so much evil?

    That's an appropriate topic of conversation. (Start a thread on that, if you care to) But your question implies that you agree that both parties have created evil. Do you agree to that? If so, we should address such evils. The way our system works now, we always have to choose the lesser of two evils. Why?

    What are your thoughts on renewable energy for example? Would you like to see the United States move away from a dependence on foreign oil, or even any oil? Oil is not a renewable resource (well, it takes millions of years) and it does not burn efficiently.This topic will affect the lives and health of your grandchildren, etc. Don't you think it is really terrible to give them problems rather than solutions?

    Did you know that methanol can be isolated from plant material and burns very cleanly? Why are we not trying to implement technologies that are already at our disposal? Right now, most of our chemicals are isolated from...you guessed it, oil.

    Eventually, oil companies will be forced to diversify their energy portfolio. If not, they will be left with no product to sell. Why aren't they starting now?


    Yeah right, important social issues, like getting money for sitting at home. Yep, really important.

    I get e-mails almost every day (those pesky bastards!) offering me to make thousands of dollars without leaving home. It does seem that people want to make more money for less work nowadays.

    But I don't doubt that you agree that there is an important social issue behind your comments. Okay, perhaps the solutions to date have been totally wrong. But play ball here, man. I am sure you have ideas about what could be better.

    Everyone seems to know that our economy is better off without a huge gap between rich and poor. But we continue to behave as if we didn't know. It's not as if we don't care, but we don't see any practical solutions. I agree, money could be better spent. And the goal should be to get more people employed and well-fed.

    Have you ever been on leave because of a work-related injury?

    People are abusing worker's compensation all the time...but I don't think that it makes sense to end it. How do we ensure that we are protected if we have a legitimate illness or injury? Isn't that important to you?

    Okay, now I get off my soap box. I am sounding like a deng-blasted JW out in field service. Haha


  • freedom96

    This is the first time that I have wondered how to vote. Gray Davis is a buffoon. Didn't care too much for Simon, though his company did get released from any liability in the suit that was brought against them.

    When all is said and done, I am going to have to go with Simon.

  • cellomould


    is there anyone else running for governor?

  • larc


    Regarding renewable energy sources, I consider this to be a bipartison issue. You ask why research is not being done. Well, it is my friend. In the last ten years the cost of wind energy has been cut to one tenth of what it was. Solar cells have shown declines in cost as well. Producing energy for cars by igniting hydrogen and oxygen which produces zera pollutants is also in progress. Do a computer search and you shall find.

  • deddaisy

    wow, my mother taught me to never discuss religion or politics.........as a poster on an XJW forum, leaning toward the republican party, I think I may be on the wrong thread.........nevermind .......

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