Life sucks

by joannadandy 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    I can't begin to tell you how sad I feel for you and your beautiful gorgeous kittykat, I am crying for both of you. Cats have always been a part of my life. They bring the greatest comfort and joy to a persons daily life. Their silly little antics and the purr and meow the touch of their soft fur rubbing againt you and the warmth of their furry little body close to yours. They curls up in balls and sound like little motor cars going full speed ahead or when the hear the sound of a can opener and they jump on the counter and meow until their food is finally given to them and they eat it like it is their last meal on earth. Then the joy of watching them lick their little chops their little tongues going back and forth on the month, then the paws lick lick lick. Then the long body stretch. Awe roll over on the back rub my belly and yes there goes those hind legs thumping oh that feels so good. Then right over to the sun beam and lays down and falls asleep in their favourite little spot.

    Yes I know how this feels I have been their many times my self and my heart goes out to you and your little fur ball, and I will be thinking about your sadness for many a day. I wish you I could make you feel better, but please feel my hugs coming your way. And give your beautiful beautiful cat a kiss and hug for me too.

    And the picture of you and kitty are gorgeous.

    All my love. Orangefatcat.....

    Edited by - orangefatcat on 16 September 2002 10:7:26

  • Mary


    It's always tough when your pet dies, as we get very attached to them and they're like family, so you're perfectly justified in feeling this way. Take care.

  • bikerchic

    (((((((((((Joanna)))))))))))) (((((((((((((((KITTY)))))))))))))))

    Life doesn't suck, death does!

    I can totally relate to you blubbering over the loss of your dear cat, Friday the 13th my sweet little bird died in my hand, I cried like a baby, I still cry. I still miss Houdini and Scooter his mate is so sad she chirps for him, calling him and I can't console her. It makes me so sad.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((GREAT BIG HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  • bigfloppydog


    My heart goes out to you, I just had to let go of one of my kitty's a short time ago, sweetie, I know how you feel and my heart is breaking for you. We have such a strong bond with our beloved animals, and when we must say good-bye to them, it is heart-wrenching. I shed tears for your sorrow, and want to let you know I am thinking of you. Hugs and Kisses.

    The puppy. :X


    Joanna....I am very sorry for you. I miss every pet I've ever had and by the way I've owned a couple of Siamese cats. They are the greatest. Someone said they were mean but nothing could be further from the truth. They are the best cats I think because they are so people-oriented. Most of them literally want to be with you all the time...less independent than other cats. They truely enjoy their masters. I miss my Siamese just talking about it and yours is a beautiful cat. I'm really sorry for you.


  • LyinEyes

    Sorry Joanna, to hear about your kitty. I just got two new kittens and they have brought so much laughter to our home.

    I had a cat for over 13 yrs old and adored this cat. One day we came home from out of town, and my neighbor had been taking care of him. I thought he got ran over because he wouldnt walk anymore. We couldnt see any trauma to him, but we had no idea what could have happend to him.

    I took him to the vet and the vet told me he was suffering from severe arthritis in his hips and that is why he wouldnt got up, it hurt too bad for him. I sat there rubbing his fur and talking to him andhe just looked at me and purred. My vet said there are pills for the cat but he doubted they would be of any good in this case. We decided that the cat(Nemo) would be put to sleep, it was the most humane thing to do. I just sat there holding him, waiting for the vet to come back in and he just looked at me and purred, I never left his side.

    I miss that cat all the time, I had him when my oldest son was still a toddler and he is in countless pictures of our family. I still miss that cat. But I am sure I choose the right thing for him, since the rest of his life would have been nothing but pain. He too, gave up food and water. I would do it again if I have to with any of the other pets. It was a peaceful sleep for him and I cried like a baby when I left without him. But it was something that had to be done.

    I am sorry Joanna you have to make such a decision but, I am sure the cat knows you are there with him and it will be easier for him. Hugs Dede

  • joannadandy

    This morning was not easy.

    She jumped down off my bed, and was drinking water. She seemed "better". I tried to justify myself keeping her around for just a few more days, and then she shakily slumped over, and looked up at me. She was in pain, and not having an easy time with life. It had to be done.

    I wraped her up in my old baby blanket, which recently became a favorite of hers. She always hated riding in cars, but she sat calmly on my lap and looked out the window. I was blubbering before I even got in the vets office.

    She was a little nervous on the table, but I gave her lots of hugs and kisses, and talked to her like I always did; telling her how much I loved her, how pretty and sweet she was, etc. and she settled down on to the blanket again. I thought I was finally gaining some composure and I stopped crying even.

    The vet gave her the first injection. She cuddled up in my arms and started to purr. That's what did me in. She was purring! Then she laid her head on my arm and just sat their purring while the vet shaved her front leg. Then he gave her the last injection while I was stroking her. I actually felt her take her last breath, and again, lost what last bit of composure I had.

    It was very hard, and I've burst into tears at odd moments for brief intervals all day today. In fact as I type this up, sitting in a computer lab at school I am blubbering again--hahaha! Oh well.

    Thank you all for your kind words and support, it has meant a lot to me, and it felt good reading what you all had to say. I know I made the right choice, and she died very peacefully and isn't in pain anymore. Now it's just me who has to deal with the pain.

    Again thanks to everyone who responded to this topic. You are all greatly appreciated!

  • DakotaRed


    I like to think the purring was contentment and love that she was with you and knew the pain was ending. My daughter and her husband had to put his dog down a couple years ago that was 18 years old. They were both very emotional about it. The day they had the apointment for it, the poor guy curled up in Jims favorite chair and just died, quietly.

    Like I said earlier, be happy that you had so many wonderful years with her and cherish them.

    Lew W

  • Xandria

    (((( Joanna )))):

    I know how tough it is to lose a friend even a furry one. She was content to be with you, and you were repaying her for years of love by being there until the end. It is okay to grieve I don't think it is silly. Your cat was a family member, listener of troubles, and cuddler in all times.

    (((Hugs))) Sometimes I think of the 9 lives. She may of gone on to live another...and perhaps you will meet a kitty that gives you that knowing look and a secret smile.


  • larc


    I am sorry to hear of your lose. I know what it is like. We used to have two cats, one black and one white. They lived a long life, but they are gone now. We recently got two kittens and we are loving our time with them.

    I think you should get a kitty, maybe two kitties. With two it is more fun, because you can watch them play. Also, they get more excersise when the two can chase each other all over the house.

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