Should I hit send button as is? Change? Or just hit delete?

by Lied2NoMore 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • millie210

    You asked for opinions so here is mine...

    in my JW days if I received that message, I would delete it without considering one word of it.


    you sound very angry.

    you cover too many points.

    I would say dont send it.

    IF you decide to send something pick the 4 or 5 sentences that most make your point. Send just that.

    All the best to you whatever you decide. I know its hard dealing with family.

    They push buttons we dont even know we have!

  • konceptual99

    Got to agree with mille210. Anything that makes you sound angry and bitter will likely simply be tossed aside and reinforce the position your sister has taken that she has some righteous justification for writing you off.

    I think you make a great point about her never saying anything to anyone on the doors about "do this or you will die". If you were to send anything then I would concentrate on this point, keep it simple, non-aggressive and appeal to her heart. Why should she write you off so quickly? What was Jesus track record with those who had doubts? It does not matter if you believe in Jesus or not, you simply are trying to stop her bedding herself into some kind of entrenched position of self-righteousness.

  • Giordano

    Do yourself proud and be the adult. Restrain yourself. If she ever has a doubt do you want her to turn to you for help?

    Remember your playing the long game now.......... time is on your side......people change.

  • Blackfalcon98
    I would delete it. When an individual comes at you with "cult mode" on full automatic: there is little you can do to have a logical conversation with them. If you choose to send I later, be sure to edit your message so that it is more objective, goal-oriented, and doesn't break rapport. Have you looked into Steven Hassan's Strategic Interactive Approach?
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I wouldn't send what you wrote even though pretty much everything you wrote is accurate.

    As I've said before....I've found that the less said the better. Limit your response to 2 or three sentences that simply relay your appreciation for her concern and that she shouldn't worry as its only a matter of you having are ever increasingly difficulty with some of the logic or reasoning coming from the platform that doesn't seem to be based in scripture.

    Then say no more unless she asks you about something and if she does, and when you answer, be sure not to accuse or be blunt.

    Soften everything you say with statements like " It seems like lately" "I could be mistaken but" "Is it me or have you noticed that..." etc.

  • tiki


    I think that just writing it is a catharsis..but I would let it it in a couple days and be objective. What you say is very clear and I think most here heartily agree...but you are trying to communicate your reality with someone whose mind is closed. When you do reply..edit carefully!! Hope for the best results...

  • FreeGirl2006
    Delete and enjoy life. Nothing you say is going to sway them if they are in full-on cult mode.
  • Lied2NoMore

    I did some editing after taking in all your viewpoints, still have not sent a reply, but after an edit and making some new points I almost hit send because it seemed much softer and I took out the GB critical stuff.

    Still waiting..... Trying to fight the urge to send

    Thanks for all the comments!

  • Oubliette

    L2NM: did you just notice that Geoffrey Jackson just admitted to the world that Jehovah is not really gods name?

    What's up with that? When did this happen?

    BTW, I agree with what everyone else said. If you're gonna say anything, keep is short and sweet or just delete:

    Truth will always stand up to scrutiny if it indeed is truth.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    I agree with all the comments saying "change" or "delete". But quite often I find myself saying all the things that you wrote and coloring it with four letter words. I have "preached" this way to two of my JW brothers and an two elders for three years. They are still attending meetings, conventions and preaching, as much as they did before. Only time will tell if I made a dent in their beliefs. However, there's a better way, I think, the gentle, subtle way to persuade works more effectively. It allows for discussion to continue. Your way (my way too) ends the process quite abruptly.

    Define clearly your objective. Is it to unload your anger on a believer, or hurt the Watchtower by pulling away its most valued resources, your sister and 8 million other innocent humans. I'd go for the latter.

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