She is dying

by Vivamus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    viv; sorry for your pain, i just hope grandma lived a long life and don,t suffer much...if she lived a long good life we have to be happy for that. when we live to an old age, and loved our children we have forfilled our job in life ....lets hope we can all do the and prays ....john

  • Xandria


    My thoughts are with you and your grandmother at this time. I know how difficult it is and the feelings of being helpless. But realize this, you are being the most helpful now just being by her side. Holding her hand, talking to her, loving her. It is a gift that you are giving her. I went through the same with my grandma.

    An I was glad to be there, even though it was tearing me apart inside. She went on to the next step with me holding her hand. Knowing and feeling love and loved.



  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'm so sorry Vivamus;i'm thinking of you and hope my future Grandchildren will love me this much...

    My Grandmother passed away 2 years ao and was, apparently unable to communicate and slipping in and out of conciousness.Whilst I sat by her bed I would talk to her, and finally, the night before she died I told her that I loved her and she was completely lucid and spoke clearly; with great conviction and replied.

    .'I really love you too...' I believe the really sick can always hear us...

    All the time we spend with our precious friends and families when they are sick is appreciated and you are doing a GREAT job;your Grandmother must be so glad to have you-

    What a staryou are-sending big cyber hugs to you.XXX

  • Mac

    I am without words.


  • ugg

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( VIV )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • Salud

    (((((((((( Viv ))))))))))

    Having experienced the death of a spouse to cancer, I understand your pain and sorrow. The feeling of helplessness, if only you could take their pain away. The day's seem so bleak, the nights so long, not even a sunny day makes any difference. At this point all you can hope for is comfort not only for your grandmother who is suffering but also for yourself. Don't be afraid to receive the comfort and the support from friends. It is this support that got me through.

    Blessings... Salud

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    It's so hard to lose family members, especially the older members who's life on earth is quickly coming to a close. For me, they are the ones who's actions spoke louder than words in setting an example in just plain living life.

    I agree wtih Sentinel:

    the loving thing is to let her know that's it's alright for her to go.

    My father was in a semi-coma state for a couple of weeks, increasingly losing the battle; as a family, we all told him that we loved him, and that it was alright for him to leave. He slipped away shortly thereafter.

    I'm sorry you have to go through this. I want you to know that with every fiber of my being, that I know that life is WILL see your wonderful grandmother again, and that is not just wishful thinking. My best wishes to you as you help her in her passing, and you are is all that matters and you are indeed giving your grandmother that which matters most.

  • willdabeerman

    u dont know me at in the end my thoughts dont amount to much.but i trully feel sorry for your situation. i know how hard it is,my grand dad went through was rough. but you have alot of friends here so rely on us.were here for you....

  • Trotafox

    {{{{Viv}}}} So sorry....

    Foxy (Trot)

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